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Sammy Huntsman

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Sammy Huntsman last won the day on August 20 2021

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    Crazy Canadian

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  1. I don't see anything wrong with that, there are certain people that my relationships with them are only transactional. And I don't think that is a bad thing. I mean I also have relationships that are platonic and romantic and sexual. I feel that is very normal in us humans. Nothing to be frowned upon.
  2. Oh I totally understand that, I lost it on someone in a post that took it over and basically invalidated and disregarded the personal experiences of addicts.
  3. It's pretty simple really, we all have our brains and think in different ways. And yes people can be critical and disagree with certain points you make. That is fine, that is part of a healthy debate. If we all agreed with all of your points, or someone else's points. This forum would be boring. And I don't think they are harsh at all, they are direct, critical and honest. Again all part of a healthy discussion.
  4. No crap, I hated how she was on this. Like oh I know you were an addict, but your point is moot cause I believe medical journals and basically clinical studies. Over that of the actual human experience.
  5. So it's because I am not a "clinical" addict that my issues and points are moot eh? You are absolutely ignorant and delusional here. And yes you are actively derailing this thread Luna. And nice way to call us dumb. Oh here is Luna, who knows everything about addiction. Yet when confronted and told she is wrong, by people who are addicts, she actively gaslights and disregards them.
  6. I'm just done with you Luna. You are being ridiculous and even ignorant and gaslighting people who went through it.
  7. So my own experience is not valid, you just disregarded my experience, I mean sure I don't have an insight on addicts, but now you are gaslighting me. So I am done with this Luna, you are really getting on my nerves and I don't want to derail this thread anymore.
  8. Pretty much. I mean at least they title it right, but make the thumbnail more catchy and add the topic you are diving into.
  9. Okay instead of talking over an actual ex-addict and disregarding what they say. Be empathetic and listen to them. I mean you are talking over me disregarding my experience, and acting like you know all about it.
  10. How is that a bad light? It was just talking about people with video game addiction and yes I think it brought up some people who were addicted to second life. It's like you want to shove this all under the rug, and act like it never happened.
  11. No one is judging them negatively at all, you are just reaching there. Most people just want them off the streets and in rehab centers, getting the help they need. And yes it is addiction, plain and simple.
  12. No one is painting SL in a bad light, they are just telling the truth. And who said that SL is filled with addicts? There are a lot of addicts in SL, who truly need actual help. That is the truth.
  13. Self-medicating isn't good and is harmful to the person doing it. So yes it is addiction. Please stop disregarding that. I mean I stated, I was chasing the high. How is that not being an addict? These people like myself, should be seeking professional help and not self-medicating. This nonchalant approach stigmatizes the need for one to reach out for help,
  14. But you are right, she went off topic. Its secrets of SL. Not the secret life of SL addicts and addiction in general. So sorry for derailing it.
  15. Well, addicts tend to use what they are addicted to as a means to escape. So ergo, they are miserable. I mean I am an ex cocaine addict, and I used it to feel normal. I was absolutely miserable with an ADHD brain, that would have 300000 thoughts a second. This quieted it all down. And it made me happy and not miserable, until I came down. Then I would chase that high to feel normal again.
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