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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. It won't let me double quote, so screenshot it is... Yes we're back to that. Because that is in fact the issue at hand, no matter how hard you wish to deny it. Did i see anything else? You have got to be joking... Are you saying "reform police and criminal justice" because you heard someone say that? Please clarify why you personally think it should.
  2. Well, by maybe not acting racist towards the ethnic group is being said to be racist towards another ethnic group? There is plenty of that in this threat and that is what i'm hitting on and i see it all over. but allow me to bounce that question back to you. What would you want to see done to that problem you say stems from the past?
  3. No, that is not what i'm saying. What i mean is that you should not cling on to the past.
  4. I can see your point in that. And i tend to agree. But that in my opinion boils down to education. (not taking it personally, just giving an example) I'm teaching my kids not to be racist. I make them aware that what they see on TV is not real.
  5. Sorry for the confusion. I'm not taking it personally and i am not easily offended, trust me...
  6. I've said several times i'm really not trying to troll. I'm really passionate about this topic. I understand both sides and want to hear the other side. It's a shame you think i'm trolling. I'm honestly not trolling. fun fact, the term 'trolling' is often misused for accusing people of saying something you don't agree with in order to try and defame them. Really sad. In the off chance you didn't block me yet, i'd like to ask you to come up with a counterargument. I'd love to talk to you about it in a civil manner. I mean that.
  7. I understand both sides, i've mentioned a couple of times that i do understand the reasoning on both sides. I did read the thread fully. All 53 pages of it. did you read and understand what i said? I said plain and simple that racism is bad, but being racist toward the people to be accused of being racist, isn't helping anything. Your argument of using a small percentage of our brains is weak and in fact debunked several years ago but i don't really see what that ha to do with anything. I have no bias here, i am condemning racism, on both sides. Please reread my posts. I'm happy to clarify anything you didn't understand or misunderstood. I'm not trying to be funny or humiliate you. I'm actually very serious about that.
  8. I'll say even more. If that is the way you think people think, then there is something wrong with (your) education. If you never learned to not blindly believe the mindless drivel you see on tv and not make your own mind up... I'm not having a go at you personally, but please think before you say something. Plenty of people know a TV series or movie isn't real and don't think the world works like they see in movies for f* sake!
  9. So, are you telling me you are a mindless couch potato that can't think for itself when watching a movie? Don't compare people to your low standard.
  10. Please... Read this article: The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America. https://www.splcenter.org/20180614/biggest-lie-white-supremacist-propaganda-playbook-unraveling-truth-about-‘black-white-crime
  11. I seriously disagree with that statement Janet. Please try to see it this way: If you keep clinging on to what happened in the past, how do you expect to go forwards? As stated before, i don't judge or hate or discriminate towards anyone because of a skin tone. And i can only do that for myself. I have no clue if my great great grandfather was a racist, he could very well have been. Why am i supposed to apologize for that? I am me, my actions happen today. I don't hate anyone for the skin tone they were born with. So why do you keep holding the past above a certain ethnic group's head and make them apologize for it? I honestly don't get that and i'm not trying to be edgy. It honestly baffles me.
  12. Then i can only feel sorry for you. I mean that seriously.
  13. Listen, i'm not trolling. Far from it. I really don't care how long someone is a member of a forum. That has nothing to do with what is being said here. In no way did i challenge anyone's intelligence here. All i'm saying is that movies are not the real world. Movies are made by only a small number of people as i said before. You can not blame an entire ethnic group for that. And when i point that out i just get answers about the same movie and a couple of others. All i do is point that out and question if someone's pulling my leg with that. I'm not being sarcastic. I know i can be but not this time. I've said it before. The BLM thing... I understand why, i understand you're against racism, so am i, but the way you're going about it, isn't helping your case. Blaming "white people" as a whole for something isn't helping anyone. And those movies talked about are interpretations of things that happened in the past. This is 2020. Fix today, not yesterday. Yesterday is gone. You seem very hostile towards me, and that's ok to be honest, but you're not seeing i'm actually on your side when it comes to racism. Just not the way you choose to go about it. Please understand that. Don't fight racism with racism. Do i really need to explain this again? Just read my first reply near the top of page 53.
  14. Seicher Rae seems to be confused, so let me explain. I just suggested for Pussycat Catnap to start living in the real world and not in movies, and the reaction was this: And then some more rambling about movies. Is this a joke? Is it April Fools day somewhere? I just said to not compare real life to movies and live in the real world with real people and you respond by talking about movies again... This has to be trolling, this isn't real...
