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Posts posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. 19 minutes ago, Mina Amorosi said:

    Thanks for replying Moira! They are head and body control huds that I've always used without any problem. And they are not together on the screen. I've teleported to other places to test, relogged, removed them and put them again and nothing. And it's not script ban setting. After a while they start working again. But it has already happened 2 times for several minutes. It had never happened and I already have 12 years of SL and intimacy with hud system controls. I use Firestorm Viewer. The update was in the official Viewer where there were corrections of objects in the folders. And at this moment that I am writing I went to see the number referring to the update and there is already a new one. The third in 7 days. 👉

    If they started working again on their own, I wonder if it was a connection or resource issue.   

    If you're using Firestorm viewer you might want to consider Tarik's suggestion about contacting their in-world support group to see if they might have some suggestions or to see if they've heard of others having similar issues.  I haven't heard of similar issues being reported by others here in the forum recently. 

    If the update you're referring to is a version of the official LL viewer, that wouldn't be relevant to your problem if you weren't using that viewer (and as Tarik mentioned above, a viewer update should not prevent HUD scripts from running).

    And if you are using LL's I would suggest downloading and installing which is the current default LL viewer.  ( is a pre-release version that is made available for people who choose to download it to do some testing before it's made the default version). 

  2. 3 hours ago, Finite said:

    I think it would be possible for SL to maintain their current code and all our goods while also producing an updated engine. If they were to convert SL to purely an editor (which is basically what it is already) and have a converter program to an entirely closed game. Basically we’d use SL to change our avatars and lands and what not then upload them. Then upon logging into the new program you would be locked in to whatever you uploaded from the editor. At the cost of instant edit ability we would have a far more functioning end result and not have to slosh through constantly loading, rezzing and derezzing sims. We could also have the option of preloading zones and avatars we regularly visit and interact with.

    This would not appeal to me at all.  If I had to leave the new program to go back to the "SL editor" everytime I wanted to change my look or change furnishings or change landscaping and then re-upload and go back to the new program, I would quickly tire of that and probably decide to just forget the whole thing.   

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Mina Amorosi said:

    After the last recent update the HUD objects no longer respond when clicking on them.

    The last recent update of what? (viewer? and if so which viewer?)  

    Is it all your HUD's that you normally use that are no longer responding?  Are you in an area that allows scripts or where the HUD's worked previously?  What type of HUD's are these? 

    Have you tried using a new copy of the HUD?  (either unpacking it from it's original box, if you kept it, or getting a redelivery of the item).

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  4. 11 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I wonder how obvious it is to Residents that the Destinations aren't handed down from on-high, but rather are merely Lab-curated from crowd-sourced submissions. Maybe the Guide would be better if more (newer?) venues knew to submit—at the cost of more entries to curate, I suppose.

    Strawberry does do a "Highlights from the Second Life Destinations Guide" Featured News blog periodically (often weekly?).  At the bottom of each of those blog posts, is:



    Don't forget to check our Recently Added category to see all the latest additions to the Second Life Destination Guide!

    Got a spot that you’d like listed in the Destination Guide? Make sure to drop us a note at editor@lindenlab.com or submit your spot via web form. Learn more about the Destination Guide criteria for Editors’ Picks or the Destinations Floater in the viewer, and increase your chances of being featured in those coveted spots!


    I subscribe to the Featured News blog posts, so I get these in my emails, but if people don't subscribe, the recent blog post links are displayed on the web dashboard and on the splash screen for the SL viewer (and other TPV's which use the same style splash screen).  

    I think this is not a case so much of LL not making information available, but users who choose to not get any emails from LL (or don't read them if they do receive them), don't follow any of the communication channels that LL uses to provide information to the users, don't want to see that type of information on the viewer splash screen, don't ever look at their web dashboard...   


