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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. ..... that lives in the same folder as the rez box. (Speaking as one who has created at least a million random notecards over the past thousand years...........)
  2. Oooooooo, cool; it is hard to be sure but I think one of the little figures is an owl!! 🦉 🦉 🦉
  3. Gonna play with that as soon as I have time! Thanks!
  4. Yes, I have done that but rarely think of it! Thank you!
  5. Yes, YES!! You know, I am sure I used it successfully in the past but a loooong time ago.
  6. ^^^^^ THIS!! I have deleted my home SO. MANY. TIMES!!!! I lock at LOT of stuff now, all buildings, skyboxes, platforms, landscaping features, especially anything I might try to rez something else on.
  7. Trying out the many, many, many new tattoos I have picked up in my never-ending quest for owl tattoos, also trying out various EEPs just to see....
  8. Can you share what you saw as pluses and minuses?
  9. /me scribbles furiously......... volumes 1.5 through 3 done.........
  10. Returning home late one night, Tiggie and I are startled to see...... what? A skull? and a swirling portal to where?? Are those glowing eyes seeing us?????????? unable to stop, we are pulled up and upward............ where are we??
  11. Too late; once seen, CANNOT be unseen!! (or unlearned!)
  12. OMFG, you ARE a beast! And I am learning soooooooooo many things I really never wanted to know!
  13. hmmmmmmm.......... Moonglow........ or Starlight......... or Gossamer..... for now.
  14. Yes, I plan to get plenty of practice with that in the US over the next year or so! 🤣
  15. I am such a creature of habit! If it's Sunday night, it must be the back of the blues line:
  16. That is a dynamite photo!! It would even fit in well in a couple of other threads.
  17. Yes, I could not find an innocent victim so Sandor will have to do: One thing: can I make him stay unconscious longer??? /me examines the script.....
  18. OMG, how sweet are you? Thank you so much; now I will be hunting some innocent victim to succumb to my evil wiles......... 🤗
  19. LOLOL, I had NEVER heard of that before, too funny. I found it on the MP as Kiss Me Deadly and put it on my favorites list.
  20. Also Builders Brewery for the building skills you will need, from basic to advanced. Also dressing rooms and sandbox areas. Happy Hippo building school is still around, I believe. If you use the Firestorm viewer, they offer many, many, many great classes. New Citizens Inc. Is still here offering freebies, dressing rooms, maybe still some classes. My old fave free dressing rooms at Bare Rose are still there but I do not know the LM right now.
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