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Everything posted by Nightingalia

  1. (Hope I'm posting in the correct thread! cuz I'm looking for similar items but not this specific item) I missed the sale for this dress last week, so I thought if I were to buy a dress at full price I'd like to know all of my choices 8'D Does anyone own anything similar? Puffed sleeves, and flowy skirt? Preferably short?
  2. Idk if there are a lot of Ryn users left, but I'll share what I tried anyways! Most Ceylon skins work fine around the nose and blank spaces of the face, but the eye area can get really messed up. To fix that issue, you need to use an applier eyeshadow to cover the eye area. It might not be perfect as there is some undesirable stretching at the outer corners of the eye. I found that skins without harsh eyeliners work best, or else you're left with a weird drooping eyeliner that honestly doesn't look like an eyeliner anymore. Ryn lips are a little finicky too, so you may have to use some BOM or applier lipsticks to fix up any issues. However considering the amount of makeup you need to apply for the EvoX skin to work, I'm starting to doubt if it's worth using EvoX because makeup on Evo mode is high res anyways. If anyone is curious, for the EvoX picture I used: The new Wonyo skin from Mudskin Mudskin's "Twinkle eyeshadow" (this is the only asian applier eyeshadow I could find that was good quality) some random free bom EvoX eyeliner Bom & applier lipstick EDIT: i forgot to mention but you'll have to redo your shape a little too <-- Evo <-- EvoX
  3. Yeah, I did try that. And, TECHNICALLY, it does work, except the brow would have to be very, very low and close to the eye for the eyelids to smooth out 😭 Idk if being a cavewoman is a price I'm willing to pay 😢 THANK YOU THOUGH
  4. You might be asking, what's the big deal? The Ryn head updated to Evo X, so you can use any Evo X skin you want on it now! Except, no other skins work for Ryn! Ceylon ones come close, but as most Ryn head users know the eyelid area is a little funky when it comes to anything not specifically designed for Ryn (I even have issues with eye makeup for this reason). I really want to use an Evo X skin but it seems no one is interested in making skins for Ryn, not even asian skin creators, whom almost exclusively use Ceylon. The most confusing part of all this is that not even Lelutka themself updated the default Ryn skin to Evo X. Sure, you have the option to toggle between Evo and Evo X mode, but no Evo X "version" of *anything* is supplied, so you're left with a faceless head after purchase (if you wanted to its Evo X features). Below is an example of what happens to the eyelid (skin designed for Ceylon [EvoX] vs Ryn[Evo])
  5. couldn't decide on an outfit for faded denim so have both \^o^/
  6. I know it's not somewhere I've been or anything because this is happening on my alt too, which is only a month old and has barely gone anywhere. How do I stop getting random notifications? Also I know there's a thread about this topic but I can't find it, sorry ><
  7. I like that there is variety in SL. I don't want just one beauty standard
  8. which viewer? I don't know much about the programming side of things, so I don't mean the viewer's shadows are "not working correctly". I'm an artist so I mean it in the sense that it isn't realistic. And I meant viewers like Firestorm and Alchemy at their highest settings.
  9. Posted this in the color challenge thread already but I really like this outfit ^o^
  10. Oh I'm very familiar with PS, but I don't want to have to manually draw in every shadow T_T I've noticed all viewers except for BD really suck at doing ambient occlusion.. no matter the settings. If the viewer could just do the shadows correctly in the first place it would just save me so much time I'll try WINE, but I remembered trying to instal WINE before for another game and it was a headache 🤔 Time to buy a windows computer LOL
  11. Still agonizing over the fact that Black Dragon doesn't work on Macs T_T
  12. LOL Well they're raising the price because selling the products normally means the consumer gets to choose which item to buy. The reason why gachas generate money despite the low price is because you have to pay that low fee MULTIPLE times I think you already know that though?? I'm just having trouble understanding you >< Idk what you mean by stockpile. what are GPU scalpers?
  13. ooo~~ I actually really like this idea but I doubt they'd sell it at a regular gacha price (75). In fact it would probably be about $200, which is ok I guess
  14. Just wondering- assuming that the gacha creators will turn their gacha products into regular sale items (like regular stores) If I go and buy a ***** ton of gacha rn (usually $75 per item) and resell them when the gacha items turn full price (most products average around $300) for a discount ($80-$200), would that be profitable?
  15. I wasn't sure whether to post this in viewers or here but it seemed the viewers thread was more troubleshooting/tech based. I have a Macbook Pro so I can't use Black Dragon. What are some other viewers good for photography?
  16. I AM SO TEMPTED! The body looks amazing...but the lack of clothing options really bother me. It's why I chose maitreya over legacy in the first place : (
  17. Hi!! I've maybe said this too many times but I am a professional digital artist who draws great portraits in RL (yes I know skins are made mostly from photobashing but I can do that too) I've never thought of starting a business in SL since I assumed it would be hella hard (I'm sure some of you are going to agree) BUT I just watched a Speed Skin Creation on youtube and I'm shocked. Maybe the youtuber did it with clever editing but it looked way easier than I thought! I've learnt basic Blender in college and so I assumed to make a skin you'd have to map the UV thing by hand or something but the youtuber just did it on photoshop 0.0 This is the video in question btw, so I'm hoping if someone with experience can lmk if the video is accurate to the difficulty level of making skins. With that being said, I still don't know a lot of what the youtuber was doing, how she mapped the texture just through photoshop, how to actually export it into SL, etc. I'm definitely very interested in this business now (and I hope I don't sound naive saying this ><) so if anyone is looking for a skin texture artist and is willing to train me I'd love to work with you! I can send you some of my digital work to prove that I can use photoshop
  18. UPDATE: for others wanting, I did find the original texture here Thanks everyone for helping XD I can be a little airheaded sometimes
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