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Hollie Leavitt

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Everything posted by Hollie Leavitt

  1. Can someone let me know when the singing starts so I can join.. in case I'm off doing the dishes or somethin ?
  2. Hehe nothing was wrong with your comment in my mind. I was just trying to reference in anyone who might have been interested in the bit about Australia ?
  3. That is why racism will never cease to exist.. and very sad it is (hmm.. Yoda..). In an ideal world, we shouldn't even be differentiating between a white cop and a black cop. They should just cops. 1 black cop killed and 5 white cops killed.. should just be 6 cops were killed. 5 black cops killed and 1 white cop killed... again, 6 cops were killed. But because racism has existed, attempts to try and rectify racism can also sometimes perpetuate it. Attempts to not be racist... and attempts to reverse racism... can all have the effect of perpetuating the differentiation of people by their race.
  4. There are very fine lines here... the very reason why I am able to agree with both. The "why" matters. Two people could be executing the same action, one being racist about it, the other not at all. But the act in itself (depending on what it is) should not be enough to deem both people racist just because that action was done. But then, stopping at the "why" would also be negligent, as we all need to consider the impacts we have on others in what we say and do. This is necessary even if we're not talking about race. If I were to speak loudly to someone with the intention that they can hear me better, but that was then interpreted as me being rude... that wouldn't necessarily make me a rude person because of that misinterpretation. Nonetheless, I would still apologize and explain my innocent intent. That wouldn't stop me from speaking loudly in future instances though. I guess it's all about context and knowing your audience... and then catering your behavior to minimize negative impacts on others... respecting how different people can receive and interpret things in all sorts of ways. The outcome is just as important as intent. In forums, I say a lot more in order to express something than I otherwise would because of the wide unlimited audience that I am addressing - people with different backgrounds, experiences, etc... the unlimited range of perspectives that I am choosing to interact with. This prompts me to be extra careful and preemptively explain my intent, particularly for sensitive topics. But I wouldn't feel the need to do that when I'm talking with a group of people I know because the risk of being misinterpreted is reduced. And as for Jeff Dunham and many comedians whose jokes are "not PC"... I can't imagine a world without them; they're just so ingrained in our society. Jokes made at someone else's expense are intended for those with a sense of humor but will also always have potential to offend someone. Maybe this world would be a better place without them... But I guess that is describing a world that does not exist... an alternate reality.
  5. Thanks for this article - it really is food for thought as I have never thought of it in that light before. Almost all souvenir/tourist stores in Straya sell Aboriginal themed items and artwork. But I think what Nalates said about the importance of why is very pertinent.. as I believe in most cases, the intent isn't to exploit their culture for self gain (if it is, then that's just wrong). You would find that more often than not, the intent at its very core is to recognize the original owners of this land and to express their continual relevance to this country. If all the stores were to stop selling such items, that could then be criticized for excluding or dismissing the indigenous from representation of Australia. And even without the actual intent being considered (after all, most of these shop owners are just trying to run a business, trying to bring food to the table), the inclusion of Aboriginal culture in the stores would not be second guessed.. it just wouldn't.. because this is what Australia is, all its history, its culture, its story. Mind you, a lot of these stores are owned by people of other minority groups... disallowing white people from selling the same things might also be in itself racist.
  6. "Um.. hello.. b-but you know.. I was just gonna tell the black knight that we're not knights... ?"
  7. In response to sexual advances ---> Sorry, I can touch type, I just can't touch and type... .... I think I just found my hidden talent for dad jokes...
  8. I need sleep, I read permab00b and I was like.... how do you perm a... ohhh....
  9. Regardless of color, as long as you're not being offensive, the world will be at peace ? Your friend's comments are likely a reflection of his own guilt or sensitivities. And it made me think of reverse/positive racism (in its colloquial use), i.e.
  10. Hehe thanks! ? Hm.. when I think about it... perhaps the approachability factor has a lot more to do with me than the actual people. It's probably got a lot to do with me feeling more comfortable, protected and safe behind the mask of an avatar, making it a tad easier to approach someone in SL than in RL. In RL, you're exposed. And perhaps people also feel more at ease being approached in SL because they're behind the mask of their avatar, making them a bit more approachable in SL mode. In saying that though, I realize I could also be completely off base. Being on another forum (topic being "Lines that annoy you most") made me realize how many different things could tick people off and while there are those obvious ones, sometimes you just never know. You could very well be saying or doing something that in your mind is completely normal, but could be rubbing someone else the wrong way. So I guess that is something that would make me hesitant to approach someone. And I suppose the likelihood of ticking someone off in SL is more or less the same as that in RL.... just that in SL, it's probably less confronting... chances are, the other person will just ignore your message or teleport away. In RL, you could get anything ranging from a snicker, roll of the eyes, rude tone of voice to.. I dunno... a punch in the face? Has never happened to me though, thank god!... I bruise easy ? Yeah, agreed. I think with any fanatic, their level of passion can make them quite extreme, and anything can trigger a big reaction, whether it be a positive one or negative. Nuts and jerks.. deserve nuts and jerks ?
  11. @IvyLarae While I do understand your displeasure towards rude comments and name calling, I think the general message here is that since the support service is a free service offered, the courteous approach from someone seeking help would be one of gratitude and patience... rather than of expectation and demands. And while your intention was not to be rude, sometimes we may not actually be aware of how we're coming across to others. I'm guilty of that myself. But since then, it has been expressed that your approach was considered to be rude. Best to just clarify, apologize and change how you approach things next time... Otherwise, this post will go on forever and ever and ever and ever........
  12. Seriously.. what possesses people to presume that someone they just met in SL would want anything to do with them in RL. I mean... we are on SL for a reason duh!
  13. And the "you're beautiful" comments - I don't hate them... just that whenever someone says that, at the back of my mind I'm thinking... you do realise I don't actually look like that... right? I mean.. I could actually be an 80 year old, bald dude (nothing wrong with that btw, just saying 'cause that's not what my av is).
  14. Oh I have a few... - "Wanna sex?" ...when I'm not even at an adult or sex venue... I'm browsing at a store so... - One time (at band camp), someone I had just met kept pushing me to give out my phone number and facebook details. It's like, sure, there aren't enough stalkers in this world ? - And this other time, someone approached me, started spilling some sob story that they're really struggling and need money for food in RL, and kept begging me to transfer lindens to them. I had only one word for that... Ew.
  15. I posted something in the Answers > Avater forum... but there's not even the option to edit my posts there. I mean, I answered my own question... 'cause it really was a stupid one and I wish I could take it all back! ?
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