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Madi Melodious

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Everything posted by Madi Melodious

  1. Well, everyone is wrong sometime. I guess this is just your time. 🙃
  2. This is probably the best thing about the new rules.
  3. Have you looked at the user numbers when you log in? They have been dropping steadily over the last few years. I doubt LL can withstand a mass exit of the child avatars or the furry, much less both. And for some of you that think child avatars are a minority I would advise you to rethink. The actions that LL are currently taken clearly indicate that we are not a small part of the community as a whole. As many of you have pointed out that it would be simply easiest to ban all child avatars and be done with it. Yet they don't do that, and they are stating over and over they have no intentions to ban child av from the grid, even though current policy changes seem to be doing just that.
  4. I'm not saying the furries have anything to worry about, I'm saying they are worried about it. Some are thinking "why bother?" Some of them are getting ready to exit too. I don't know what community bigger child avatars or furries but I doubt LL would survive a large exodus of both communities.
  5. I've talked to some of the furry community. There are some concerns that they are next on the list of the inquisition.
  6. I'm starting to find your comments both inflammatory and offensive.
  7. This exactly. In the old days most child avatars were made with adult shapes, bodies and skins, all just shrunk down in world to fit the desired size. It looks horrible but worked. Unless they remove this feature from SL, which will require a complete rewrite of the system, it's completely unworkable. Plus, there is nothing stopping the bad guys from simply uploading their own mesh bodies and keeping them secret. So, the un removable modestly layer isn't going to work. Alphas are still the best option, that and to trust in the community members to do the right thing. I personally have no problem alphaing out those sections that LL has deemed "offensive."
  8. Nobody here is arguing about anything. We are just simply pointing out how things are. So, if they want 100% modesty layer to be unremovable and permanent, there is only one way they are going to do it. Close down SL as it is, go through the inventory, all of the items in and remove them, then rewrite the entire system from the ground up to include modesty layer on every avatar type, size, and genre. good luck with that.
  9. Do you know many items are in the second life database? Years ago I heard it was 13 trillion nothing is ever truly deleted. To remove all that from the grid they will have to rez all out to be sure.
  10. Not possible. Anyone that wants to break the rules can simply use one of the old non mesh bodies. Those are still around. As for your latter what they going to remove? are they going to get it all? probably not. Plus when they start removing content on that level, if you think the fall out is bad now, wait till they try that. not possible.
  11. Puts simply what they have asked or demanding isn't possible in any way with the current system. There is no way you can place this layer on any current avatar of any size and make it un removeable. that is simply a fact.
  12. In what world will this work? I have 3 bodies in my inventory, are they going to disappear? There is simply no way a modesty layer will work with the current body system when skins and bodies can be changed at will. Unless they demand a modesty layer for all bodies, child and adult, all sizes, it simply will not work. If they are intending the break the rules in private this rule does nothing to stop them in any way. It is simply unenforceable unless you completely change the way the entire system works.
  13. Well, this is also another sore point in the community. Majority of the problem comes from a small group of players that keep getting banned, recreating accounts and just coming back. LL would punish the ones that follow the rules instead of dealing with the constant rule breakers. That is the impression in the community.
  14. From the vibe that I get in world, and I'm getting a lot of vibes, most of us are not exactly against the new rules. The rule about no child avatars in adult regions has been unwritten for years. No loss there. But most of us are upset that we are being singled out and we are losing so much content for no reason other than because someone isn't happy. The modesty layer isn't called for when alpha will do the job just fine. The modesty layer isn't going to change anything. They don't want child av's to be nude in public or private. You are simply not going to be able to enforce that last one if someone is bound and determined to break the rules in private.
  15. Not with many skin creators quitting the platform or refusing to make new products for the child av community. It's just not worth it.
  16. I've been sailing in the Blake for over 10 years, and I have seen a few things but its very rare. An, no I'm not going to change my avatar to enjoy one of the things I've been doing in SL for 10 years. If I encounter nudity or sex I will be filing the AR report.
  17. What signature line is that? I don't see one but I would like to read it.
  18. Speaking of linden water. The entire Blake is composed of moderate sims. So, I'm not allowed to go sailing any more in SL?
  19. Perhaps if I was a admin or an officer i would do just that?
  20. My post here was more for sarcasm and a little comedy relief but now that I think about it. What about it? If someone posts a question in a moderate group about adult products, am I allowed to even view the code for that or do I have to leave the group? I'm not talking about a dedicated group for adult products, I'm talking about a moderate, general script group that I have been an active member of for close to a decade.
  21. In the inworld scripting group at 18:04, a little over 10 minutes ago.
  22. I was just subjected to adult conversation in a public forum about scripting. What does the TOS have to say about that? Do I need to run and flee because I'm a small avatar? Am I allowed to comment on such subjects? Or should I just stay quiet and not heard?
  23. if you read it sum it up. I'm not reading a thousand lines of some rambling nut ball. If it starts with "not a lawyer" odds are it someone crazy... pass
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