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Everything posted by archangel969

  1. In RL and in SL I have an obsession with hats and gloves. A friend of mine calls this pair 'killer gloves' :-). I love them. They are part of the Cabal trench coat from //: Process of Elimination :\\ but can be worn seperately. Also totally into suits, all sort, don't think you will see me in a pair of jeans soon, but you"ll never know 😉
  2. That yellow suit is absolutely Fabulous on you!
  3. And I thought I was the one writing a novel. Look at this, what great prose comes out of your virtual pen.
  4. Waiting for the bus at Chelsea's. Wonder if it will ever come as there is a summer time table hanging in the heart of winter. So had plenty of time to think about that funny name of the poster behind me :-).
  5. Since little has happened to my avatar in recent year, apart from an occasional new suit, I don't often contribute to this thread. The same old face every time LOL. Well, I had new hair last time and now I've put on my moustache a little more clearly. A tiny little bit. Otherwise, I won't recognise myself anymore 😉
  6. The illustrious Chelsea hotel in NYC, many have heard of it. And legendary it was! Bob Dylan composed songs there and the poet Allen Ginsberg wrote there. But there are more famous names among the guests: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Leonard Cohen, William S. Burroughs, Arthur Miller and Patti Smith. New York's Chelsea hotel may have been saved from ruin by being sold and pimped up, but it has now become an average luxury hotel that will no longer accommodate future artistic bohemians, if only because of the room prices. Thank goodness we have Second Life! Hotel Chelsea on the mainland of SL was created by Mykal Skall in 2009 and is a faithful replica of the famed New York Bohemian hangout. It can now rightly be seen as the only Chelsea that has stayed true to the old ideals of the New York hotel. It is old scool building, but palpably made with integrity and a warm heart for the old Chelsea hotel. It also stays true to the old ideals by being a haven for many Second Life artists: poets, visual artists and more.. Above: rl Chelsea as it was before the renovation, below: SL Chelsea
  7. Well, I hope this small misunderstanding is over. I see we are all good people here and I am sorry to see good people make each other upset (and saying they are not upset, well I would say the same 🙂 ) Personally, I am glad and happy the thread is here and the creater of this thread (Bagnu) has allready explained what it's all about. If 'How does your SL look today' means sharing your SL, so basically your life here, that is something different then just photography. I also felt that it is more then sharing the photographs of your SL. I see also that it makes people happy here. If others see this differently, that is also fine by me. I hope it's now all good. Give each other a virtual hug.
  8. LOL. And thank you for creating this thread. It made my day more then ones.
  9. I have made a list of my hotelroom furniture too, is also a blog about the SL hotel and a bit about the history of the RL one.
  10. Yes indeed, really love old porcelain with a family story. In RL I have Delft porcelain from my great great grandmother and I am so pleased the creaters of SL actually made Delft procelain available for SL.
  11. When I had taken this picture, it looked like Teddy and I are in a complicated relationship and don't want to talk to each other for now LOL
  12. Who cares, when paradise is at your feet? 😉
  13. Great decoration job again! You can start a SL hotelroom stylist guide! :-). And also the guy on the balcony looks ABFAB. That suit, really neat. The scaling is definately old scool, building for giants, I tried to fall off the realing because I have a umbrella fly obsession but for that I have to go to the roof, so for non-flying umbrella owners: its'absolutely a save building! And we MUST make a date with other guests for that group picture, would be fun! If we suceed, maybe in the lobby. I sit there a lot but allways alone, which I dont'mind because I am a loner after all, but it would be neat to have that busy lobby vibe for ones with more residents together in the lobby! A small problem is allway - what I know from the interviews - is, apart from people must agree to have a group picture - the time difference. But I would certainly love the idea!
  14. Oh yes, that elevator in combination with making pics is a challenge! LOL
  15. True! By the time the friend appeares you can better make it into...
  16. That's a bit old-fashioned of that friend of yours if I may say so. People are people, including those behind computer screens and other devices. Also when you are in virtual worlds you share real human passions with each other, here on the forum, or in a chat with another resident. To my mind, there is no difference from RL, and if you meet a resident ( unless it's a bot :-), a warm heart beats on the other side of the screen, just like yours
  17. Haha, the past week three residents here (me included) shared Chelsea elevator pics, so they are very popular! 😀
  18. Wel, you look stunningly reborn! 😉
  19. Well, I read something like 'Renate reborn' or something. So you are being reborn at the beach? 🙂
  20. But first a cup of coffee (and later something stronger) before writing at my manuscript.
  21. Okay, after dozens of flights I must make myself useful instead of flying of NYC rooftops.
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