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Everything posted by archangel969

  1. Furnishing the land from my childhood memories: the tiny tidy gardens and the laundry hanging to dry.
  2. Another way to give your SL home character and history: family portraits. Doesn't your house have a history? Then invent one πŸ™‚
  3. I am now decorating the three houses of Waterland, the parcel I recently bought. When I do that, it feels no different to me than when I am writing a novel: I am creating characters. I imagine who the people are who live in the houses and adapt the furnishings accordingly.
  4. Busy with my new parcel Waterland. Here also some examples from RL that I was inspired by.
  5. Looks gorgeous. And I am digging the store name 'Fashionable dead' πŸ™‚
  6. I am now furnishing the three houses of my new parcel (Waterland as working title). Those who know my 'philosophy' know that it will not be a museum, but that the houses will be lived in. Many people have home furnishings with both modern features and old ones. I wanted to make that combo in the residential house. I found a nice vintage kitchen. And you can change the colours any time even of the dishes. But try putting it together! I don't know if people here are familiar with putting together IKEA cabinets and appliances? Such was this. But I succeeded, pffff πŸ™‚
  7. Okay, now I've gone really hardcore Dutch with the new parcel πŸ™‚ . Instead of the cottage, I have now put up a Zaans house.
  8. There is the duck again! Oh my, that duck is really gigantic. That Qouija board too by the way.
  9. Oops, now I have done something I did not plan to do at all: buy more land. There was an abandoned parcel near Dutch estate (unfortunately not adjacent) and I bought it. Dutch estate is still winter, but for the new parcel I have already started spring. The theme is the same: a Dutch atmosphere and not big-city life but outdoor life. Now the theme is highlighted slightly differently: a tiny hamlet surrounded by a lake with houses built on small islands. A bit like Giethoorn, but I do only three houses: a cottage, a residential house and a cafΓ©. For my taste, it did get a bit neat and tidy in atmosphere, but after all, many Dutch towns and villages are neat and tidy LOL. Authenticity is most important to me and also the feeling that people really live and reside there, even more than the decorative. And most important, does it make me feel home?
  10. Anyone familiar with the song 'Live is life' from Opus? The Slovenean band Laibach has made a cover of this. And what a cover! First I must tell you something about this band. They make elaborate use of iconography with ambiguously repugnant parodies and pastiches of elements from totalitarianism, nationalism and militarism, a concept they have preserved throughout their career. Perhaps needless to add that they do not support totalitarianism but satire it. I could not share the original video (would be a second nipple gate LOL ) but the live version is just as poignent.
  11. Stan Ridgway and Wall Of Voodoo -Call Of The West
  12. Nina Hagen & Apocalyptica - Seemann (Rammstein Cover)
  13. And good news about Dutch estate (en how it will look to stay at the subject πŸ™‚ ). My neighbour has answered my question and she said the houses will be on the ground in two days. She was just trying things out and looking where the houses could fit perfectly. So problem will be solved! But I must say I got all happy by the sweet reactions here. Especially the incredibly sweet offer from Charlotte! Charlotte, if I can help you with anything, just say so!
  14. With the 'Chelsea photo group', the subject came up on a ouija board that was used. Very early on, I got involved in occult matters because a great-aunt of mine used to do fortune-telling and lead sΓ©ances. So nostalgia for me, but never delved into it since my twenties (though I still have books with tables for astrology and unreadable works by Madame Blavatsky an Aleister Crowley in the cupboard). Anyways, I just bought a quija table and put it down in the attic room of the old mill for so long. Is a good place for it anyway with that magic spell book and absinthe to get in the mood LOL.
  15. I prefer your honest and sincere responses many times over people who colour within the lines but work with double agendas, are dishonest and play games behind your back. Honesty and sincerity is a quality and is recognised and appreciated. That is why you are surrounded by friends here. Precisely because of who you are.
  16. Dandini dandini dastana - Filiz Solak (Traditional Turkish lullaby. From: Lullabies of the world).
  17. This is nostalgia for me. As a little boy, I devoured the comic books of the adventures of Tintin by Belgian author HergΓ©. Steven Spielberg filmed it magnificently.
  18. This song of Wende Snijders is a duet with singer S10. The duet is sang in Dutch and is about being afraid. The song lists all kinds of things, big and small that the main character in the song is afraid of. I always find the ending so moving. Then it says: But not of you. And when the ladies sing to each other I am moved to tears. Offering each other warmth and safety without feeling safe yourself. So beautiful. English translation of a fragment of the text: For too many people in a lift or regional bus, or just a room For the wreath of galaxies, veils, nebulae and their black holes For my own brain, some insects, women, their moods and voices For boiling water, webs, scissors, breathing For most inanities, large and larger For my parents' circumambulation When from pulpits in chasubles they threatened hell and narrow gates For some sounds and living by them For mails and text messages, for envelopes on my table Been afraid of everything, been afraid of everything always Been afraid of everything Been afraid of everything always For dreams and demons For exclusion and almost all unknowns For the elements, for people and fatherland For large crowds, for the doorbell and for punishment For patent lunatics and some family members School and all that had to come after For the sight I offer and will not offer For the tightness of innate shame Been afraid of everything, always been afraid of everything Been afraid of everything Been afraid of everything always But not of you Not of you
  19. I contacted the neighbour about the 'hanging houses' right next to my land, if she could hang them higher in the sky and invited her to tea. She didn't respond until now but I don't know what I can expect from a neighbour who calls herself MissBadSF LOL. But you'll never know! πŸ˜‰
  20. Wende Snijders in her mother tongue (Dutch) πŸ™‚ - Troostzoekers (Consolation seekers) As happiness is dangerous to the reckless, to the entangled in self, for those who eats, buys, swallows defenselessness away, for whom hurts himself because someone else doesn't do it anymore, for whom that hear voices but seldom a kind word, for those who come home to an empty house, for those who are afraid to to be abandoned and as a precaution abandone everyone, for those who know the heart on many ways can break and forget that it too in many ways can heal again, for whom and for everyone is here a place. Voor wie en iedereen is hier een plek.
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