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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I would expect scripters to disagree. I'm not the one that defined bots as scripted agents. We all know what a scripted object is, but how is agent defined? Is it restricted to just avatars or is it also applied to objects? In AW the Xelagot bots could terraform whole regions without anyone being inworld or online. It was not an account. It was a scripted agent that followed a set of instructions, the same as Tyche's bots. The set of instructions is the script or at least, contained within the script. Yes, the bots had to be logged in but they were not user accounts. http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/index.html
  2. In my state alone there are at least 4 people with my name, both first and last names. There's a celeb in England that has my name, both first and last names. There are lots of people in the US with my name, both first and last names. Which one is me? 😁
  3. Thank you for saying this. And also thank you to the owner for taking it down. All I've ever really asked for is a little understanding and compassion.
  4. I noticed you didn't mention how long ago it was and that it was another one of those things that residents fought for. What reason would anyone have to relay chat that occurs inside of SL outside of SL? What purpose other than something "nefarious" would it serve? I never heard of that happening. Am I misunderstanding you? Could you be talking about something that affected only a small portion of the grid? A few hundred people out of several thousand? Could be I'm just too tired at the moment to wrap my brain around your post. My eyes are starting to burn.
  5. No. LL does not have any legal jurisdiction outside of their own servers. While LL can ban anyone they want for any reason, they can also be taken to court if they ban someone for something that occurs off LL property. Wrongful termination. LL has made the statement many times over the years that they do NOT ban people for posting chat logs on website not affiliated with LL or is not hosted on LL servers. They know they do not have jurisdiction to do so in the US.
  6. A security orb is a type of bot. All of those things are controlled by scripts, not people as defined by LL. Even a vendor is a type of bot, technically. Is LL going to cut off our ability to make purchases inworld? No way in hell. Is LL going to cut off the ability to use a security orb on a parcel rented from a "3rd party" Hell no, they're used in BELLI. It's not the bots that are the problem. It's the people that use them for nefarious goals. Like ZFire. While what certain bots are doing isn't necessarily nefarious, it is a bit invasive. Remember when people raised a fuss about not being able to opt out of having their main profile tab pic thrown up on a board for all to see that you are the last person to visit the store? Now all those scripts have an opt out and have had for years. Same should go for the rez day boards. No one but LL needs to know where I am at any given time on the grid or what I am doing. You couldn't opt out of RedZone without going to HIS WEBSITE AND LOGGING IN ON IT. That was deemed illegal in SL as well.
  7. Without that "clause" in bold, we would not have had inworld vendors. Or any inworld transactions.
  8. They seemed to start taking it seriously when it was pointed out to them the RL danger it placed quite a few residents in. I was one of those people. At the time my RL stalker was still alive.
  9. Yes, we did have to pay, which is why I never had an alt until we didn't have to pay. lol
  10. This takes us right back to RedZone. At the time the TOS was changed to reflect that, at its most basic, exporting info from within SL to an external site was not a legitimate use of a bot. In essence, RedZone was a bot. I think that wording has been changed since then and is no longer as clear cut as it once was. So, let's try answering the question, what are legitimate uses of bots? I've already offered several legitimate uses, but it seems to have been ignored mostly. LL does need to be a bit more clear on what exactly constitutes legitimate uses of bots in the TOS.
  11. Agreed. If there are more than 5 people in the household means at least one person in the house aren't allowed to have an SL account. That's not right. It also loses money for LL. Is a college dorm considered a household? That's one of the reasons LL doesn't enforce it. There have been many instances of people living in dorms or group housing having issues because of this policy as well as some idiot griefing and causing others to lose connection because the IP was banned. LL knows it's shooting itself in the foot with it but apparently the loses are acceptable to LL.
  12. There was a time when you couldn't turn the option off like you can now in the TPVs and it was also in the official viewer. The majority of the residents didn't like that and LL fixed things so that we could opt out of being logged off. We aren't going to give that up for the few. We had to fight to get it and we will fight to keep it.
  13. Correct. But not what is being discussed from what I see. The problem is accounts are being used as if they were bots but have not been registered with LL as scripted agents aka bots. In other words, the issue is with "unregistered bots".
  14. I'd join ya but the Pacific is a tad too cold for me even in the middle of August! Peeved the Pacific isn't as warm as the Gulf. 🔥
  15. She's not intentionally trying to drive her traffic numbers up. The deal is, LL created this situation with dwell and traffic to begin with. If I am remembering correctly, landowners were paid dwell according to the amount of traffic. The higher your traffic, the higher your dwell (paid by LL) would be. I couldn't afford land at all back then so my memory might be off. Then they nixed dwell, which I was both kind of grateful for and not happy about, and the focus shifted to just traffic with club owners etc. believing that higher traffic numbers would bring in even more people until the occupancy limit crashed the party. That belief has never been squashed. It's a similar situation to creators who insist no mod prevents copybotting. LL already has a policy in place regarding what does and doesn't constitute a violation, just not one where all the details are made available to residents/the public.
  16. Please don't take away the one search feature I do use in SL. Not the traffic part of it but I do use legacy and only legacy. Although it's rare, there are those occasions when I am looking for a place to hang awhile where people actually are and not bots. The rest of the time I'm ether looking for places with little traffic so there is less chance of running into people or I'm shopping and traffic makes no difference to me when shopping.
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