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Everything posted by PrudenceAnton

  1. Driving around in the new Mouse Mobile.
  2. My Santiago Stilt bathroom. . the midnight dip. . a bath for two .
  3. I always feel like somebody's watching me .... *brow waggles*
  4. I am friends with many people and an acquaintance with even more people in Bellisseria. Keeping busy with the community, I have not deviled into the GoH trend. I did in fact, get a home in a nice location, that was abandoned. And I have offered up nice locations I was leaving to friends and strangers alike. People have a right to be upset/annoyed. And if they choose to be snarky about it, that's their prerogative, too. Though unfortunately, it often ends up getting a thread locked down when a discussion is no longer a discussion but an argument. Am I in a fortunate position? Choosing to be friends with people, no matter who they are, is a kindness I can afford and in turn, I am fortunate for having more friends. I find in life, a kindness, a forgiveness, being more understanding and less judgmental keeps my wellbeing in a good place and extends my desire to share the great things about the Bellisseria community I have discovered with others.
  5. @Matthieu Quander is right. This topic has been addressed in multiple threads and they usually get locked down because of snark, then a new one pops up. Topics are great to have discussions of common interest. One can only hope people will continue a thread with civility, even when they disagree about the topic's content or opposing opinions and views.
  6. I wanted to try a video with only still images and tell a little story. Hope you enjoy.
  7. Into The Sea - The Siren's Spell Song I made this video for all our Mermaid and Siren lovers in Second Life. I hope you enjoy. - Pru ♥ Still photos taken in Bellisseria, Second LIfe.
  8. Cian and I stopped by the memorial with Bel. A breathtaking tribute to Ebbe Altberg.
  9. Bellisseria Parade of Homes are lovely homes decorated and showcased for all to enjoy. (Open to the Public) If you have a Bellisseria home you'd like to showcase in our Bellisseria Parade of Homes listing, please contact me in world for an application @PrudenceAnton We have been providing the Bellisseria Parade of Homes listing for over 1 1/2 years now and it has been very popular with the community. We currently have over 91 homes listed on both of our listings. If you'd like to share your talent and open your home to the public to tour and enjoy, please apply today. Information needed example below: SL Legacy Name: Home Showcase Name (25 Characters Max): Home Theme Type: (i.e. Traditional, Houseboat, Log) Physical Landmark: --drag and drop here-- Very brief description, if needed. (7 words or less) We send out a monthly notice in the Bellisseria Citizens Group and also host a board at the Bellisseria Citizens Headquarters where you can pick up the Parade of Homes hud with the recent monthly listings. We also have a Resident Owned Places of Interest listing, for your faux little shops, like cafes, libraries, art galleries, etc. -- Disclaimer : any such use of a Home or Parcel in Bellisseria has to comply with the Bellisseria Covenant set up by Linden Labs. All Bellisseria homes are non-commercial, nonprofit, showcase homes, open to the public. Store owners or content creators may not solicit their business or business signs on their parcels. You may however, put a LM to your showcase home in your own personal Second Life store or business.
  10. Culprit Swan Boat Rezzer Take a romantic swan boat ride for 2 in Winters Elm, along the riverways. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Winters Elm/89/130/25 Romantic Youtube playlist to enjoy on your journey.
  11. We had an exhausting evening of trying to get on the board for the bull ride at Bellis Blues Cafe tonight. We finally gave up after a little mouse upstaged us all. Read more about it here: https://sluggle.blogspot.com/2021/05/riding-lessons.html
  12. Ride The Bull Ride the bull at Bellis Blues Cafe. Get your name on the scoreboard. Can you beat the top time? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Domingos/40/243/36
  13. The Bellisseria Fawn Hamster This clever little Deer Hamster showed up at Bellis Blues Cafe and whisked away the Bellisseria 2nd Anniversary Stamp vendor, to the mysterious isle of Hamsters, where they collect an odd assortment of strange things and horde it away, forever!
