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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. That has already happened... ChatGPT has been used to create mesh in SL and its really good... you do need to know how to prompt it correctly, though.
  2. There's no one on the Banned list at WelcomeHUB ?? Come have some silly fun, Sid ♥♥ There's a party coming on Sunday at 10 AM SLtime at the BelliHub Beach - all are Welcome!! We're celebrating Nia Having a weekend off!! WoOOoOoo HoOoOo!
  3. How did you know about this? LOL It was truly a wonderful adventure. Thanks to all of those involved and who participated! ♥ I hope there are many many more fun Stamp Collecting Tours in the future!
  4. King Kong snatched Mentor @Luna Twilight !!! All we can see of her is her lil hula hoop going round and round in his fist!
  5. We enjoyed a great Jungle Scavenger Hunt for Andee Cooper's Monday Tour! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Elar Imerra/38/146/23 It certainly is where the adventure begins! Current hunt is for 30 items and ends Nov 22, 2023...then another will begin! We met at the HealthInfo meeting place and got ready for adventure! Beautiful surroundings and so many photo spots! Rope climbs and drops... this Hunt is a workout! Gypsy Camp, Pirate caves, oh my! If you need a rest... you can even paint a souvenir photo of your adventure!! Hope this doesn't explode while we're there! Gemma, Andee and I puzzle over a few items we've not found yet... We finally got them all and wait for a commemorative plaque which will be sent out after the Hunt ends... and another begins.... and the beautiful Plaques arrived this morning! Doc and I proudly display them in our Living Room! Thank you so much to Andee Cooper and @Shayn MacKenzie the Designer/Landscaper/Builders of this wonderful place... it makes us Love SL ♥ even more!
  6. @Seven Absinthe always a pleasure to see Seven at the WelcomeHUB Today's look was brilliant, and the "No Kisses" mask is an interesting accessory!
  7. What an amazing fun Event @Teresa Firelight planned and executed flawlessly on Saturday November 11 ! Helicopters transported Passport Stamp Collectors on a Tour which was ideally timed and ended with an Afterparty which was such a success it Maxed the Region and we moved over to the BelliHUB Beach where DJ Steph played the Blues like no one else can! ♥♪ As you can see I was very excited to enjoy my first Helicopter rides in Second Life. If all were made this well, we could all live out our rockstar dreams! The Helicopters I rode in were at or near capacity and flew smoother then I would have dreamed was possible in Second Life... maybe it was the pilots! @Brian Aviator and Kevin Jackman! (It seems Kevin doesn't have an active Forum login, but he's a great pilot! Many thanks to all who helped and all the wonderful people who joined in to make this Event a resounding success!
  8. I did miss that and thank you for letting me know I don't often or regularly spend time in the Forum except for Topics and People I Follow and to post things I enjoy and/or find humourous and hope others might also.
  9. ^^^ None of my business, nor the business of anyone except the parties involved. This matter should be easily resolved by addressing it directly with the parties involved. Perhaps your approach is unnecessarily aggressive or offensive and therefore queue'd accordingly? As a next step I'd advise filing a support ticket or attend the relevant departmental Meeting, hosted by the Lindens regularly inworld, or file a JIRA.
  10. This is also just your opinion. If you (or anyone else) have an issue which you feel is being ignored, I'm sure you could file a Support Ticket explaining the same, and ask that it be directed to the attention of @Tommy Linden as he is the Linden who looks after Governance.
  11. I think the Quote you think I Quoted wasn't posted by me, but by Prokofy: " " I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to anything in particular, as I've "ignored" Prokofy some time ago, maybe yesterday after I found her diatribe was interfering with my enjoyment of Second Life Forum discussion ♥
  12. If any AR goes seemingly unnoticed, I suspect either the 'offender' was deemed to be compliant by Governance despite your opinion. Personally I've never had any AR I reported ignored, even if the result was not what I hoped for when I made my AR. I believe people should always complain and post publicly a request for support for issues which seemingly can't be resolved any other way. Change will never be effected if no one complains about things which they don't like. I don't think those appeals for support should ever name and shame specific particular individuals or instances unless a reasonable attempt has been made to effect change privately by IM or inworld face to face discussion or by AR or a Support Request for LL's intervention or clarification first. Often a compromise can be reached if one party doesn't attempt to intimidate or bully the other. Some of my best friends in RL and SL have developed from contact initiated to resolve a difference of opinion. ♥ Also important is to have patience and realistic expectations and ultimately, provide a possible solution which can be acted upon by the party which with you take up an issue.
  13. Perhaps those complaints should be addressed to the Lab, where Governance can actually do something about them, each occurrence specifically. General complaining does nothing except encourage more whinging. Provide a solution which can be acted upon publicly and save naming to an AR or a support ticket.
