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Posts posted by Iwilltestit19000

  1. Here the entire description of my problems, tests with friends and pictures to show it. 

    My problem is that me and 3 other reliable friends see me nude or with ripped clothes. :(( 
    1. clothes drawn on the shape with 1 size (layer-based" textured ?) can’t be seen: suits, shorts, some 1 size pants, panties, bras
    2. Alpha masks for invisible parts’ bodies don’t work anymore: so “mesh” clothes look ripped.  (see pic attachment) 
    3. When I have high heels shoes/boots, ”shoe bases” aren’t applied: so my heels go through the shoes. Or my ankles look twisted

    Just to help you better figure it out, SL friends collected all the observations and wrote it for me.
    (Sorry if I don’t use the correct SL vocabulary)
    - My avatar is a very classic SL Standard body . Not a “mesh avatar”. No script on my avatar.
    **Note: I created another profile test on the same PC,  just to see what others can see or not. And 3 SL friends confirmed too. 
    (This new test avatar on new profile, at the same places, has no problems: so not a problem of Mac/PC)

    - Same problem on SL viewer & Firestorm  viewer; So my SL viewer has no problem.

     "Choose an avatar ; Fantasy : "Rhiannon" with bow and horse : alpha for dresses invisible 
    I can see it only if I reshape  or change my avatar. But others can't see anyway . And if I log in again, I can’t see it either. 

    - When clothes are sold with different sizes (Classic/Mesh  or brands?) , me and others can see them
    Hats, belts, jewelry, shoes... are always seen by others too.

    - Menu > "Basic avatar " :  choosing a new  avatar ; Fantasy : "eg: Rhiannon" (with bow and horse) with NO HUBS:  when removing the long dress , alpha for dresses invisible too: So NOT a  HUB problems: clothes attached to hubs (Instead of the middle body)
    - BOM aren't enabled because  "Basic avatar" 

    - Test with 2 different body mesh demo from different sellers: same problems (then I removed it)
    Menu Firestorm “Me”:
    -  "avatar heath" > Basic girl test : can't see the top suit. Just the dress
     - "avatar heath" : tested all options  and recreated LSL bridge: Same problem
    -  Take off Hubs : removed all hubs and restarted: same pb
     "Choose an avatar ; Fantasy : "Rhiannon" with bow and horse : same problem: same
    - Right click → Appearance → Tex refresh.: same

    - "Rebake Textures" (Ctrl-Alt-R) or highlights blended alpha CTRL+ALT+T : same 
    - Using only 1 alpha mask to test.. RLVA pref disabled: same

     -  basic skin color changed by another basic one: same 
    - Applied a different skin: same 

    - Changing the group name to be attached to a new server: same 

     -  "Edit My Outfit" > Only ONE  folder labeled "Current Outfit" or Worm” : so no conflicts (see pic attachment) 

    - on Firestorm Menu Help > Enable viewer UI Hints: I can see the alpha + textured clothes, but NOT the others!!!

    -  On the same PC, the new TEST AVATAR from a NEW profile, at the same places, has NO problem of textures & alpha masks,: So not a problem of computer, graphic card, or SL viewer configuration
    Configuration of this computer: Second Life Release (64bit), CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4712HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz (2294.57 MHz) - Memory: 16342 MB, OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19042.1387), Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation - Quadro K1100M/PCIe/GDDR5 , Windows Graphics Driver Version: R418 U9 NVIDIA 426.78, Window size: 1920x1080, Font Size Adjustment: 96pt - UI Scaling: 1 - Draw distance: 128m, LOD factor: 1.125 - Render quality: 3 - Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled, Texture memory: 512MB - Disk cache: Max size 204.0 MB (80.3% used), J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.07 Dullahan: CEF:, 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114,  Chromium: 91.0.4472.114 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.10.0000.32327, Bandwidth: 10000kbit/s - Packets Lost: 4/1,092 (0.7%) - January 13 2022 05:49:23
    But remember that 4 other players confirmed to me that I had the clothing problem, 3 of which I can absolute trust. Moreover, some have told me without asking the question to them. One confirms to me that he has a computer to play, very powerful from 2021 and he sees the problem.

