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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I'm only 15 lbs over my normal weight and 5 lbs over my personal limit. You're too skinny. 😋 Keep in mind I am over 60 and it's not uncommon for older people to put on a few pounds and not be able to get back to their teenage weight. My extra pounds always disappear in summer. I'm more active in summer. My peeve: Even gaining 5 lbs is too much!
  2. They aren't nearly as far out "in the bush" as they want people to believe. And they do have medivac choppers on call. https://www.goldderby.com/gallery/survivor-medevacs-all-of-the-shows-medical-evacuations/ https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2004-sep-17-et-ryan17-story.html https://www.today.com/popculture/last-secrets-survivor-revealed-2D80554451
  3. I tend to favor Siberians. They cross breed extremely well with timberwolves. Did I say that out loud?
  4. For some reason, none of my cats ever played with the t-tissue roll while it was on the roller. They seem to prefer playing in the bathtub as long as no one turns the shower on, with the cardboard tube. Eventually I went to keeping the bathroom door closed or the bedroom door if it's hot. Sorry lil buddy. It's cooler in the rest of the place anyway.
  5. There are those who truly do lack any empathy. They do not see others as human or individuals. We are NPCs to them, mere reflections of themselves. What it boils down to is we do not exist as people, only tools.
  6. Holy cow! He was right! Lewis Grizzard was right! Don't bend over in the garden granny! You know them taters got eyes!
  7. Finally! You laughed! I was coming back to edit in something about you were just going along for the ride, but I think you got it! By George! 😁 @Ceka Cianci
  8. You haven't got a freaking clue what you are talking about. But I'm not going to tell you my life story to prove it either. With that I am out of here before my blood pressure goes sky high.
  9. If it's mostly (if not all) solid food, it's for attention. Mine does the same thing. He'll gorge on food then tank up on water and a few minutes later he is in the perfect position to ensure you won't see it before you step in it since the floor is oak and the colors blend a little too well. If it was an accident, he comes and tells us it happened. If he doesn't try to get our attention to clean it up, it's on purpose. He's not stupid but neither are we. lol
  10. Thank you, no. Drama belongs on my tv, not in my RL or my SL. I'll watch but I'm not going to participate. I always walk away as soon as I realize I've been sucked in. It's never been my cuppa.
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