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Madi Melodious

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Everything posted by Madi Melodious

  1. Well, that is the issue. There are no regulations that indicate what can be depicted in art like this. Nor should there ever be. Art should never be regulated except in a very few narrow exceptions. If I have to explain those exceptions to anyone, then you need to look at your moral compass. As it is, I can bring up Comfyui, set up batch run, and make pictures of kids getting blown to pieces all day and it is not illegal. An nor should it be.
  2. That looks like any group of child avatars in SL.
  3. I really don't care for realistic violent games, so I don't really understand the appeal. At the same time, I agree with @Leslie Trihey in that SL games, even the really violent ones are little more than cartoon violence. An given the nature of SL limited graphics and subtility as a game platform. I'm probably neutral on this issue at best. I don't understand the appeal but I'm not going to protest if they allowed it. On the other hand. We all have to admit that SL is a poor choice for those types of games. The resources required of a computer to run SL at that level of graphics details is no small order. I feel that is you must have graphics of that level you would be better off seeking platforms outside of SL for that reason.
  4. Movie reviews are heavily influenced by the time and social normals of the time. In my movie collection the following movies are rated 'G' Star Trek the Motion Picture (1979), and Forbidden Planet (1956). Both of these movies would be rated PG today. From 1977, Wizards with a PG rating. No doubt that would be rated R today. Fire and Ice from 1983 with a PG rating. That one would have at least a PG-13 rating today. ๐Ÿ˜‡Madi's Life Hack ๐Ÿ˜‡ Does your phones native alarms not wake you up? Replace the native alarm with the sound of a cat hocking up a hairball. That will get you out of bed. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  5. Well, we do have the new Combat 2 system coming out. Some of the new gaming functions and events have hit the wiki. I'm excited about it. I really like this event. Game control - Second Life Wiki Even if it's designed for combat, I just want to be able sit back and control my horse as I ride it without having to bother with a keyboard. So much potential in this one event. Please don't screw this up LL.
  6. Isn't there a thread some where that we can post of adult avatar form in and get some feed back on how old it look and if you think it confirms to the tos?
  7. I agree. It's a cartoon world so cartoon violence is good enough for me. Even the worst of it can be toned down to cartoon level. If you want realism, maybe SL isn't for you. What do you call a fake noodle? A Impasta....๐Ÿ˜
  8. Okay, let's remember they are not really kids. They are just pixels on a screen which I keep seeing a lot of people seem to forget. The people running the avatars are adults. On the subject of combat, kid av's are allowed to participate in combat. The problem is the really bloody and gory kind takes place in adult sims. They won't those to be in moderate sims so they can play. I understand what they want, if not the spirit. I don't care for hard core violent games. We have hosted Zombie hunts with cartoon violence in a moderate sim and probably will continue to do so. So yea, but ick
  9. Years ago a friend of mines business tried to have meetings in SL. He even had an account paid for by his corp for years. They had maybe two or three meetings, eveyone kept showing up as cat, dragons, and all kinds of goofy critters for the meeting. They never could get anyone to behave in a professional manner, or even look the part. They pulled the plug on the meetings but didn't pull the plug on the SL accounts till almost a ten years later.
  10. You would need to have it on the ground. General security bans like that only go to 75m I believe.
  11. I would forget the security "parrot" and just set the land below as I have hobbit home. uncheck 1 and 2. Put your friends in 3 or assign a group pass to the land and set it in 2. They don't have to be booted, they can't even get in. Or you could set the "sell passes" to a nice price, have them pay to get into grief you, then have your security parrot boot them a few seconds later. Not saying you should, just you ..... could. ๐Ÿ˜‡
  12. I've had a similar encounter. Just create a small parcel on the ground and lock it down. My home in world is the same way. Nobody gets in except trusted friends and the occasional guest.
  13. I'm sure they do but scanning the logs for certain keywords is very simple. Really you don't believe they do this? I've heard to many stories on opensim to not believe it.
  14. You really don't know that is how they catch a majorly of the age players do you?
  15. You probably should read more history. You may have nothing to hide from the current overloads. What about the next ones? It's usually never about what you say today, to todays overlords. Most of the time it's what you said yesterday to tomorrow's overlords. History has supported this truth over and over.
  16. It's actually suspected they do scan for certain key words in monitored log.
  17. While I understand what you are saying, it is a known secret that all private chats are monitored and probably local too. A few minute search with goggle will show this.
  18. They did do that. Not all policy changes always work out well. i don't know enough to comment on the minecraft issue.
  19. No, it didn't. Microsoft alienated enough of its customers that investigations were launched by several US departments, including the DOJ. Regulations were passed in many countries to regulate how Microsoft does business there. They alienated so many of their customers that the company was almost broke up, and the founder was forced to retire as CEO of the company. This led to a formal change in how the company does business. Microsoft no longer goes out its way to "embrace and extend" common standards. Instead of fighting the open source movement, Microsoft is one of the leading contributors to open source software and the Linux kernel itself. The Microsoft of today is not the Microsoft of Bill Gates.
  20. I thought that was a joke. Did that really happen? I'm afraid to look it up because of what I might find.
  21. Why would I do that? I've not visit 'A' regions with this AV in years. I don't even frequent them with my adult alt. The things that happen there simply do not interest me. ๐Ÿ’–Be Well๐Ÿ’–
  22. I found a new avatar to attend and shop with on moderate land, I don't think it will require modesty patches. Second Life Marketplace - Spider Avatar - Misty Vale Arachnoid I might wear it to the next governance meeting. I bet I'll have one whole side of the sim to myself. ๐Ÿ˜‡ PS question. Does this count as a furry? ๐Ÿค”
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