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Everything posted by archangel969

  1. ... and feeling ashamed because I had arranged a group photo appointment in SL Chelsea and I had miscalculated the time so the group had to wait an hour for me, and super sweet, no one said anything about it at all! I found out just now when I went to schedule another appointment and calculated the difference PST and CET.
  2. Writing (a novel) at the balcony of my hotelroom at SL Chelsea.
  3. Lillian Hak was in this song (and album) specially inspired by movies from first half of the 20th century. So it's definately meant to be cinematic but I don't think it's used in a Bond film.
  4. Wende Snijders sings Jacques Brell - Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't leave me)
  5. The Dutch singer and composer La Pat (Patty Trossèl) with Vielleicht. Sang in German and French :-).
  6. That's a real compliment from such a classy lady!
  7. Was big fun at Chelsea's! Here some pics whitout the ghost LOL. And we all fitted in the elevator, a miracle! With Gregorian Chant, Eddy Vortex, Vael Faye, Stella (istelathis) and me.
  8. We did it. Istelathis, Eddy Vortex - Georgian Chant, Vael Faye and I made group pictures at hotel Chelsea! I have never seen the lobby that crowded. And we even managed to get all of us in the elevator. Pictures soon!
  9. This is stunning. Very dreamlike. In fact, when I recall my dreams, the light is allways perfect and the colours are too, much as in here.
  10. I always do 120 meter, in ' the wild west' where I live now extending the drawing depth further would the sky look like a traffic jam
  11. Yes, definately. And which continuitly? Every parcel/ landowner makes a SL world of his own.
  12. This is really so kind that I don' t know what to say.
  13. No, it only is that way because I searched for land to put villa Utrecht on it, only later I had the idea to make a Dutch themed land on the parcel I already had and I bought some neighbouring parcels that were abandoned. The only thing is that I want to make it open for public, but where this land would be is not really important, accessibility does.
  14. I did, and this works. But my land is open to public (and a second Life destination) and this is not the view I would like my visitors to have (derendering only works for myself I suppose). I guess it's part of living in Mainland: there are no rules here,, which I support, because that's Mainland and if you begin with rules, where does it end? And the second thing is that because I have a Dutch themed land, it makes it more difficult in this environment. Because The Netherlands are a flat country with a far horizon. No mountains that could hide objects of neighbours that do not fit in the 'Dutch country life' theme. Maybe I could go to the skye also and make a skybox of it. I am still thinking of a solution. But first I will invite the neighbours to tea :-).
  15. I was thinking a lot lately about how I will handle my time in RL, my work and Second Life. I have noticed that SL does take up a lot of my time. If it's worth it, it's not a big deal. But sometimes it gets a little bottlenecked. So I'm thinking about winding down my time in SL anyway. The deciding factor was a number of things also happaning around my land Dutch estate. Back in December, someone had built a huge giant castle right next to my land, the size of an apartment building. This is now gone, but today all of a sudden, several buildings are hanging in the air, close to my border. No forest, row of trees or privacy screen will help against this. I'm still thinking about it, but whether it pays to spend a week turning my land into spring and putting all this time and effort into it I honestly don't know. I will of course have a discussion (again) with the neighbors. But it is an issue I have been struggling with for a while and this is nothing more than an occasion. Perhaps I'll leave it like this for a while, or I'll sell my land and start Dutch estate in a quieter place some time from now. I'll will see, but I'll keep smiling, mind you!
  16. Vive La Fete - Maquillage (Live) (They're sort of addictive) Makeup It's camouflage And I don't like it Maquillage c'est camouflage et je n'aime pas
  17. Belgian artists again, my dear neighbouring country:-). Seen them live more then ones, they are great! Vive la Fête with Noir Désir c'est la manie c'est la maaaaaaaaaaaanie
  18. I promised myself to wait until March. and I love snow, but to be honest I can't wait to bring some spring in here. Well, a couple of weeks and then the crocuses, daffodils, snowdrops and tulips raise their heads above the ground.
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