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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. @Solar Legion You keep on banging on about the group chat system not being capable of what the users are using it for. You put part of the "blame" at LL and rather baffling at the end users. I don't follow that logic. If the end users seemingly misuse this function, don't you think LL had roughly 18 years now to make the group chat system more robust and... i don't know... look at how the users use the system and anticipate for that? Isn't that the line of business LL is in? Providing a service to its users? While the argument you make was true in the beginning of SL, it can't be excused in 2021 to still limp along on ancient code or how it was meant to be back then when todays usage of it isn't up to what it is actually used for. The argument you make blows my mind. We're all abusing the group chat system... Incredible... Oh and LL, keep your pants on, i'm not "attacking" anyone in this post, well, maybe you just a little bit. but calling out your failures you see as "attacking" regardless, so lose lose really.
  2. Pro tip @Monty Linden Next time you move, label the boxes...
  3. You missed one > https://gyazo.com/b33da2391b0104dea47cf2a7f01ad761
  4. So, i wondered what happened, and filed a jira over this (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230515) because i use that function all the time, every single day. You guys seem to think it is a good idea to systematically reduce or disable options and functions. I can not wrap my head around the fact that you guys seem to think that is a good idea! You guys go to great measures to announce you're going to make everything better, are you? Really? What function are you going to disable next in an effort to make things "better". I don't know what your definition is of the word "improvement", but it ain't that sunshine! I've said it in the jira and on occasion in the forums, i defend LL, i understand the complexity behind it. That time has passed. I don't defend LL any longer, i can not. I can not possibly defend this backwards stupid method of "fixing" things. The writing is on the wall. Everyone can see it. You changed the pricing for premium members, you absolutely completely thrashed SL and most of its workings with that "uplift". you've broken a good chunk of LSL, Groups are still lagging and all you are desperately trying to is to see what functionality you're trying to take away in order to make it limp along. Fun fact, daily active logged in member numbers are down, so it's not like you're experiencing a surge of users and the servers can't handle it or something. You are a dying company desperately trying to hold on, throwing all kinds of crap to the wall in an effort to see what sticks. Its pathetic. I have no idea what you are doing up there but it is laughable. I want you to justify this. I mean really justify it. Tell me how it is possible that your user numbers are down, so by definition less workload on your servers (or the Amazon ones) and yet everything is working worse than it ever has. Justify that please. I'd love to see you come up with something. I'm here all week... And fix the damn map tiles!!!
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