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Posts posted by Aishagain

  1. 18 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    If you make a change to your attachments - editing them in any way. detach the edited attachments, wait 30 seconds then attach again. Then this revert will not happen.

    'Twas ever thus, it is in the nature of the items.  A given state (be it a script or an edited item) is not saved until the item is no longer associated with the account, either when it is removed or the account logs off correctly.  I know next to nothing about SL, but that I DID know (gosh hark at the smart-ass). :S

  2. Just to say, still no release notes on the server software rolled to the RCs on Wednesday and the original post has not yet been updated with the version that was rolled to the RC channels.  FWIW WAS the version rolled to Wirtz, but what is had in it or what it was intended to do, is anyone's guess.

  3. Reading the final comment on the JIRA, Henri Beauchamp makes a very cogent point that rather squashes the advent of EEP as the root cause of these disconnects!  So just what is causing them remains a bit of a mystery!  Henri's been around long enough that I tend to accept his analysis.

    One thing on your last post MBeatirix, the resolution date is out of sequence so I'd not have any faith in that anyway!  But as ever the JIRA queen Whirly explains what the Lindenese really means.  Now we must "wait and see" whether that "fix" is imported to Main Server, and whether it really helps.

    Interestingly, I've been TPing around a fair bit so far today without any disconnects or crashes...o.O

    Yes, of course comments are now closed since LL have imported the issue, I should have noticed that, my mistake. :$

  4. To MBeatrix:

    Yes the final update to EEP was indeed very synchronous with the rise in disconnect/crash rate, but as you say, some previous versions of the EEP code were on the RC channels some two or three weeks previous.  Indeed I have little doubt that EEP is possibly not the prime culprit but some of the changes needed to accommodate the new server code "might" be.

    That the changes to the sky Windlight was a major factor in my mind was that I suffered several disconnects while gliding and crossing sim boundaries.  I has my viewer set up to accept the region windlights, my partner did NOT ( a legacy of much SL sailing) and did not crash or disconnect once during our flights.

    We both suffer occasional TP disconnects and that does not appear to be connected to EEP changes.

    As for my network, modem and computer: all have been checked out both by myself using the few tools at my disposal, and do not, I think, contribute to this issue.

    So far as the "resolution" of this issue according to the LL JIRA, I have not received a notification of that yet but it would be par for the course for certain areas of LL to limit discussion of a problem that they want to "go away".  Perhaps we will see if the "fix" is promoted to Main Server this week.


    ETA: I just checked the JIRA and it is NOT resolved, status is still accepted and to me at least is open. BUG-226577 - TPs (Teleports) causing Grid Disconnects and grey screen QUITS

    • Confused 1
  5. It seems that there are many and varied attitudes here.

    Just for the record, Theresa, EEP changes are VERY possible causes of disconnects, since the mangled data that the viewer may receive on entering, either by direct crossing or TP, an EEP enabled region will most likely cause fatal errors in the loading process and subsequent disconnection or viewer shutdown (crash).

    The increased load on viewers/computers produced by animesh is a less likely but still plausible cause for crashes, though less so for disconnects, since the data is not mangled.

    I have encountered both and the issues with animesh enabled viewers suffered by some are quite real, though not as severe in most cases as those posted on this thread.

    The change of simulator OS "may" also be a contributory factor, but the timing of the growth of issues and the release of EEP do tie in much better, as to some extent does the advent of animesh-enabling code in viewers.

    I will be interested to see if the possible "fix" rolled out to the RC channels this past week mitigates the problems.  On present evidence TP between Main Server and the RC channels still seem bugged, but TPs between RC channel regions seem less toxic than they were!

  6. There is a problem.  Everyone is agreed on this (even Linden Lab).  However something is far from clear and that is who is "crashing" and who is being "disconnected".

    Some clarity is needed here.  If your viewer crashes, more often than not you'll see SL freeze, followed by "Programme not responding" or similar message and you manually quit the programme/viewer.  You may find that the viewer suddenly closes and you "crash to desktop".  There are other variants.

