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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Whirly Fizzle: No, Whirly, I HAVE seen instances of the issue to which you refer. This is quite different and on a couple of occasions the item HAS detached so I guess that would simply be considered a delayed effect. The attachment that is unremovable is not affected by the refresh and is still active until detached. If, as happened twice it is a box, I can still obtain copies of the contents until it is detached. I suspect that the mechanism involved is similar and may have some common elements, but it is NOT the same issue. for further clarification, my inventory on this account is fewer than 25,000, but I use other than the base folders
  2. @Oz Linden: I have observed both the Scripted object issue (and have added to the existing JIRA on the matter) and the Inventory "slowness" issue. Both observed on a Main Server homestead (as described in the JIRA submission)running the current software set (2019-09-13T20%3A04%3A44.530946.html ). In a "typical case I can attach an object without trouble but upon detach nothing happens until I perhaps TP or in extreme cases I relog. On one occasion I found the item detached when I attached another item (using ADD not WEAR) to the same attachment point. The latter is annoying but not critical, the former is a game-breaker. Please Triage this ASAP and effect a solution...oh and incidentally I echo Neo in his dislike of the removal of the channel ID in the viewer. Just WHO this is supposed to assist I cannot imagine.
  3. Caleb For the second week in a row the Roll seems to be going on for much longer than anticipated or forecast. Is this going to be the fashion from now? I have had unsubstantiated and therefore inconclusive reports that sims are down for much longer than used to be the case this week on Main and last week on the RCs. May we know if there is a particular non-security reason for this? I recall Oz saying that the new Roll strategy would result in less downtime for the regions, not more.
  4. Caleb I see from the Status page that the RC channel Rolls are still in progress. They were due to be completed some 3 hours ago. Has there been a problem wit the roll or is the GSP asleep at the wheel again? Can we please have some confirmation of the Rolls' status?
  5. I take it that we are back to two separate days for Main Server and RC channels this week after last week's experiment of rolling the whole grid on one day?
  6. Caleb There is a problem with the release notes for the RC channels. The link you have posted is, for all 3 channels, showing a 403 Forbidden connection error, so I must assume the link is in some way encrypted. Please amend them or may we know what the notes SHOULD be telling us, please? The link to the Main Server roll is valid.
  7. @WolfBaginski Bearsfoot: Thanks Wolf that's the one I have started to use now.
  8. Since the forum ate my post I'll repeat it. Thanks Whirly, I've found a couple of other stats sites that are properly updated as well as your link, so what fate has befallen Tateru Nino's and the e***sup site goodness knows. I'll add this url to my favourites as well, so thanks once again. Fingers crossed that the server has had its dinner by now and is not hungry!
  9. This thread may not be the correct place for this post, but something seems to have happened to the online concurrency data for SL. The two sites I have used for years, Second Life Statistical Charts and e****up are both longer showing online numbers. The former site has not updated in over 24 hours and the latter is showing no data at all for the past 48 hours. So I am curious if this has anything to do with any changes made by LL to their data output? Perhaps someone wiser than me can explain what is happening?
  10. @Qie Niangao: Yep I was clearly not paying attention, You are correct the version on LeTigre is not the anonymized one. D'oH!
  11. OK I am now somewhat confused. According to the Tools & Technology Blog-post the software version rolled today to LeTigre and other RC Channel regions was supposed to hide the Channel identifier so that LeTigre etc would no longer be shown in the top toolbar or help floater. That it still shows (I've been on LeTigre since the roll to check) means either that the software change didn't work or it has been deprecated due to the adverse reaction to the announcement in the past day or so. I wonder which it is?
  12. @Oz Linden: Thankyou for responding comprehensively, Oz, I don't like what's being done but at least I understand it a bit better now.
  13. @Oz Linden: Yes, all very well except for a few small points. Thanks for your words but: 1) On a region with multiple parcel "owners" I understood that ALL the owners had to be in agreement before a channel change could be requested. Now, if I am wrong then I apologise, we were told this many months ago by support. 2) In future when channel information is not available and regions can be moved from one channel to another at LL's whim, how will we KNOW to ask for a change of channel rather than just a restart or a fresh server? So far as I can see we would have no way of knowing. 3) In God's name WHY are you doing this? To me at least this change makes absolutely no sense. And Yes, I have read the Tools and Technology Blog post...several times.
  14. Oskar and Maestro were great to work with, I trouble-shot several issues with them in a previous account. They had one characteristic that set them apart from the other Lindens of that period (and to a regrettable extent, Lindens of this era as well)...they understood SL and its users; granted Oskar sometimes seemed to understand us and LL a little TOO well, that's another story.