  14. I'm a huge fan of the Bandit boat series. We have the Bandit60 Sailboat and I acquired the Bandit 170 small craft motorboat. Its very easy to navigate your way around the waterways of Bellisseria. There's a nice article about the boat here: https://modemworld.me/2020/04/25/bandit-170-a-pocket-cruiser-thats-coming-second-life/
  15. Cian and Pru at Zoopalooza Safari @ Bellisseria Fairgrounds from May 2nd until it's closing day of May 21st, 2021.
  16. The Magic of Bellishire Bellisseria Spring Festival @ Bellisseria Fairgrounds. Dj Bela filling in for DJ Farday : 12-2 pm (slt) DJ Stephanie : 2-4 pm (slt) TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria Fairgrounds/166/129/25
  17. I'll put my 2 little cents worth in here. The question: "How many chalets is enough?" Someone could also rephrase this as how many Linden Premium homes is enough for one person? The issue doesn't really seem to be how many homes any one person (or group of friends) has, but the location of their Linden home premium properties. It is a lot like the Lotto, you roll the numbers and you might get lucky and hit the jackpot. But most of us settle for a small prize or even another ticket to play again. With Linden premium homes, some of us tend to forget what our membership states we'll each receive from Linden Labs when you pay for a premium membership. Premium Member Benefits Benefits Include Weekly L$300 stipend* L$1000 sign-up bonus** for first-time Premium Account subscribers Priority entry when regions are full of avatars 1024m² tier allotment for use towards a Linden Home (subject to availability) or a parcel on the Mainland Expanded live-chat customer support Premium virtual gifts Exclusive access to Premium areas and experiences Increased cap on missed IMs Increased group membership limits Voice Morphing Each premium member is allowed to receive 1 Linden Premium home per account (subject to availability). Linden Labs does not promise or guarantee any of us a special plot that some find ideal, and others might not. It's all on personal taste and preference. There are really no bad Bellisseria home locations. But yes, there are some that are better than others and preferred by residents to gain. Sometimes we are beating a dead horse to complain over and over again. Keep trying, you'll find a nice location you like, unless you are setting your expectation and standards too high, then you'll be left with a lot of disappointment, sadly. Bellisseria is a great community. Search the Bellisseria groups, make some new friends. No one has to feel alone on this vast continent if they wish to have that community of neighbors they can enjoy and fill some of their SL time with.
  18. Hello Bellisserian Friends, I am copying this notecard to the forums here for a group that really needs our support. If you have time and would like to volunteer, please contact the listed people below. - Pru --------------------------------------------- Hello, I am Tara Tisane of HopeFest.. I am helping AnnaLise & Stevie with the Bellisseria HopeFest ->> We will be holding a 5 day HopeFest Community Festival running June 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (that is 3 days before Relay and over Relay Weekend itself). It is comprised of a variety of different communities in SL each having their own region, and Bellisseria community is part of HopeFest! Planning is currently underway for HopeFest - Bellisseria. We are looking for some Bellisserians who would like to help us for our 5 days! Music, Boating, Shopping, Mer, Horses, entertainers, the best of Belli! <<- ~ Are you a live entertainer? Or is design your strong suit? Maybe you are a merchant? Perhaps horseback riding is your favorite? Sailing or motor boating is thing? Bring your interest and skill to REPRESENT Belli! If your Bellissaria group holds meetings ...why not plan to hold your meeting at the Bellissaria hopefest region? Let us know by contacting STEVIE BASEVI (her calling card is below): Stevie Morane Basevi (stevie.basevi) ~ Bellisseria HopeFest Co-Lead (AnnaLise's Co-lead ) & HopeFest Community Lead and AnnaLise Peccable ~ Bellisseria HopeFest Lead In Hope, Tara Tisane HopeFest Community Lead
  19. So, @Bela Tolsen, I've been scoping your Chalet near mine and there's this sofa you have and......(wink wink)
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