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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. Gambling on games of chance isn't allowed in Second Life. Skill gaming - pseudo gambling; but it is legally different to outright gambling - is however allowed in Second Life, although they do block access to residents from certain countries and states. Florida is one of those. Remember, just because something isn't illegal, doesn't mean that a business is legally obligated to provide you with that service.
  2. What's your point? Linden Lab still has to follow both sets of laws, that's just how multi-tier legal systems work.
  3. This post right here. More than 1 in 4 countries don't even respect the most fundamental human right of all in their legal system - the right to life itself. That list includes the three largest economies on the planet. Many of the others are respected even less, there's nothing unalienable or sacrosanct about them. They are an ideal to aim for, and a product of the modern era, nothing more.
  4. I mean ideally, there wouldn't be a conflict between the two aims. Parcels existing as three-dimensional cubes rather than two-dimensional slices of land, for example, would allow the plane to fly harmlessly overhead while you'd remain completely private and undetected in your house. But that would require a pretty hefty rework of the basic building blocks of SL, so sadly no chance of that happening.
  5. Sure, but you did agree to it when you started logging back into Second Life once more, just as you agreed to every other change to the ToS that was implemented during your break. I therefore assume that you read it, fully understood it, and wanted to be legally bound by the terms for Tilia-as-part-of-SL? And if so, then what has changed to make you no longer want to be legally bound by this contract? I might be grouping you up with others unfairly here. If so, I apologise; but there have been a fair few people who have demanded an opt-out for a contract that they are currently bound to, simply because it was repackaged and relabelled. That's what I can't get my head around. If Tilia was an entirely new service that came with terms and obligations that we were not already bound to, then I fully understand and agree with where you're coming from - but it isn't, to the best of my knowledge at least.
  6. Why isn't it accurate? I'm honestly curious here. Because you've already agreed to those terms, when they were part of the wider Second Life ToS (with the exception of the changes re: inactive balances). The sky didn't fall down, judgement day didn't arrive, you simply signed some terms for a service that you were not using and so didn't affect you at all. So why the outcry, now that someone has done a copy+paste job on the document and swapped the logo out? Unless of course I'm wrong, and there are more concrete differences between Tilia-as-part-of-SL and Tilia-as-its-own-entity. But so far no one has been able to come up with an answer to this, so... yeah.
  7. (This is more of a rant at this general sentiment than Selene's post specifically, so I've de-quoted her. I've heard people pull this sort of line countless times, and it's wrong each time.) You don't own 'your' house. Linden Lab does, they own everyone's house. We're not even tenants, as they have some form of residency rights protected in law; we're more like paying guests in a hotel. We are granted permission to use that room in the manner in which the hotel owner sees fit, subject to rules that can be changed at any time. Even something as simple as privacy is not something that you are entitled to, as the hotel cleaning staff all have a keycard to our room. These rules are not bespoke, they apply to each room and guest equally. As a fellow guest of the Linden Lab hotel, my opinion on how those rules should change is worth no less than yours. If those rules are changed then it won't just affect me and my hotel room, that change will affect your room too, and your permission or agreement is irrelevant because you do not own 'your' room. More importantly, you agreed to the current and any future regulations when you took up the room. Your only options would be to abide by the new rules, or vacate the room. If the latter, then there's always the luxury villas owned by the same hotel owner that have a more relaxed set of rules for a higher price?
  8. On the topic of informed decisions... I've tried - I really have! - to find a valid reason for someone to go out of their way to avoid the Tilia ToS in this thread and others... and I've come up with nothing. I've found a good number of non-reasons, but the overwhelming majority of those have come from people who didn't/couldn't read basic English, and that's obviously not you. So what am I missing here? I've been telling people that this change is a simple repackage and rebrand of services and terms we already use, with almost no actual change for almost everyone (inactives with USD balances being the exception). If that's incorrect, I'd love to know so that I can fix my advice.