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  5. When I want to use something other than the region default for where I'm at I use either "Phototools- Dream Book Light" or "Whirly Gloomy Day".  Neither of those are purchased, but I found them in the Inventory's  Library->Environments->Skies folder and Library->Environments->Skies-Phototools folder.  I think I may have had to copy them from Library folder and paste them into my Inventory Settings folder. 

  6. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    As far as I know, you can't teleport to a group and destinations are places not groups.  It would seem even MORE confusing to put any groups in a destinations category.

    I wouldn't think SL groups would ever be put in a destinations category. 

    I do think the "Recently Added" category should be added to the categories included in the viewer Destinations window though. 

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, IbNuckinFutz said:

    What I'm referring to when I say groups generalization of categories of interest go to list it and beneath those are the subcategory niches of said category that offers teleports to certain groups.

    Because we have an actual thing called Groups in SL, I think your use of the term to describe categories of locations is very confusing.

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  8. Just now, IbNuckinFutz said:

    Not according to my research bud. I don't know what information your referencing, but I am referring to actual gathered answers from individuals that I talked to on various different regions/ groups. And according to the people I talk to they stated that they hardly ever use the search engine toolbar to find anything let alone groups or regions, instead they just use the destinations tab in the main menu in their SL viewer.

    You might want to consider forum members as another source of your research with the realization that - as with just about anything in SL - there is more than one way to get something done. 

  9. Just now, IbNuckinFutz said:

    If one was looking for more specific group niches, then they would indeed be able to find a group. But for more generalized groups they can be found in SL viewer in the main menus destinations tab.

    Perhaps I'm confused - when you say groups do you mean something more general - like categories of places (rather than an actual SL Group which may or may not pertain to a location or anything in the Destination Guide)?  

  10. 6 minutes ago, IbNuckinFutz said:

    And I made it clear that I understand that is exactly what the toolbar search engine. But what isn't being understood that I've said is that NOT everybody uses sad toolbar search engine to find groups or whatever they're looking for. Most just use the general I'd destinations tab found within the "World" tab.

    The Destinations Guide isn't going to help you find groups. 

    I use the guide in the viewer when I'm looking for someplace to sightsee or take pictures, but often I got to the web version of the Destination Guide to find new entries to the guide, or to find something in one of the other categories that is not displayed in the viewer destination window.  Other times, I might use search, because the Destination Guide does not have all the places of the type I might be looking for.  

    If I'm looking for a group, I definitely use search.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, IbNuckinFutz said:

    Well that's the general idea behind what I'm trying to do; to figure out a way to promote newly added destinations or those that are wanting to be more in the Limelight so to speak. I've talked to the concierge services and they are sending me contact information for somebody/ a department in second life so I can contact them to discuss a possible solution to do as such.

    If you're talking about new Destination Guide entries, then perhaps you could ask that the "Recently Added" category be added to the Destinations window that displays in the viewer.  If you go to the web link I posted in my comment above, you'll see that at the very top of the list of Destination categories is "Recently Added".  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, IbNuckinFutz said:

    And the reason I so desire to promote/market searching groups is because there are an insurmountable number of groups and regions within the Second Life's Destinations Directory, yet too many to count are not as prevalent or known about by most second lifers simply for the fact that the SL viewers Destinations 'What's Hot Now' or 'Editors Pick' seem not promote newer groups or lesser known groups as often as they do other certain groups. Hypothetically, those who are wanting to be more than just participating avatars and have the desire to start up a group or of their own, may get discouraged and lose interest in doing their group because they don't get the same attention/traffic as other groups that are frequently in the SL viewers Destinations 'What's Hot Now' or 'Editors Pick' limelight.

    I'm a little confused as to how you would promote groups via the Destinations Guide (which does have a category for newly added destinations). 

    The Destinations Guide is about places to visit whether or not the place has a group - and it doesn't include ALL places, only places where the owner has applied to be in the Destinations Guide. 

    The Destinations Guide can also be accessed by a toolbar button.  For a full listing of all the categories that are in the Destinations Guide, go to Second Life | Destination Guide - Virtual World Directory via the secondlife.com site. 