  14. I understand. It doesn't feel good and such practice has no place in a Public Forum. I wholeheartedly endorse having such practice removed the Forum ♥ (and from everywhere, RL and SL) It has no benefit to the enjoyment of anyone ♥)
  15. I think this does hold true in many instances. Art is something which educates, stimulates, expresses our feelings and intentions... it is pure freedom and possibility. I feel its the most important human creation. In my case I provided the free space for artists of all calibre, very successful and popular ones such as Inara Pey, Cica, Regi Yifu, Skip Staheli, Blues Rocker, Thomaz Blackburn, Suzen Juel and so many other talented wonders (So many wonderful talented Artists - Please don't feel offended if I missed any of you) and 'stars' in Second Life are asked to exhibit... and they know why... they are established and RL and or SL famous and people will come to see what they offer, which provides an opportunity for new or lesser known artists to exhibit their contributions to more visitors. All this art, plus regular Events, activities, live musicians and tours all over Second Life are organized and offered by the core members of a Second Life community. By community I don't refer to a physical location in particular, as the above-mentioned happen all over the grid in the arts community as defined: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Residential proximity to a physical place where a feeling of connection to that artistic community is often desirable, to people who appreciate it. So, when Campbell Coast provided residential, and commercial rentals at L$1/m2 per LI per week, it wasn't to make buckets of L$ it was to build that feeling of community at a rate which paid just the cost of a particular portion of server cost that tenant used... not to make anyone Lindillionaires (although commercial venture was/is always allowed and encouraged! All Residents were welcome to buy and sell their own parcels inside that contiguous area, and invited to expand it, hopefully by reclaiming some Abandoned Land... and hopefully continuing to do so, ad infinitum. So... is this form of exploitation a good thing or a bad thing for Second Life? Exploiting the arts to encourage the expansion of the arts isn't pure altruism, but it is altruism with good intention and that's what the Corsica South Coast Group does and encourages beautifully. That is what Campbell Coast did and what I encouraged Land Cutter to do (or at least try). Land Cutter had some of his own antiquated business practices failed because his good intentions weren't encouraged or supported by a small number of uninformed a$$es (who mostly didn't even own or rent any parcel inside that contiguous community) decided they needed to expose his past business practices and grief-attack his appearances, events (essentially every effort he made to integrate into the community). He no longer trusted me (a few of those Protestors/griefers were actually my 'Friends') or anyone he suspected of being involved (or controlling an Alt account to do so), got very angry and left, doing his best to look after the few he did trust by offering the land he no longer wanted first to the members of the Group, then to any other interested parties and finally by Abandoning the remainder. Even the wonderful core members seemed to think it wasn't a good idea for me to contribute tier to any of their group interests, and I understand that completely ♥ When things cooled, I asked my Friend, Cranston Yordstorm, to build a Destination contiguously joined/adjacent to the CSC and he did and recently informed me of a wonderfully successful grid drive of the Drivers of SL group which brought over 250 Residents to the area in a 3 day span to visit Corsica South Coast as shown here: I understand true altruism vs altruism involving exploitation are different, but if both are done with good intentions (ultimately to encourage anyone and everyone to re-claim some Abandoned Land from Governor Linden) I don't think it should be condemned, no matter how questionable the quality of any build is, its everyone's right and privilege to exercise anywhere on Mainland in Second Life ♥
  16. So... that's a no then... you won't share what you believe is the standard "well" everyone should "let alone" ? I believe in "live and let live" and the Golden Rule. I didn't intend my suggestion as a personal attack, simply as a suggestion. Stress and anger can lead to serious health issues, or even death. <--- THIS IS NOT a threat, just a public health warning ♥ Lets be good/kind to each other, and look for compromises not name and shame.
  17. I also like Prokofy's builds and style! Her arts background was a good investment! I admire that she actually lives in many of the homes she prepares for use as rentals... that shows her of love and dedication to her tenants. I admire and respect her dedication to being among or considered the oldest rental establishment in Second Life. ♥ It is her public views, opinions and baseless defamation of others which need updating and rethinking. I suggest again, perhaps a little break from "insert appropriate noun" here and some happiness counselling so her Second Life experience won't include interfering with the enjoyment of other people in Second Life who may read a Forum post full of her opinionated vituperation? Maybe a quiet word with someone (IM or face to face meeting inworld) would help to inform Prokofy of some new and updated ideas, or at least an exchange of information between parties involved would better serve Second Life and Mainland before publicly spewing half-truths, verbal bullying, libelous defamation of others. Such isn't a good way to share information and expect a favourable result, in my opinion. What sort of example is she providing new Residents and people in Forum (new and existing) about how to effect change, make suggestions or ask questions about Second Life. I fully believe in the freedom of speech, but not fact-poor ranting about imaginary pending disaster and doom based on an irrelevant past experience. Memory isn't as trustworthy as we are led to believe.