  15. Sad to say that having looked at how The Lab are handling the above JIRA, my only conclusion (yes, I may be wrong, but that is my privilege) is that LL are going into hiding after a period of greater interaction. They are idiots. Clever and talented idiots.
  16. I am almost completely lost for words ( I've picked myself up, thanks Whirly!). I know of at least one parcel owner that has just spent a LOT of RL money to move away from the somewhat capricious RC channel changes in the (seemingly futile) hope of a little more stabilty. This is one of the worst changes that LL have foisted upon us in years. It is utterly stupid. Could LL be so embarrassed about the recent debacles that they are now trying to hide the changes? Apart from anything else, one upshot of The Lab's avowed intent is that builders will now have avoid TWO days when restarts might interfere with their work rather than just one, since regions will be "arbitrarily" moved between channels as LL see fit. Won't THAT be popular!
  17. *sigh OK Roll up , Roll up for the rolling restart sweepstake: What am I bid? Do I hear three? Did you say Four, Sir? I am bid four now...any advance?. Look out for Zulus, they need their internals fixed, apparently.
  18. @Miller Thor: This account may be too young to remember Oskar, but I've been around SL since 2008, and my memory (such as it is) goes back well before Oskar's time. The current Region Software may be stable, but it has a serious memory leak which means that unless LL restart Wirtz two or three times a week, we can use the rubber bands we get in profusion as rapid-fire catapults! Also script run staggers down from 25 to under 10% quite quickly.
  19. My...I wondered when Oskar's name would resurface, Miller! Considering how much better Wirtz seemed to run for the hours that the second set of script run changes were in place (530270), granted after a further restart and how much WORSE it is now, some sort of explanation for the "rollback" would be welcome and reassuring that LL actually were "on it". It's not that I don't think that Rider knows what he's doing, I just don't understand the logic of the past few days' changes.
  20. Quick update on Wirtz. As I feared we're now on the Server Version rolled to Main this week, 529800. Script run is back down to 20-25% and our memory leak is back, which means I'll be looking to restart every other day again. What a pity. Still I guess there was a good reason for the roll back.
  21. @Willow Wilder:We needed his agreement in order to have region moved to Main Server. On a given region all occupants/owners must agree and give their assent. Regarding restarts yes Wirtz had one at c. 7:30pm SLT. I have not yet been in-world to assess region performance, but from what I read above I am not hopeful. Shame; last night looked promising.
  22. @Willow Wilder: why did you post that? You stated the Blindingly obvious, and I had already pointed out, after much local debate we ARE moving Servers. Sadly since we are not the only landowners on the region (there is a tiny parcel owned by one of the most uncooperative and uncommunicative individuals I have ever had the misfortune to have encountered), we needed his cooperation. Further to my previous posts I now see that with the new server version script-run is down to below 15%! We await the next restart/rollback ETA: Well, we had a restart (7 now) and surprise surprise, script run is back up to 60%! So maybe, just maybe, it is going to work, or is it just random fluctuations in the SL aether?? Who knows! 2nd ETA: After 6 hours of running Wirtz is performing better than it has done for more than 6 months. Script run will never be 100% on that region (between 9.5 and 10K scripts on occasions) so it is heavily overloaded but it has been running at 60% or thereabouts for all this past 6 hours and TP in and out , while noticeable are no longer rubber banding nightmares lasting several seconds. It may be just serendipity but maybe, just maybe the issue is being quelled.
  23. @Willow Wilder: Indeed. We are moving as soon as possible. We were not asked if we minded when we were moved to LeTigre, we did not have a choice over it. @Miller Thor: A couple of extra restarts are nothing to comment on and indeed I didn't last week. Four for a second week and at the last count two more today are. I don't expect you to agree and I will lose no sleep over it, but this many restarts is not a competent attempt to remove a blight from SL, it is an uncoordinated mess.
  24. This week LL are testing our patience. Wirtz region on LeTigre RC channel has so far had 4 (four) restarts, the most recent being an hour ago, at approximately 9:00am, 1:00pm, 5:00pm yesterday and 1:00am today. We are given to understand that LeTigre is to be rolled again today: I wonder how many restarts we will experience over the next 24 hours? Last week's abortive roll caused 4 ( four) restarts, so this has caused some of our visitors ( this is an RP parcel) to believe that our parcel no longer exists! We are necessarily dependent on footfall (traffic). Just WHAT is going on, Linden Lab??
  25. I don't know if this is relevant to Qie's issue, but I see that the GSP is telling us that LeTigre and ONLY LeTigre is to have a further roll tomorrow.. Now what?
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