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Lydia Amethyst

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Everything posted by Lydia Amethyst

  1. it's a good plan but there's still SEVERAL of us without linden homes.... I honestly wish they had just mass produced like they did the old ones, so there's no fight or refresh-page-gambling game to get one.... ffs!
  2. This update strategy that Patch announced hasn't really told us much other than they will randomly be releasing them in batches... how's that gonna help the folks out in the world working and such who can't sit at their computer 24/7?
  3. this refreshing roulette game is ridiculous. Can't they just release a big amount so everybody gets one already?
  4. I've noticed that a lot of them are mostly on sand with barely any grass.... any way to fix it?
  5. Lucky... I've been trying for WEEKS!
  6. Maaan, what I wouldn't give to have my graphics look like that.... what's your secret?
  7. Well, I'm screwed if that's the case, I go into my RL job at noon SLT. I wish they could've done it a little sooner.
  8. I literally can't seem to make it past the page where you have to accept terms and whatnot. That's the downfall. I literally don't know what the secret is but I wish I did... there's got to be a secret to getting these.
  9. Yeah and every time I click the stupid accept box for terms it tells me they are sold out. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!
  10. So... a guesstimation of such a small window of opporunity when half the world will be at work and unable to even try... wow. 😂
  11. You only say this because you must already have yours.... 😡where as I'm still trying to get mine....
  12. Literally though how is that possible?! It can't be. You had the page up and were in the process of. That's like going to the store, having something in your hand and then the store takes it out of your hand and gives it to somebody else who wanted it... just... that shouldn't be allowed. Seriously. That's messed up. How can they do that?!
  13. Well maybe the batches they release should be just a little bigger than they're doing now... I mean... they can build this stuff and they have a huge team doing it. I really just don't understand why they can't just make more and release them.... but then again I'm not a builder. I'm someone patiently waiting to get a traditional house, even though they are releasing houseboats today... I am hoping I can get lucky... I've been constantly refreshing for the past week now and every time it pops up and i go to the next page I get the sold out page... like... how is it literally gone in the span of 5 miliseconds? It's literally NOT POSSIBLE.
  14. Can someone PLEASE tell me where everybody is finding the batches being built in progress are? I would really like to watch but I can't find them ANYWHERE
  15. I'm a waitress and it might be during the middle of lunch/dinner rush when the new houses hit.... literally my likeliness of getting one is pretty impossible with those odds...I wish they would just make one huge batch instead of taunting us with just a few at a time and making us all play this lottery game to try and get a house when we are already paying for a premium membership to begin with. It's kind of frustrating not having a house in SL at all because I'm having to fight the odds to get one....
  16. I wanted to watch too, but I don't know where to go. How do you know where to go and watch them build?
  17. I just had 3 failed attempts to land a house.... thought maybe the release might've started early... I just don't want to be stuck at work when they release and still trying to get one
  18. I'm sitting here refreshing.... Nothing yet...
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