  15. Pussycat Catnap, i truly hope you're trolling.
  16. Luna Bliss and Pussycat Catnap, you two are demonstrating beautifully what i've explained in my post. Its hilariously unbelievable how wrapped up the both of you are in your narratives. Here you accuse an entire ethnic group of getting something wrong about slave movies. I have a couple of things to say about that. First of all, and do please pay attention to this: You're aware that only a small fraction of people on this earth are involved in the art of filmmaking, right? So why is it "white people" that done did it? Do i need to explain again what racism is to the both of you? This idiotic Cancel Culture bulls*t has to stop and i urge you two to start living in the real world, not Youtube "research" or freaking movies. Actual research. Back your words up with proof and citations. Actual citations, not CNN or MSNBC please. I've seen some Trump slandering as well here. I do ask you who said that. Show me one single shred of evidence he was racist. Or shall i show you how he actually makes life better for you? This idiotic "Orange Man Bad" Trump derangement syndrome is hilariously silly and based on absolutely nothing. PROVE me wrong! I'm not american, but i do follow a lot of American politics and general American goofiness. It's entertainment to me. But if i could, i would migrate to America. You have no idea how good you have it. And the first thing i'd do is vote for Trump.
  17. What an amazing 53 page trainwreck this is... OMG. I discovered this discussion a couple of hours ago and read through most of the 53 pages so far. One thing sticks out like a massive sore thumb that really needs to be pointed out: If you're white and you claim you're not a racist, chances are you are going to be talked down to and will be shown a couple of CNN or MSNBC youtube links. These 2 "sources" have been called out a couple of times before as being ahum... fake news... You could do your own research on those. And by resource don't mean look for youtube videos that align with your narrative. I am mixed race, so you lost the chance to call me racist for what i'm about to say. I read a lot of buzzwords like "white privilege" and "systematic oppression" and i can't help but seeing the massive irony when those words are being used. Let me be extremely clear. I am not a racist, i was not brought up to first look at someone's skin tone and judge them by it but you can not ignore how often it is being used here. I see a lot of people advocating for (terrorist) organizations like BLM and when you tell them ALM they lose it. Honestly stop and think about that. All lives matter INCLUDES black lives. How do you not see that? If someone responds to your black lives matter with all lives matter, that by definition proves that person is not a racist because they see every person equally. Do you honestly not see that? I will always say All Lives Matter. It's time you start doing that too or a white person may call YOU a racist over it, and guess what, they would be correct. There are a lot of definitions for the word racism, but i think we can all agree that the most accurate would be that one person judges an other based on their skin tone. So to all of you advocating for things like BLM and saying white people have something called white privilege, how would you call what you are doing at that moment? Because you are judging someone based on what skin tone they have. By definition that makes you a racist. Some people found a different definition of the word Racism that includes this: "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another." They use the argument that black people can't be racist because they are supposedly oppressed > (source: https://www.pambazuka.org/governance/black-people-can’t-be-racist) Statements like these frustrate me to hell and back. It is intellectually dishonest and the goalposts are being moved so far you'll need a telescope to still see them. Racism is plain and simple; One person judges another based on the skin tone and allows or disallows the other to have or do things. If you're white and you don't give a black person a job or want to do business with them, you're a racist! If you're black and you're going to blame any random white person for things you claim other white people did, you're a racist! Everyone can be a racist. Saying anything otherwise is you just rolling on the floor stamping your feet like a 4 year old toddler not getting what it wants. All this hoopla started with George Floyd obviously, so what happened? The most reasonable thing in the world, right? Lets attack police, white people AND black police and call them uncle Tom's, right? That's very civilized, isn't it and not at all racist. Nobody attacked anyone here based on what their skin tone is, right? You are fighting fire with fire, how do you expect a solution to that? There is racism in the world, of course there is, but fighting racism with racism is not the answer. Blaming white people for what previous generations did is downright condescending and humiliating AND racist. BLM advocates, i fully understand your issues and frustrations, and i stand with you in finding a solution, but you are going at it the wrong way, you are doing the exact same thing you accuse your opponent from. Just like Antifa does, fighting fascism with fascism. The irony in that is beyond ridiculous and once you will start seeing this, you will be able to come to a solution. Stop being a victim culture, almost a victim cult even. You have no idea how much better you have it in 2020 compared to 200 years ago. Also fun fact, the white people that did oppress black people 200 years ago are no longer alive! So why blame the current generation that bends over backwards by the way, to make things as equal as possible for everyone. Now do your best in trying to find my RL info and spam it all over groups like someone here did already with someone that spoke out about this. I can not possibly describe to you how pathetic that was and how it is not helping your case at all. Caith.