    Other Hypothesis:
    When using a NON-STANDARD VIEWER, importation of objects could be NOT complete!!!
    I use “speedlight” app on my phone because SL vewer app doesn’t exist in 2022. Could it be the problem? 
    Some users wrote Second life SUPPORT helped them to their problem.
    Could SL Support service could help me too please? 
    Is there a setting to block  alpha rendering that I could unblock?  
    If any members have suggestions for tests, my friends and me would appreciate to try it on SL viewer or Firestorm 
    I'm completely lost and very sad after many years playing and collecting my clothes. 
    Thank you for your help 

    Thank you so much to SL friends who have helped me to write this post, too technical for me,
    and support me, despite my deception. 

    SL apha mask + textured clothes no applied.png

  2. Hi and Thanks for your observations and answers

    @Profaitchikenz Haiku I will ask o a SL friend or perhaps my brother. I don't know nothing in computers

    @Aishagain I will ask to someone to help me with drivers so. On Firestorm  viewer, do you you know the setting to unblock  alpha rendering? 

    @arabellajones Is it the same for  classic SL Standard body? I don't use a mesh body


  3. HI  @Profaitchikenz Haiku 
    Sorry to answer only now. As requested, tested on a more powerful computer from my father. Same problem of clothes

     But remember that 4 others player confirmed to me that I had the clothing problem, 2 of which I can absolute trust.
    Moreover, some have told me without asking the question to them
    One of the players confirms me that he has a computer to play, very powerful from 2021.

    Configuration of this computer: 

    Second Life Release (64bit)

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4712HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz (2294.57 MHz) - Memory: 16342 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19042.1387)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation - Quadro K1100M/PCIe/GDDR5 
    Windows Graphics Driver Version: R418 U9 NVIDIA 426.78
    Window size: 1920x1080, Font Size Adjustment: 96pt - UI Scaling: 1 - Draw distance: 128m
    LOD factor: 1.125 - Render quality: 3 - Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
    Texture memory: 512MB - Disk cache: Max size 204.0 MB (80.3% used)
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.10.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.07 Dullahan: CEF: 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114
      Chromium: 91.0.4472.114 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.10.0000.32327
    Bandwidth: 10000kbit/s - Packets Lost: 4/1,092 (0.7%) - January 13 2022 05:49:23


  4. Hi In that case  @Rowan Amore, sorry my message was never sent !!
     I only wear bitsy clothes and Maria-Hair to come back to a basic situation 

    >>> Rowan Amore
    I'd also be interested in what else is worn as your picture shows a folder...clothes other as having something worn also.  We're not seeing ALL that is worn.  A picture of Current Outfit would be more helpful.

  5. Hi everyone 
    Same problem for me 
    Here all the technical the description made with a friend:  https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/481161-why-are-clothes-drawn-on-the-body-textures-and-alpha-masks-for-invisible-body-parts-cant-be-seen-by-me-and-other-avatars/

    Note: I created another profile test,  just to see what others can see or not. And 2 SL friends confirmed too.

    Not sure how @Peachileesolved her problem !!!

    @Wulfie Reanimatorwould you tell me more how to know if I attached clothing to my HUD and how to avoid it?
    Your demonstration isn't there anymore on https://puu.sh/FWzpY/66344d3aaf.mp4 

    @Anna SalyxInteresting points about:
    "ghosting", sometimes during a teleport between regions or between different viewers 
    - I will try to read again about clothes inside key words from folders and test it 

    RLV mode allowing others to attach clothes (by the way I desactivated RLV mode after my problems

    See more there please  


  6. Ho!  Who could help me please?

    For my Mesh Demo test , when I right right click the inventory > "edit". >
    I can't find "select aace/Select texture"  button or menu !!!
    I have only "Select face" on SL
    the texture tab >   non 
    "alpha blending" field to apply mask value set to 128. !!!!

    Here a picture to figure the initial problem 



    SL apha mask + textured clothes no applied.png

  7. Hi Profaitchkenz 

    I tested by creating a new shape under BodyParts + new Skin: same problem 
    When I will come back from holidays , I will check on SL Viewer to test  Mesh Demo , then right click the inventory > "edit". > "select aace/Select texture" > the texture tab > "alpha blending" with the mask value set to 128. Right? 

    A new discover: Firestorm Menu Help > Enable viewer UI Hints
    Now, I can see the alpha + textured clothes, but not the others!!!


    19 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    I got inworld after Windows finally got tired of churning my machine around updating something .

    I too am a standard avatar, like the OP. I looked in all the appearance edit options but could see nothing where it might be possible to accidentally set a body t be non-BOM.

    I can suggest a simple test:

    Create a new shape under BodyParts. Wear it.

