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Posts posted by AdminGirl

  1. @hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian You can only place a bid with an sl account so to buy land for your group via auction:

    1. Place a bid using your chosen sl account.

    2. To avoid paying extra fees, make sure that account has enough tier available to cover the land you are bidding on. For the tier to be available, it cannot be already donated to a group. For example, if you have 1024 sqm tier and that tier is currently donated to a group, make sure you go into the group profile and remove your donation before the auction ends. If you leave it in the group and you win the auction, you will instantly move into the next tier and be charged at your new tier level for the month.

    3. After winning the auction, deed the land to the group along with your tier donation.

    ETA: Woops sorry I realized I didn't quite answer you. If the land is bigger than your land allowance, I don't think there's any way around avoiding a fee (that I know of). Holding the extra land even for a second automatically bumps you into a higher tier level.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, NurseSparkle said:

    When the deception is to involve getting money from someone it is actually FRAUD. 

    When the deception is just to live a fantasy that's all fine and good.. but when you share fake real life pictures, use a voice modifier, and give out a fake male life story to get your land paid for, clothes bought for you and money sent to you in real life after 3 years of friendship because "the covid cheque hasnt come in yet and I have no food".. that's FRAUD. 

    Yes I have already contacted the appropriate people in Brazil (the catfishers country of origin) and Linden labs has also said they will cooperate fully with any formal investigations.

    Thanks to all those with genuine responses and to the rest.. well.. use your imagination. 

    I'm sorry for what happened to you.

    There's only so much LL can do, such as banning the offender. But part of the responsibility does rest on us as users to protect ourselves. That doesn't just apply in SL but in every other parts of our lives.

    Generally, just don't give money to anyone you only know online.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tokyo Enyo said:

    The statement above is ltierally because we have reported it, we all own a businiess area near the parcel in question and it was simply asking how to handle it and a bunch of people said don't report it because we'r ebeing prudes that's all... 
    I never told Eliza to come in and agree with me i never said for her to comment - she boguht a parcel off me that's diagonal from there and you can clearly see everything.

    You misunderstand. My comment was not in reference to Eliza's. What I meant was that despite what everyone else here thinks, whether they agree or disagree, you have a right to report it and it's ultimately up to LL to decide.

    • Like 1
  4. Washing dishes is the only way I know how!

    Honestly, love has always been a question mark for me. Is it a feeling? Is it a level of commitment? What is it!?

    What I do know is that love is clearer to me when it is shown through some level of sacrifice. Like can you really say you love someone when you're always completely selfish?

    • Like 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Robin started it.….      :)     But I have to state my truth as I see it even if some disagree with my interpretation --  I feel Pearl did nothing wrong and that she shouldn't have apologized except to say she's sorry for any hurt disabled people felt  (I believe they misinterpreted things and were looking for a scapegoat to blame).

    For myself, I feel sad that disabled people were reminded of this crappy society that devalues those who are not as society says they should be. They should never have to feel bad about themselves or limit their potential, if indeed they do.

    I appreciate that and I respect your views. You're obviously allowed to have them. But whether or not you think she should have apologized, she did. Unless you're trying to convince her to unapologize. If you're truly passionate about this view, why not make it your own rather than drag Pearl back into it. Make that statement yourself so you can start defending it as your's, not her's.

    I personally would like to see her be given the chance to move on from that; it's in the past. To keep bringing up that she was ganged up on, which is really what started all this, is only going to bring up old dirt.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I think we've established that, on the whole, no one much cares about Pearl's "profession / RP" as sex worker. I see a few people here who have revealed, indirectly, the low esteem in which they hold such people, but that's not a very important issue.

    Pearl's biggest mistake here -- and she's made more than a few -- was undoubtedly her comment about the disabled. It was an appalling attitude to display. I haven't seen anyone defending it. I know that I posted asking her to make an uncomplicated, simple, and unequivocal apology for it. She did apologize: whether it was fulsome enough is, I suppose, up to you to decide.