  9. Just to answer this one point; the issue isn't raw cost, it's relative cost. A Catwa head is not twice the price of its competitors. Lelutka, Laq (inc HUD), Genus; they all sell mesh heads for around the same pricepoint. TMP is offering their body at twice the price of Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Signature. Is the Legacy body twice as good as the alternatives? Absolutely not, even those that prefer the Legacy body would struggle to justify that it's twice as good as the others.
  10. This is honestly the first time I've heard of the difference between ARC and ACI; but as I wasn't around 3 or 4 years ago, I'll take your word for it. That makes it even worse for LL, as they can't even use the "it used to work!" excuse. ARCTan was shaping up to be far more similar to BD's calculations than ACI, last I heard; although with all values scaled down to the ranges we see using ACI, as that is what the userbase is more familiar with. This was almost a year ago, with ARCTan supposedly in a release-ready state... and I've been out of the loop since then. This wouldn't be the first project that has gotten to a functional state and then left on someone's desk for a year or so; or it could have been overhauled entirely, I have no idea.
  11. Or those where half the outfit is common but the core components are rare. They're infuriating.
  12. Yeah, this is why I find it awkward to talk about this, because it's not a black-and-white issue at all. Complexity is not useless or totally inaccurate, it's just... calibrated for the status quo of 15 years ago. And could be better; in the way that the calculations used by the Black Dragon viewer are better. If you take two avatars with the same mesh body (probably Maitreya, on raw numbers alone), and then add 60k complexity of attachments to one and 180k of attachments to the other; chances are the latter is much more resource heavy than the former. Not always though, as there's a chance that the 180k complexity comes from an older mesh object that has a skyhigh complexity, but isn't actually that resource-intensive, while the 60k could be made up of texture-loaded monstrosities that clock in at 1k complexity each. It's messy. But because it's messy, strict rules regarding complexity limits will throw up a whole bunch of false positives, and really should be avoided by people and especially locations. As much as I'd love LL to update the complexity calculations, I wouldn't be too surprised if they didn't. There will be a whole lot of anger when anyone that wears a body made by the second most popular creator suddenly finds themselves at a high complexity when completely naked... but that's their fault for wearing a horrifically optimised body. Oh, and don't get me started on those people that wear a certain brand of scripted mesh lady parts and cry when they're kicked from sims for having a script usage larger than the two dozen other visitors combined. Dagger emoji.
  13. Your 'real complexity' is almost certainly much lower than your average human avatar. The Kimono body is the only major one out there that at least pretends to be even remotely optimised. The complexity calculations are simply outdated. They were perfectly functional for their time, but the introduction of mesh has made them partially obsolete; in that you can build mesh creations to be extremely resource-intensive and yet appear to have a remarkably low complexity. It gives too much weighting to things that are no longer significant, and not enough weighting to the elements that dominate the rendering impact of the object; and so lulls people into a false sense of security regarding their actual performance weight. Exhibit A: mesh bodies. Your average playable character in new AAA release consists of 20-50k polygons for the entire model, as a rough estimate. Maitreya Lara clocks in at 80-100k, and the Bellezas are twice that. And that's for the body alone, without hair or clothes or even a head. And yet the base complexity calculation tells me that my Lara only takes up ~10k complexity, equivalent to a couple of pairs of shoes. (That's without touching the three onion-skin copies of your body that exist for tattoo etc layers.) So given that the baseline rendering impact for most SL avatars is high no matter what they wear... I wouldn't worry too much about monitoring the complexity of the stuff you wear. Perhaps keep the number of accessories you wear in double figures, rather than pushing for triple like your average tragically hip fashionista does these days. Leave flexi-anything in 2009 where it belongs. If any one item of clothing has a significantly higher complexity rating than the rest of your attire, give that one a miss. Adopt a "don't take the piss" attitude towards your clothing and attachment choices, and you're fine. There's not much else you can do that actually makes a difference.