    Apply a different skin (if you only have the one look on the Marketplace for some freebees).

    See if a fresh shape with new skin still gives the same problem to you and other people viewing you.


  8. 2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Are you using one of the avatars from the library as your base avatar?  Some of those ARE mesh avatars.  You wouldn't be able to see clothing textures on them.  They aren't BOM enabled as far as I remember.  Putting any systems layers on them would not show on the avatar.

    Perhaps a picture would be helpful for us trying to determine what might be the issue.

    Hi Rowan

    Using avatar "Maria" from Library 
     Is BOM =" Bakes on Mesh". I will try to read about that
    Tomorrow I'll try to see how to figure it by picture and post it. Tks a lot 

  9. 3 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    I got inworld after Windows finally got tired of churning my machine around updating something .

    I too am a standard avatar, like the OP. I looked in all the appearance edit options but could see nothing where it might be possible to accidentally set a body t be non-BOM.

    I can suggest a simple test:

    Create a new shape under BodyParts. Wear it.

    Apply a different skin (if you only have the one look on the Marketplace for some freebees).

    See if a fresh shape with new skin still gives the same problem to you and other people viewing you.



    I am assuming you have a recent PC with a good enough graphics card: the only time I have heard of this problem was with somebody who was trying to use an old 32-bit PC with an old NVidia 32-bit PCi Express card that would not show alpha masks to them, but everybody viewing them saw the masks working.


    Hi again Profaitchikenz
    Tks for your interest. I confirm to have a recent computer with a good graphic card. And 1 of the SL friend who tested with me seems to have a better one. 
    I will test with new shape as soon as possible tomorrow and inform you

  10. 1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

    I'm confused by what you describe as a "standard mesh" avatar, not a "mesh avatar", do you mean you are a basic system avatar?

    If the latter, then I too am at a loss for what could be causing it.

    If however you are indeed using a mesh avatar set to Bakes on Mesh, check the texture settings on your body and see what alpha mode is set to. It should be "alpha blending" with the mask value set to 128.

    There are some reports of mesh bodies having the alpha mode reset to "none" and the results are exactly ass you describe.

    Sorry to ask. Which menu for "alpha blending" mask value set to 128 please 

  11.  So the others see me nude or with ripped clothes. :(( forced to wear certain sizes of certain much larger clothes.

    Just to help you better figure it out, a SL friend collected all the observations and wrote it for me.
    (Sorry if I don’t use the correct SL vocabulary)
    - My avatar is a very classic SL Standard body . Not a “mesh avatar”. No script on my avatar.
    *Note: I created another profile test,  just to see what others can see or not. And 2 SL friends confirmed too.

    - The new avatar from new profile has no problem textures / alpha masks problems on the same machine:

    - And Same problem on SL viewer and Firestorm  viewer; So my SL viewer app has no problem.

    - clothes textures (drawn on the shape) and alpha masks can't be seen anymore by me & others: suits, shorts, some 1 size pants, panties, bras with 1 size (layer-based" textured ?)
    I can see it only if I reshape  or change my avatar. But others can't see anyway . And if I log in again, I can’t see it too. 
    - When clothes are sold with different sizes (Classic/Mesh  or brands?) , me and others can see them
    Hats, belts, jewelry, shoes... are always seen by others too.
    - Even on the Firestorm menu > "Basic avatar " : when removing the long dress , we can't see the invisible alpha.
    menu “Me”:
     "avatar heath" > Basic girl test : can't see the top suit. Just the dress
     "avatar heath" : tested all options  and recreated LSL bridge: Same problem
     Take off Hubs : removed all hubs and restarted: same
     "Choose an avatar ; Fantasy : "Rhiannon" with bow and horse : alpha for dresses invisible 
    - Right click → Appearance → Tex refresh.: same problem
    - Rebake (Ctrl-Alt-R) or highlights blended alpha CTRL+ALT+T : same problem
    - Using only 1 alpha mask to test.. RLVA pref disabled: same problem

     -  basic skin color changed by another basic one: same 

    - 2 demo body mesh then tested with alpha masks and textured clothes: same problem!!!
    1. When changing the group name, we could "change"  the server, solving the problem: but same problem for me.
    2. Clothes could be attached to hubs . Instead of the middle body. No idea how I could check that ???.
    If you have suggestions for tests, my friend and me would appreciate to try it on SL viewer or Firestorm 
    I'm completely lost. If I can’t change my clothes I will leave this game. 
    Thank you for your help 


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