    But it was also the kind of thing that we have all done on occasion (at least I'll willingly admit that I have): she inadvertently revealed a toxic attitude towards something through her language. She did not post "I think that the disabled are subhuman": she wasn't arguing from this position, or trying to assert it, but rather revealed that this is a notion that she'd been holding. It was hugely important that she be brought to recognize that this is an unconscious and probably unquestioned belief that she held: that's why it was a good thing that she was raked over the coals for it.

    It was a good thing, not so that we can "mark her out" as some sort of unretrievable, irremediable POS, but so that she could learn from it. I think she has, but maybe time will tell.

    If we don't believe that people can learn from such episodes, change their attitudes, and become better people, then we are conceding that the world is nothing more than a battleground between immovable and irreconcilable opinions, and we might as well all start stocking up on the heavy ordinance necessary to "correct" the poor ideas of others. IF someone apologizes, and gives proof that they have corrected their awful opinions, then the intelligent and constructive thing to do is to thank them for that, chalk up another victory for clear and sensitive thinking, and move on to the next.

    To continue to hammer someone for an opinion which they have conceded was a bad one, and for which they have apologized, on the other hand, is not very constructive: it suggests, in fact, that apologies and changes in one's attitude are pointless, and one might as well just dig in with one's trench mortars and machine guns, and continue the ideological battle to the death.

    Robin, I totally understand your bitterness. I understand the anger of the poster who left the forums -- he's actually a friend of mine, and someone whom I admire and value very much. I'm not suggesting that there is a magic wand that you can wave to make the hurt go away: there isn't. I'm emphatically not here to tell you to "get over it": if you can't, that's completely understandable.

    But I do just want to say that, if there is to be any hope for humanity, if we want to believe that attitudes can change peacefully and not at the point of an ideological bayonet, then we also have to accept that people can learn, examine their unquestioned assumptions, and change.

    Has Pearl done so? I still wish her apology had been less defensive, and much more obviously heartfelt, to be honest. But I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt until she demonstrates that she hasn't learned anything -- because I'd rather believe that change is possible, than that it isn't.

    In total agreement. I'd hate to be constantly reminded of mistakes I've made in the past instead of being given the chance to learn.

    On the other side, it's also not helpful to keep bringing up the "ganging up" on Pearl because that's obviously baiting responses that are only going to perpetuate the argument. People who were hurt are naturally going to be defensive about a comment like that and defensive about the hurt they felt. Btw this part is not directed at you Scylla.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    There are many people in SL who exist in RL in a wheelchair, and describe how wonderful it is to feel alive again -- to be able to walk!

    It's really not so strange to imagine that some disabled people are hurting and down and out.  I'm sure some aren't. But some are.

    No, she's not a Mother Teresa, but I think she wanted to feel good about what she does, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    Why are you so insistent on debating this? Pearl has already apologized and I believe she meant it. Your incessant defending of her initial comments is actually doing damage to her apology and not helping her at all.

    • Like 7
  8. 20 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

    I just like how Genus got exonerated twice and people are still like "Hmmm...something just doesn't seem right."

    I get that we're trained to want to see both sides of a story. But there was no other side to the story, twice. That should tell you something.

    Exactly. Especially when the other side is hiding themselves.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Atosuria Daviau said:

    mind if i ask what makes this head better that the catwa? an i missing out on any great shakes by sticking to what i have?

    What's better or not is really subjective and comes down to personal preference. Now that the store is back (yay!), you can try the demos out to see for yourself.

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  10. 11 hours ago, Tarani Tempest said:

    I just want to point out.... that the hows and the whys of it, the nitty gritty details, are not really our business.  How long it took may have nothing to do with LL or courts.  There may be other circumstances that went on or didn't.  Genus does not owe anyone an explanation of exactly the step by step, hour by hour, day by day process that went on.  They released the information that they wanted to, and ...well, that is that.

    I hope that they are clear of it and things will get back on track.  And that is all I can do.  Knowing any more than that...out of my control.

    Sooo , Welcome back Genus :)

    I think some of the follow on comments are more out of interest in understanding the DMCA process and how fake ones can get through, rather than trying to get all the juicy details about Genus.

    • Like 2
  11. 18 hours ago, MelodicRain said:

    Well tell me why 90% of my interactions end up like this...