    But they are one thing and most likely are related to your connection or your machine.

    The other thing and this is what we are seeing FAR more of than usual, are disconnects, where your viewer shows a grey-scale picture and you are presented with the option to either read IMs or Quit.  That is something that "can" imply connection issues, but far more often indicates a failure of the SL server-side data flow.

    In my case the issue is a sudden and large rise in the incidence of the latter and it would help to clarify some of the above complaints if posters could be a little clearer as to whether they are experiencing "crashes" or "disconnects". 

    That the advent of animesh and EEP are implicated in this seem a no-brainer, but just HOW is not yet clear.

    As an aside, why on earth do we need EEP?

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    In computing terms, the current "contractors" would be the grandchildren of the original builder. As of next January, three complete generations of Microsoft Windows will have gone from initial release to official "end of support" in the time that the earliest items in Second Life have continuously existed.


    I thought SL's server software was Linux-based and wasn't subject to the Windoze generation issue, but I am not certain of that. In any case, your logic regarding who made SL is flawed on that point, Windows did not make SL, LL compilers did.  And LL is still the contractor and builder.


    2 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Why are there two simulators at all?


    Er, you mean that SL should be just one single simulator?  I doubt that that would even be possible, and it certainly would not be desirable.

  8. Theresa

    Your point is?

    In this case the contractor was the original builder.  

    As to the concept of simulators and crossings being fundamentally flawed...how?  I cannot reconcile the process of making the data-transfer between two simulators work properly without losses or distortion and a fundamental flaw.

    • Like 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, animats said:

    Barlow's classic business book "A Complaint is a Gift" makes a crucial point: For every customer who complains, there were 10 to 100 who silently stopped buying from you. LL needs to be reminded of that occasionally. The people here on the forums are the ones who didn't get fed up and leave.

    The saddest aspect of this is that LL actually don't think this applies to them or SL or they assume there is, in their purview, an unending supply of new users.  They seem unaware that serious issues with the "world" in SL haemorrhage valuable paying users from their base and that refusal to accept that fact has wounded them on several occasions.  I hesitate to say that it would cause the death of SL but death by 1000 cuts is a distinct possibility!

    • Sad 2
  10. To Theresa and Animats I would say this: it is immaterial whether or not we rail at inaction by Linden Lab.  It is also immaterial what we, as individuals think of LL.

    The ONLY material aspect of the current situation is that the issue is fixed, and fixed properly and quickly.  Sticking-plaster solutions are in the medium and long-term useless since they will almost certainly come unstuck at a code-change in the near future.

    After years of enduring issue after issue that has plagued SL when a small, well-intentioned change in server code has caused significant negative effects, we are all too often in such a position as we find ourselves now.  The problem is exacerbated by LL's high staff turnover resulting in the active server-code team being inexperienced and largely unaware of the unintended result of their work.  LL's and many other contemporary companies' secrecy is a consequence of being unwilling to accept ownership of a system and its issues (another current example might be the Boeing Corporation's tardy acceptance of liability for an issue with their software and its operation). NO I am not suggesting that the two are of equal severity, simply they illustrate a mind-set.

    That we should calmly and resolutely keep reminding LL of their obligations is a given.  That we should yell at them or each other is not.

    • Like 3
  11. Mazidox

    I am confused.  According to the release notes of the code rolled to the RC channels Bluesteel and LeTigre last week (, UDP fetch was deprecated (sic) last week.  So what is being deprecated this week?

  12. Theresa

    I have always had teleport screens enabled and this has made no difference to the frequency of TP disconnects 

    Secondly the region border crossing disconnects are instantaneous, so having those screens disabled would be irrelevant.

    Whether or not the two have any common cause I do not know.  I only know that something is broken and it needs to be fixed, and quickly.