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  13. SL is a place for me to relax and shift my mind away from grandsons squabbling in the other room, or other various family stuff or health issues going on.  I have a couple of friends I talk with from time to time, but usually I'm out doing things by myself. 

    One thing I find relaxing is farming and crafting.  I've done G&S before, where my farm was large enough that I had booths selling crops at several G&S markets.  Right now, though, I'm doing very small scale DFS farming on my mainland home parcel - a couple veggie and grain fields, a few fruit trees, a few chickens, a couple cows. I find it very relaxing to be tending fields, collecting ingredients and cooking.  It's a lot easier to live in the countryside and be pretty much self-sustainable in terms of basic foods and eggs/meat in SL than it would be to do that in RL.  I still think though, that if I didn't have immediate family in RL, I might live more like the lifestyle I've created for myself in SL.  

    I also spend a good amount of time each day in the Antiquity regions - 16 or 17 regions I think, with ground level and 2 layers of landscaped sky levels.  Roughly early 1800's give or take 50 years or so each way.  English/European style royalty, plus some desert islands in the south home to pirates, and a few underground coves with mermaids. Daily sailing ship battles between navies and pirates, or a free-for-all on some days (though I'm not near good enough at sailing or manning cannons to participate in those battles).  The have a custom trade and combat system which includes farming, crafting, mining, cooking, internal RP currency, markets and trade routes.  There are opportunities to socialize for those who like to, and the RP is light (which is good because I can never remember how to address the various levels of royalty, especially as a commoner which is the status I play as).  I raise some vegetables for myself and herbs/flowers which I extract oils from to sale or to use in making soap to sell.  I also was hired by a Princess to do some farm work on her estate.

    I also like to explore mainland, Bellisseria and some of the regions I read about in the Destinations guide as new or editor's picks.  I take casual pictures of places I like (mostly 'point and click' rather than elaborate setups and fancy lighting or EEP settings). 

    I like to participate in the Historical Hunts/Mieville sponsored hunts and the associated themed markets.  I also really enjoy the Fantasy Faire Quest and was quite upset that I was in the hospital this year during Fantasy Faire and missed the entire quest.  

    Periodically I'll get a bug to completely re-do my mainland parcel or redecorate my Linden home, though I'm pretty happy with what I currently have and have resisted any stray thoughts to re-do stuff.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Annalise Evergarden said:


    I've done both of those and still nothing, The buy now button still stays grey even when I switch to another browser

    Then I'd suggest calling Billing Support.  

    Billing support phone numbers    

    Toll-Free ( US/Canada ) 800.294.1067
    Long-Distance: 703.286.6277   

    Our Billing team is available from 9am to 5pm EST(6am to 2pm PST), Monday through Friday.

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  15. As owner of the Linden home, you don't need any group tag in order to rez objects there. 

    If you want your roommate to be able to also rez items there, you would need to create a group, set (not deed) the home to the group (via "about land"), and then add your roommate to the group with a role that allows them to rez objects.  

    If you're not familiar with creating groups, you can take a look at 


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  16. Generally, positions like firemen, waitresses, EMT, police and such are role play jobs.  There are a few restaurants where the dining experience is all role play, so they hire waiters/waitresses to interact with the diners as part of the role play experience.  There are a number of family or urban roleplay regions which are likely to have fire or police role play. There is also medical roleplay - hospital, clinic or doctor office - with role play jobs for medical staff.

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  17. If you donate tier to a group that is what shows up as square meters donated.  So it's not donating land itself, but donating tier to a group. Generally when someone donates tier it is because they want to have their mainland group owned in order to get the group bonus, or when several friends decide to each donate tier to the same land group so that they can share a larger parcel. 

    On the web dashboard, left sidebar, "Land Manager" -> "Group Land" will display a list of all the groups you belong to and shows any tier that you may have donated to that group.

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