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Slenderman Fairelander

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Slenderman Fairelander last won the day on July 18 2021

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  1. Seems these sightings are rarer these days but if you look in little nooks and crannies around the grid you might just find that the Bellisseria Slenderman is still out there lurking... Today he was found at a little music venue with his sights on one of the newest residents of Bellisseria... Spence Wilder... This singer songwriter has now been seen by Evil incarnate itself...
  2. Where there is a jammin party... There is a Slenderman... Looking Evil and chill in the back... Not Dancing...
  3. Just when the quiet of winter rolls in and a chill is in the air... That may be a sign that something ominous has returned... Back in the fullness of it's glory after a year long absence... The Bellisseria Slenderman Gallery... New Location http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bear Summit/89/70/52
  4. The 4th Birthday of Bellisseria is upon us... Bellisseria is for everyone... EVEN for Slenderman Party Continues in Chippewa Junction http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chippewa Junction/178/77/66
  5. Coastal Log... Check... Waterfalls... Check... Boat Rez Zone... Check... Lighthouse... Check... Perfect Location? It was... Until EVIL moved in!!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunrise Pines/146/134/53
  6. Bellisseria Slenderman throws a big Christmas Party... And is so EVIL... Refuses to dance at his own party...
  7. When going to Slenderman's Christmas Party... You may or may not ever return... The risks were in the fine print...
  8. When mimicking evil in your Bellisseria home during Halloween... Do not be surprised when actual EVIL shows its face...
  9. Never underestimate the evil of the Bellisseria Slenderman... At any unsuspected moment... He will see you...
  10. Candy Bucket hidden in such an EVIL way it keeps getting deleted from the main list... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ant Hill/226/217/52 Find the Candy before the Slenderman finds YOU!!!
  11. Since "Anonymous Users" continue to delete the Slenderman Gallery entry on the google sheets... Will place the SLURL right here for those looking for a most EVIL challenge to find Slenderman's candy.... So far 30 Trick or Treaters have managed to find it... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ant Hill/226/217/52
  12. ***STATIC*** He is back... He has a candy bucket... It is hidden... Will you find it??? or... Will he find YOU??? ... ... ... RUN!!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ant Hill/226/218/52
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