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  1. i've had this happen to me before and yes, relogging usually does the trick. just make sure to log in where you rezzed the item.
  2. I believe that the Fox Hollow region closed its down Monday.
  3. The animesh Zooby babies are so adorable and very realistic in both look and action. You are correct about the leveling up process and both size babies do grow as they level. They are very worth the effort.
  4. Hi! I submitted an application a few days ago but haven't heard anything back. Are you still hiring? Thank you so much.
  5. I have had this happen to me off and on over time and usually if I relog my friends list will show online. it makes me crazy especially if I have just looked at dashboard. I hope this helps.
  6. Thank you everyone for your help with this! I have got a few ideas i'm going to try and keep searching for a better way as tech keeps advancing. I really appreciate you all! Love & hugs ❤️
  7. I don't use a screen narrator generally as I often get easily distracted pretty quickly and end up having to go back a couple times and listen again and then give up using it LOL! As far as I know what I had suggested was more of an idea that I wasn't sure if it existed or would even work. I think I am looking for something that would provide better magnification without ruining the experience of the virtual world. This has been something that in the past has caused me more grief than it was worth. Also any suggestions from others with vision impairment that have worked for them would be great. Currently I have my settings as big as I can without messing things up, I use a 32" TV as a monitor and fairly strong reading glasses. it works ok, I'm just hoping for a better way. Thank you so much for all of your help so far. I truly appreciate it!
  8. For me personally, I have a genetic form of macular degeneration which makes text and small details hard to see. in the past I have adjusted my system settings and and set firestorm settings as large as they will go for font size. I also have adjusted the UI scale to see if that would help. the biggest problem with these are that it throws off where the mouse clicks on buttons, huds, etc. One feature that I think might help those with visual impairment is something like how hover tips work. when enabled a person could move their mouse over an object or text, click once to have it read or the name of the object said in speech and then if it's something they want to select double click it. when this feature is disabled, the mouse would work normally. I'm almost sure nothing like this exists in any viewer but I could be wrong lol. This was just a thought I had last night after reading your answer Thank you so much for your help with this.
  9. Can anyone tell me what is the best viewer to use with the most accessibility features for the visually impaired? Thank you for your help!
  10. You might try checking what group tag you have on first. If you have set up a group for your land activate it and see if that helps.
  11. I just wanted to say thank you for the info about djing! I don't know if it helped her or not but it helped me! Thanks again! 🥳
  12. I want to spend more time with my SL family and friends and to make sure my computer and internet are working well so that I can. Right now both pieces of equipment really suck...
  13. Hi! Just wanted to see if this is still scheduled?
  14. Maybe a discount on premium membership to help attract new people and give us SL vets a real chance to check it out.
  15. So sorry I had to miss this one. I will definitely look out for the next one!
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