  14. Of course! People can be anything they want to be. That also means that I can stand next to them holding a sign that says "make sure you wear your safety gloves, so you don't cut yourself on all that edge"
  15. Chronic edgelords need to grow the h*ck up. Example; I was at a shopping event earlier when a guy TP'd in. And... oh boy. Demon eyes, mini horns, pentagram tattoo'd onto his forehead; skulls and demons tattoo'd across every other visible inch of skin; more hand bling than your average gold digger WAG, most of it spiked; sleeveless biker jacket over a tee, both covered in skulls and demons and spikes; meaningless symbol display name with the system surname "Darkfold"; and he had some spooky voice spout some garbage followed by the shout-chant from 300 play when he landed. If your vibe is "I chug pints of razor blades on the daily"; please reconsider your life choices.
  16. I once made the mistake of mentioning this in the support group for a certain fruit-based fashion line; once. I guess it's easy to continue shouting "screw you customer!" when you have a legion of rabid brown-nosers willing to chase off any heathen apostates who dare besmirch the name of the holy one.
  17. Pretty much everything going on in this thread. "Someone else should pay for this thing I enjoy; because my self interests matter but no one else's do!" "My thing deserves special treatment because it's better than yours!" "I had no part in the creation of this thing but I'm going to act like it's mine and get hyper-defensive towards it!" "I'm going to reply to every single post in this thread with an inane non-statement because I'm important!" "Valid criticism surely can't be real, you must be slinging mud! Haters!" "This is art; and I appreciate this art because I'm a better person than you!" "You're only allowed to discuss the things I want with the positive opinions that I allow, or you're off topic!" "Have you heard of this thing called 'posting multiple photos in one post'? Yeah me neither!" Like... jeez. I feel like I need to wash my hands just from reading that trainwreck of a thread.
  18. This isn't true, for the benefit of anyone reading this thread.
  19. Time to be contrary to the overall mood of the thread. You can block anyone at any time for any reason... but that doesn't mean that you're free of the consequences for blocking someone. Blocking a creator or their sales rep can hurt your ability to do business with them. Blocking the owner or moderator of an inworld group or sim interferes with their job, and can potentially see you ejected. Blocking people nearby or in a group chat can make conversation nearly impossible, as you'd be talking over someone without even realising it. And no one wants to be that idiot that sits on occupied furniture because your trigger happy block finger has hidden them from view. More importantly, even if none of these apply at the time of blocking, circumstances change and these issues could pop up years after blocking someone. And while these downsides are unlikely to seriously impact you, they're more like annoyances than anything else; but it's still something to weigh up against the benefits of blocking someone, as the block may do more harm than good. That's a personal decision that no one else can make for you. So yeah, while you can block anyone for any reason... I'd suggest taking a second to consider if it's actually necessary. It might well be... but it probably isn't.
  20. Me checking out this thread the following morning:
  21. Just to cover my own ass: I am not one of "some people".
  22. Oh lawd, those types are so obnoxious and transparent. "I've put in enough conversation-coins into this vending-machine-woman, why haven't I received my sex yet?!" Dagger emoji
  23. I actually agree (and emphasis mine). Sure, it gets old extremely fast and it does still irritate me, but I do accept that initial advances are justified, and so I simply politely turn them down. It's not victim blaming to say that dressing or acting provocatively increases your chances of getting hit on. Where I draw the line - and it seems you do too, which is good - is anything beyond that simple pickup line. When propositions turn into entitlement, harassment, abuse or worse, I wash my hands of all blame. No one deserves the kind of abuse I and others regularly get from rejected men and women, nor is persistence after the first "no thanks" my fault. In short; there's no harm in the asking, so long as the no is respected.
  24. And even if you do have a USD balance in your account, and you are inactive for over 12 months, then the "fee" will only deduct from that USD total. You will never owe Tilia anything because of fees.
  25. Did you actually provide the information requested? Or did you go full "muh freedoms", refuse to follow some basic legal procedures, and then do the surprised pikachu face when your request was denied; and then came to the forums to claim false victimhood? (Hint: it's almost certainly the latter)
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