    ETA: I should clarify that I HAVE tried TPing without the black screens but I find it most unappealing so I don't use it.  It may be possible to do that via debug settings in the Linden viewer but I detest the UI among other things, so I only use it when absolutely necessary!

  13. 1 hour ago, MBeatrix said:

    Sailing or flying always with the same windlight settings never prevented me from crashing. Also, today I crashed twice in a short time while having the sky rendering disabled. So, as I wrote before, possibly crashes on crossings and the teleport issue may not be related. But who knows?

    Now, some people claim to have experienced the same issues using the SL Viewer... So, presumably, the issues don't affect only non-EEP viewers. But, again, I'm just guessing.

    (I want my sky back!!!!!)

    MB, the current release LL viewer is not EEP able yet, the EEP viewer is still a project viewer so yes, it has the same issues as FS' current release.  What bothers me even more is that some are saying the even when using the RC/Project viewer they are getting disconnects, so that would tie in with those getting disconnects even with the sky de-rendered.  No, disconnects due to bad region hand-offs have been an issue in SL for quite some time now and I too suspect that is another issue that may or may not be connected.

    That this issue remains largely uncommented on by LL suggests they have not (yet) found the source of the issue and no info is forthcoming at time of writing about possible fixes being rolled out this week. o.O

  14. Just a little additional info.  As regard my forced quits during flying there is an important difference between my settings and those of my partner.  I use whatever region windlight is set on that region, she does not and always has the same windlight set (this she uses because she sailed a lot).

    I believe that difference may well be crucial.


    While it is clear that Linden Lab ARE aware of this issue, there has been to date (no surprise) radio silence on the blogs and forums from them about this.  I suppose they are a bit miffed that their latest "shiny" is causing so much trouble on the Grid.  I don't suppose they tested the EEP code without EEP-enabled viewers.  Moerover I wonder if you can even walk/fly across region borders on Aditi or Snack. Pity, it could have saved a lot of irritation and much frenzied speculation as to the cause.  >:(

  15. I'm certainly not going to suggest a cause or solution for this issue but tonight while gliding I had an abrupt disconnect (to standard greyscale IM or quit screen) exactly as I crossed a sim border, having just previously crossed five or six without any drama.

    When I returned (relogged) to SL (at Home) I attempted to TP back to the airfield I had taken off from but crashed in TP (standard IM or quit screen again) though this time on relog I WAS back at the airfield! 

    Notably my partner, who had been flying the glider had continued unaffected and landed unperturbed but puzzled as to where I had gone!  We are both UK but with different ISPs.  We both use FS 6.0.2, which as I understand it is contemporary with the LL default viewer code.

    As other posters have commented, I have not suffered TP crashes and disconnects like this for several years, especially since there were no other suggestions of connection issues, ie high ping or packet-loss.

  16. I'm quite interested by the knowledge/ignorance of LL's sim-hosting procedures in SL shown on this thread and it is significant that homesteads, since they are sharing cores, suffer from more operational cross-talk that mainland full regions or private estates.  I quite frequently have to restart my homestead after rolling restarts, due (I assume) to being moved onto a busy core.  I usually find that one restart is sufficient to move us to a less densely loaded core.  Throughout, however, our region's script run these days never goes above 65%, and is occasionally as low as 25% on a "bad" core.  Previously, and with no change in our homestead's script load or number, we had routinely 99%+ script run: if it dropped below 90% I knew I needed to restart the region.

    That being said I do observe similar fluctuations and massively lower script-run percentages on a Mainland full region I help to administer, and these are independent of TP's or login/out either on that sim or on neighbouring (geographically) sims.  I have spent several hours doing these observations in a very non-technical way, simply watching the statistics in my own viewer.  The "child agent" issue is also very observable.

    All this being said does not change the observable fact that something has changed within SL to cause this massive reduction in script-run % on nearly all regions.  It is a puzzlement to me as to why some regions are still showing 95+% script-run despite the obvious changes elsewhere. O.o

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