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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I was trying to renew my SNAP that I have been on for 5 years. I don't have an income. ffs. I know you're trying to make light of it but now is not a good time for me. I have had to change my effing password every damn time I renew online for the past 5 years. That is BS!!
  2. Whachu dun did dat for hai? If I dun tol ya once, I dun tol ya a millyon time, I dun fix dat fo y'all.
  3. Peeve: Government websites that insist you must use at least one special character in your password EXCEPT the only one you can remember! And it even requires using the shift key! So, I reset my password only to have them lock me out of my account AFTER changing the password! You know the drill, change password after 2 or 3 attempts to log in and then when you do change the password and try to log in with it, THEY LOCK YOU OUT OF THE ACCOUNT FOR USING THE NEW PASSWORD YOU JUST SET.
  4. I have 3 guitars. HE has somewhere around 20. He's gotta start selling again. Or the next one will be wrapped around his neck! IF there is a next one. 🥾
  5. Between the toilets, terlits, commodes, johns, loocows, WCs, bog rolling, and what not, I am completely and utterly lost. . . . . . Please, don't come looking for me. 🪨
  6. I keep it turned off because I don't want it sent to email. Is there a setting to direct it to PMs or some other notification?
  7. Most sunrooms I've seen were additions or conversions done to middle class homes. Well yeah, we do that here, too. Some of us anyway.
  8. That's a load of hogwash. lol About the closest you might come to a British accent would be a Savannah accent. A very distinct and easily identifiable accent. Edit: One actor who got the Savannah accent down pat was Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.
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