  18. Dear LL, I've been test driving this beta for a couple of days, and i've reverted back to the current release for now. reason(s) for this are as follows: EEP, dear oh dear, that needlessly overly complicated EEP thing... where to start. first of all as mentioned before, the crossfading needs to come back. I don't like the fading and i've heard that photographers in SL tend to turn that off so they can navigate quicker through the Windlights..., i mean ... EEP!.. EEPs? How do i say it? Secondly, and this is major, Importing old winlights (WL) is suuuuuuuuuch a complicated AND confusing process its almost a Monty Python sketch. So i have to first make a new Sky, Water or Day cycle in order to import my old WL XML files... Why? What is the logic behind that? Then if i finally managed to import an old WL XML i then have to name it like it was because for some reason it can't read the name of the WL correctly and just makes something up that closely resembles it. Once imported i can NOT hit the save button. Why??? I had to go and ask in the Preview group how? I felt like a noob all over. Turns out i have to click the little arrow in the save button to get the save as option. Then the button changes to a Save As button? Again, why? The same button is in the appearance window and works as expected. It's a Save As button, with a drop down menu allowing you to Save, overriding the current outfit. So why is it not possible to have the same Save As button in there and have a drop down menu on it with Save enabled and clickable? Why change the way an identical button works IN THE SAME APPLICATION? It looks like the button in the appearance window yet its functionality is different. Stop and think about this please. At least 2 identical buttons in the same application having 2 different ways of working. Who approved this? Then to add further injury to insult the save function is grayed out, you can only Save As with this New Sky that is in reality an old imported WL. So what do you get? You get your new EEP that is actually your old WL with the name you gave it AND a New Sky you have to then manually delete. Come on guys.. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea? Editing a EEP is ok-ish, I guess it's nice to put the moon and the sun right next to each other for giggles. I personally don't care about that but i'm sure creative people will make very interesting EEPs. But i want to talk about editing an EEP. So i've got my old WL XML saved to an EEP thing. Now i have what mostly looks like my old WL going on, but i want to edit it a little, so i go to the World menu > My Environments because clicking the Lighting button at the top brings me to Personal Lighting where i can change things...... But not save the changes to my EEP i currently have going on... Why!? So then let's go to the My Environment menu where i can edit what i currently have active and get the Fixed Environment window, that pretty much looks like the Personal Lighting window, except it's now split into tabs.... Because reasons... I'm yet again failing to understand that logic, but whatever, we're deep in crazy town as it is. So then we'll save those changes we made here. Hit the save button... Now what... is it applied to my current EEP that is active? The window didn't close after clicking save, so who can tell... I just have a second button that says Cancel or i could click the X to close it. Lets hit the X, oh what's this? The EEP goes back to what it was before editing! Did i lose my changes? Oh wait, let's go BACK to the World menu > My environments and lets reactivate the EEP to actually have the changes made, shown... WHO...THOUGHT OF THIS!? I like to get my hands on the source code and clear this mess up, because i'm sorry guys, its a royal mess. A lot of people complain about the frame drop, and from what i hear it is a known issue. I remember being on a Linden Meetup not too long ago where i remembered Oz Linden speak of the fact that a lot of people use older systems, or even older laptops to log in to SL. You can see that in clothing. A lot of creators tend to use painted on fake shine instead of actual Materials and real shine, but i digress. If you know that these older systems are used to log in to SL, Why do you develop and release a new (freakishly buggy, badly made zand graphics card taxing) environment system and force it upon the end user without the possibility to still have the old WL system and just not take part in the new EEP thing you threw out there. Sorry to say, but this kinda feels like Microsoft tactics, Fling something out there and make people use it and gather up the complaints later. Effectively using the end user as a tester. Microsoft may get away with that, but are you in a position to do that right now? Maybe think about that... So as for EEP, hard pass for me. It breaks old stuff like for example, i made something silly that uses RLV that checks weather websites to what my actual local weather is and adjust my WL inworld accordingly, including sun and moon positions. You broke that, i'm sad I'm a Firestorm user, have been for years. I believe the FS team keeps 3 older versions alive and updates from them are like one every 4 to 6 months, so we'll see in about a year how this EEP thing evolved. You also know that the vast majority of SL users are Firestorm users, so when this beta they currently have goes live, a lot more people will be subjected to this EEP and its flaws. Hope you're ready. Caith.
  19. You are pissing of a lot of people with this idiocy. Yes, i'm calling it that. You're not thinking clearly. Do not forget that you, and anyone in SL does not have the right to be in SL, you have the privilege. Do not forget that waving fees or lowering rates isn't going to help anyone. LL needs to pay for the costs as well. Again, it is not your right to be in SL. You pressuring a company that is not really providing something essential in life, is you being an extremely entitled little brat. STOP spamming with your newly created alts just to make them join groups and spam them. You're being a silly child who has no freaking idea how economics work. Do you never stop and think that whatever the world governments are "giving" now, isn't going to have to be returned back over time? How silly are you? Nothing is for free. I'm sure you are convinced you're doing a nobel thing..., you're not, so quit it and let the rest who are in SL to escape from all this crap be!
  20. You're all looking into it way to deep. It's much simpler then you really think it is. I've created such "animations" It is nothing more than an animation playing, moving selected bento bones. That is all there is to it.
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