  18. I'm still confused (unsurprisingly!). You don't want a Covenant as Bellisseria has, but you also don't like most of what "no Covenant" allows/encourages. Could you possibly show a photograph of what would/could conform or meet your standard of acceptable Mainland? The manner in which you denigrate, disparage and verbally bully so many of the builders and creators who are living on/building on/using Mainland within the bounds of the ToS leads me to believe we should all be searching for the "Holy Grail" of Second Life builds approved by @Zalificent Corvinus so that we may worship and learn under your divine guidance. It seems to me that perhaps you would be more suited to Estate life... but then there's not going to be too much around you to belittle and feel superior to... so maybe you need to take a little break from "insert appropriate noun" here and get some happiness counselling so your Second Life experience won't include interfering with the enjoyment of other people in Second Life who may drive by, live near, read a Forum post full of your opinionated vituperation?
  19. I can't understand such persistent negativity about Second Life, @Prokofy Neva and at times, @Zalificent Corvinus. You have been here for such a long time... and still not able to feel successful or happy? Perhaps you need to update your attitude or your approach to having a business inworld? Prokofy, we had a conversation about our RL a couple of years ago and discovered how much we have in common. We went to the same University, you in arts and me in sciences at pretty near the same time. I think we both had scholarships, but I can't remember for sure. Mine was a full scholarship as my father worked as a seasonal rough carpenter and a janitor in the winter and my mother never worked at a paying job after her teenage years when she worked as kitchen and farm help for a farming family. The lady of that house was a rural schoolteacher 8 grades in one room, so my parents had no plans for me to get any post secondary education. Our family was never very well off, but we did have a summer cottage which my dad built on the middle of 3 lots he purchased from a retired farmer for $50 each. I was only 7 when he did this, but I helped to build 3 cottages, one to rent or sell, one for my oldest sister, her husband and son and finally the one for us. I didn't do much but I learned a lot about planning. Income from the first cottage paid for construction of the other two and when he sold the rental cottage he saved the proceeds to build a new house for the family. He taught me not to borrow money, not to live beyond our means, to never spend all our savings (never more than half was his rule) and also to always contribute to savings from every pay cheque, no matter how small. He purchased empty building lots when I was in my teens and resold them for a small profit. The most important thing I learned was how the security of those savings meant my dad never had to work at any job he didn't enjoy and when he retired at age 63 he and my mum went on all inclusive group holidays with friends and relatives about 8 months of every year and enjoyed summers at home. They lived to age 93 and 91 after a happy and content life. There was always enough money to be charitable and we all helped with a pre-habitat-for-humanity project for a family whose house burned without insurance. Altruism comes with its own built-in reward and I was also taught that in its best form, it was anonymous. I've done my best to follow those simple rules, invested a small monthly amount in indexed funds and as much as possible in an ordinary savings account and had the luxury of never needing to apply for a job and never doing a job I didn't love. I retired at 46 due to illness and I'll never be able to spend the money I have. I've not lived a life of extravagance and only bought one new car (95 Mustang GT because I always wanted one. I understand not everyone lives as I do or made the choices I did but most people in RL and SL whom I choose to spend time with feel the same way I do and contribute their time, talent or other gifts freely, for the enjoyment of it and for the enjoyment of others. Everything evolves and flows with changes... or it gets left behind, sometimes stuck in a rut. Within months of joining Second Life I met my SL/RL partner and he showed me the first of many things... how to make Gestures. At first I did so just for fun and for the Club where we both worked and not too long after (maybe a year or two later) I started selling some on MP and still enjoy getting some 'free' L$ from time to time. My partner and I collaborate making products for MP and my Partner earns some RL 'pocket money' from the proceeds of his MP Store and it also pays for his Premium Membership. We both donate products for good causes in SL from time to time. I struggle to understand how anyone can complain about anything in Second Life. We aren't required to be here against our will! This virtual world is limited only by those we inflict on ourselves and it baffles me why those who complain about anything and everything on a whim and at times... force unsolicited opinions and advice which I feel is discouraging and detrimental to the enjoyment of others, especially the new Residents who arrive here facing tremendous opportunity. How confusing it must be to ask a question in Forum and be discouraged and warned of imaginary impending doom and disaster, tyranny and gluttony. Thank goodness for the altruists who offer useful advice and direction (I think we all know who they are... Reputations are golden!) encouraging creativity and enjoyment of Second Life. Goodness and kindness will always prevail and perhaps if you attempted to share more of those, you wouldn't feel so 'poor' in real life. After all you do manage to afford a Premium Membership and I see you shopping often ♥ So... why? (Sing it Annie Lennox ♥♪) How high can you soar or...
  20. The Corsica South Coast Community is thriving AND growing despite the interference of ill-informed rhetoric spouted by individuals who imagine they have anything relevant to assert or contribute. So I dedicate one of my favourite tunes to you, Prokofy and I will play it really, really loud and imagine if it is me singing it terribly out of tune to you... or if it's you singing to me ♥♪ every time I spot one of your diatribes...
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