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Posts posted by Aishagain

  1. @CarlaWetter

    My point is quite simple.  Yes, though eventually the GSP announced the upcoming rolls (it came later than usual) we had no information as to WHAT was to be rolled.  Until I posted what had rolled on my region, we had no clue.  Once it was disseminated, the release notes could be used.

    Bear also in mind that LL, in the form of Mazidox Linden had admitted they were failing to keep us informed but that would improve - it has actually got worse.


  2. So...nary a peep from LL on this thread and yet Main Server is now on Second Life Server 2023-03-16.578844.  When it is just a "bounce restart" it is not a big deal that no post is made to the Sever restart thread, but today we changed software and that is a beast of a quite different colour. 

    Bad form, LL, to say the least.  I could say more and many others will but poor communication is a great way to alienate your userbase.

    Eta: Weds 29th, so..the RC Channels are being restarted, yet no word from LL.

  3. 10 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Here's what is on my copy of the regular SL Viewer under "About SL" it just says "Second Life Server". 

    Second Life Server 2023-03-17.578853

    As Qie points out, your server info is given in the line beginning "Second Life Server".  The version number is your key to whether you are Main Server or RC Channel, but you do have to keep abreast of which versions numbers are deployed where.  The only other clue is that Main Server is restarted or rolled on a Tuesday, RC channels on a Wednesday. Usually.

    I agree totally with you that is is not clear and in another example of Linden Lab's total failure to understand their userbase, they actually seem to think that telling their userbase which type of server they are sitting on is in some way prejudicial to their business. I've been in SL for 15 years and their utter failure to grasp essentials of customer liason still baffles me.

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  4. 40 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    And across release channels, if these sims are on different channels, //that's hidden now so I have no idea.

    Prok it is not hidden, it is just more difficult to ascertain.  Fequently when The Main Server Channel is running one veersion no.  The RC Channels are running another and that version number should be shown in your viewer's top bar.  I forget which preference it is (I know the FS version but I know you don't run it, and I have no idea whether it shows by default in the Linden viewer).  Of course on the weeks where the RC and Main channel run the same version you are stumped but a glance at the Release Thread in this forum can inform you, whether the post is official or from some community minded soul such as  Logan Elf.

  5. I have noticed reproducible issues when teleporting from RC Channel regions running 578370 back to Main Server regions runng 577734, whereby several items are "ghosted" untill a relog is done, in other words they appear to have dropped off to other observers but not to the wearer.

    I thought at first this was just random but having encountered if a number of times now, it seems to be reproducible for me at least, as observed by at least three other folk.

    Anyone else had comments about missing attachments? 

    BTW I am assiduous in making sure that I do not have multiple attachments on right hand or anywhere else for that matter.

    ETA: I'm not going to file a ticket over this until I am sure it's not just me cludging stuff in RLVa

  6. Well it must not have gone quite as LL planned because Main Server just got a "bounce restart" today and stayed on 577734.

    Further edit Wed's 15th:  No post from LL referencing the RC Channel roll, so I assume no significant change there either.

    It would seem that "mushroom syndrome" is rearing its ugly head again.

  7. @Henri Beauchamp

    Now my understanding of these (multiple) friends online bugs was that the one affecting the initial failure of the system to send a list of online friends had been at least partially fixed (at least it appears normal in the current Firestorm and I would assume that the same is true for the Linden viewer though I have not had cause to use it recently)

    The bug where accepting a new friendship offer or having an offer you make accepted promptly causes the system to register all your existing friends online to show as offline until you relog appears unchanged.  Perhaps Rider was indicating that nothing was being done about THAT?

    With that bug LL really DO need a digital extraction tool.

  8. There is an old saying "there are none so blind as those who will not see".

    Linden Lab know there is a problem but they do not see any urgency to the issue because they (Tilia) have the capacity to endure a hit to their income stream while their programmers work on the  planned "improvements".

    I hesitate to say that they do not care about the creators that are not so well insulated against an income disruption but it does rather look that way!

    Linden Lab's clumsiness and apparent uncaring attitude when it comes to dealing with their userbase is well-known and a real "achilles' heel" for them.

  9. 3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    The blog entry does a great job of explanifying things.

    *Sigh*.  The Blog entry does a great job of showing that whoever is working on these search/Marketplace changes has paid not the slightest attention to the screams of SL creators, whether it is by JIRA, ticket or in this forum.

    • Like 3
  10. I've just read LL's most recent entry in Tools (sic) & Technology.

    It is almost unbelievable how smug and disconnected this current batch of Linden Lab technicians/programmers are.  Almost...I have been active in SL for 15 years now and I have reached marginally higher levels of incredulity in years long past.

    That marketplace search works AT ALL is surprising. It clearly does NOT function well for the creators and if you need to search with any degree of thoroughness, you need a degree in algebraic functions.

    This has made MP search almost unusable for most recreational users.

    LL should be ashamed of their work.


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  11. 1 hour ago, Arwen Serpente said:

    Yes. Wulfie, I know that it is standard to close duplicate JIRAs to maintain order. Part of the point is not just the speed at which they are closed, but that more than 20 residents have felt the need to even file JIRAs on this issue in under a week.

    The JIRAs are closed as duplicates but as I complained ignorantly elsewhere, the original of which they are duplicates (...um is that English?) is not noted.

    Apparently it is an internal JIRA now and if you know where to look you can see it.  I was told:

    "Spidey marked it as duplicate of WENG-9476, which is probably an internal ticket number."

    This seems to be Linden Lab saying "Look, we are working on this, we know it's bad, but just shut up and let us get on with it"

    The regard in which we hold Linden Lab is beginning to erode, I suspect.

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