    Me: Waves and smiles! I read your profile and it seems we like and dislike a lot of things, such as xx, xx and xx so I thought I'd drop you an IM! It's rare to find someone who also enjoys xx, I heard there's a [insert some random topic about xx].
    Some person: uh huh


    I'm not making this crap up. This is legit what I get 90% of the time. It's like I'm playing a parallel universe version of SL where most people are assholes.


    My guess is that although you filter people who share the same interests with you, the other challenge (among many) is to also filter people who are open to making friends on SL. Some make it easy by putting it in their profile - things like "feel free to IM me", "friendly and happy to chat", or the "don't respond to random IMs", etc. In the absence of those hints, maybe try to test the waters in your initial IM rather than a mini speech like the one in your example. What I mean is, say something a bit shorter and see how they respond, which would help tell you how open they are, rather than give too much right off the bat before you know if they're even interested.

    One of my own experiences come to mind, where I IM'd someone complimenting their profile, even though I wasn't open to adding any more to my friend list. The person was really nice. He read my profile in return, saw something there that made him ask if I've been following a Netflix series. I answered him but didn't really add any follow-up question or anything to continue to conversation, so he took the hint and said thanks for the compliment and we both said our friendly byes.

    Rude people are unavoidable and being the one who makes the first move takes guts. I really empathize.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    I'll admit that for me it is context sensitive: There are some posts I use it on where - intended or not - the poster made a funny. There are also some posts I use it on where - usually after quite a bit of interaction in the past - I simply do not have the patience (or "spoons") to deal with them in a manner others may consider "proper" and so, I laugh instead.

    Oh yep, those posts to which I've decided somewhat recently don't deserve any reaction whatsoever. Sometimes I think they're posted just to get a reaction so I figure I'm not going to give them the satisfaction.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Is that like a beotch?

    Or bi@tch?


    2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    I'm thinking of Maya Angelou and Dave Chappelle right now, talking about black society's internal use of the n-word.

    I had a discussion with Pearl about her calling herself a "whore". She means it in a good way. There are people in this thread who see it in a good way. I am not one of them. I see this as akin to bragging "I'm no good at math".

    That's fair. I certainly wouldn't use a word in the company of someone I knew would take it offensively.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    It has always been a thing. See below.

    Overuse depends on who you ask and who is using it .... and the reason for using it.

    Personally I wish we had the ability to leave more than one reaction - on SLU (before it became VVO) you could do so and it allowed for far less ambiguity. Found a post you liked/agreed with and found some bit of it amusing? You could actually show it. Same with finding a post so mind numbing in its lack of intelligent thought (at least, to you) that it was also 'funny'.

    Here? Not so much nuance on top of some of the reactions feeding into that absolutely pointless "reputation point" system.

    Yeah I'm with you on that - wish there were more reactions to reduce ambiguity. Whenever I leave a laughy, it's always a genuine haha but I sometimes wonder if it would be taken the wrong way.

    Did not realize it was always a thing here on the forum until a few months back in one of the flame wars here. Fun times.

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  15. I've only glanced over the back and forths, but the meaning behind the word whore really depends on the context in which it's being used. It's not always derogatory. Even Pearl has used it in reference to herself before, and I'm sure she meant it in a good way.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Gatogateau said:

    Ah, the sarcastic :) or lol. The disgust :) . There's a few other terms for it. Yeah, it is supposed to show us how meaningless our comments are, and how superior the one is posting the scorn laugh.  Generally those comments just reflect on the person doing it, usually it means they don't have the mental where-with-all to come up with some sort of logical rebuttal. It is the emoji equivalent of "Your mama... "

    Ugh the sarcastic laugh. When did it become a thing!? It completely ruins it for the genuine laughs.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    The information from Genus does not mention that an ID card was shown to LL.

    LL must demand a RL identity card to accept a DMCA - and check internet to control that so-and so lawyer exists, phone number exists... It is way too easy with some fake papers and a Photoshop job, if that is really all it takes.

    I don't know the laws over in all the different states, but would not some states prosecute fake ID as a felony offense?

    My thoughts exactly. It doesn't make much sense that LL doesn't know who this person is.

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