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Anna Nova

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Posts posted by Anna Nova

  1. Must be something else to do with my set up then.  Thanks for the feedback.

    EDIT:   I finally got it to work.  I got a different login screen, and then it was okay. I don't know what I did though. 

    So this won't help anyone else.  It suddenly just started working.


  2. 6 minutes ago, Caitlin Tobias said:

    The funniest ejection was probably from a well-known ballroom, for not wearing panties under my very decent gown (I totally forgot about them!). The hostess must have been a fanatic panty-checker. I just laughed.

    You OWN panties?  For SL?  Gee!

    (thinks, I wonder if they are BoM, or what?...)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Isn't it easier to simply bookmark the forum page and log in there and chose remember me?
    That is what I did.
    It works perfectly and independent from the rest of the SL account pages, just like the marketplace, which I have bookmarked separately too.

    As far as the account page works in Firefox (I'm on the Windows version):
    Don't click community, but hold your mouse there and wait for the pop up screen. In that screen you can click forums and come here.
    I don't know how things work in Firefox on the far more superior Linux. :D


    Would be if it works....   Everything leads me back to the Account page.  I think it's the new Firefox now.

    If I type https://community.secondlife.com/forums into the new Firefox, I just get the log-in, and logging-in gets me to  Account.  If I'm already logged-in, then it still goes to Account:  https://secondlife.com/my/account/

    Same with a bookmark.

    Sorry Firefox, you screwed it.

  4. I have not tried this is many years, but something I read made me want to try Firefox browser again  (N.B.. I'm on Linux, so I know I'm a second-class citizen).  So I imported all my Brave bookmarks, and tried it.  It's good - except:  I can't access the SL Forums.  Whatever I do, I get the SL browser login screen and then, when I put in my credentials, I get the Account summary page.  Clicking 'Community' at the top gives the Community page, but clicking 'Go to FORUMS '  at the bottom-right just takes me back to the Account page.

    Is this intended behavior?  To push people towards Chrome-based browsers or something I don't understand?   And ideas before I raise a ticket?

  5. I find the same thing in RL.  Usually they are labelled 'Politician' or 'Media'.  They are even less use than the ones in SL, which have the virtue of being decorative.

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    • Haha 12
  6. 19 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Just to cut the Lab some slack:
    A few are doing the graveyard shift at the Lab at these hours. It is not like all hands are on deck this early in the morning.
    I would concentrate on the fixing, not on the writing in such a situation as well.
    And it seems to have worked out as Pixie just reported.

    It's the California-centricity of things that sort of annoys me, @Sid Nagy.  Yes, we all know they are in bed in California, but SL is a global offering.  Still, all's well that ends well.

    Both the transactions that I was awaiting arrived, just as @Sphynx Soleil said.

  7. 18 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Ya session V is pretty close now..At the start they said two months, then it went to one or two months.. Then went to around a month.. hehehe


    My favourite, umm, thingy, is the Sensations one.  I asked the creator and got a sort of non-committal 'I'm working on something else right now, maybe...'  answer.  So it's not my favourite 'umm thingy' any more.

    • Sad 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve2: Saw a mouse in my house the other day and again today. Guess I need to dig out and base the "humane" mousetraps..


    In my experience humane mouse traps aren't humane at all.  They catch the mouse and don't kill it okay, but you find it covered in sweat and panting if great distress.  It's okay if you check them really frequently I guess, but I'm not a fan.

    • Like 4
  9. I've noticed quite a few stores have dropped Petite over the transition to X.  Well they lost my custom too.  I don't care much, 'cos I already have enough LaraX Petite clothes to see me out.  But what do I spend the UK£50 a month I budget for SL on?  Sheesh...

  10. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Because, SL is mostly "light-skinned avatars". My opinion!  (I've had to ask before, and seen other ask, about good brands for darker skins.)


    Well, so I guess I'm hyper-white.  Seriously, it never crossed my mind.  Racism is stupid.  What the <expletive deleted> has the amount of pigment, mainly melanin, in your skin got to do with anything?  I am very disappointed in those of you who thought that, and even more disappointed that you thought it of me.

    • Like 4
  11. Following links from the LaraX threads here, I went to a few 'new for me' shops looking for LaraX Petite clothes.  One in particular is what I call a 'hyper-white' location, very similar to the one used by a popular mesh body seller.  I really can't stand them, because my eyesight isn't so great, and I just thought I might see if I was alone in this (in which case, no issues), or others have the same difficulties - and hence, shop-keepers, you are loosing business.

    I ought to add that I find 'hyper-gloomy' locations almost as bad.


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  12. 14 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I'm thinking of how legs tend to be too long, while arms tend to be too short. (Most of us are aware of the T-rex arms problem.) I'm also not a fan of small heads with wide shoulders (a problem with some male bodies).


    Of course, we can address these problems by adjusting our shape, but if I have to set my leg sliders to a length if 20 to approach a realistic length, then the mesh body is not aiming for realistic proportions. I don't mind if some people prefer Barbie doll proportions, but I'm suggesting realistic proportions as another alternative. 

    Here's another alternative, which I think current bodies and heads can already accommodate - anime and furry shapes. SL can have both realistic and fantasy shapes.

    I am pretty sure Buddha didn't have those proportions.  Al least none of his statues do.  :) 

    Designers please note the Adult Female in these drawing has realistic breasts and waist. :P (I wanted an emoji with the tongue sticking straight out, but there is no realism in emojiland)

    • Like 2
  13. A lot of it, both with bodies and heads is all about confidence that you can make what you want with it.  I got a free LOGO head the other day, it's fine - I mean really good - I just can't make it look the way I want it to, and the instructions are rubbish - there isn't a go-to place (that I have found) where I can learn how to configure it.  With Lelutka and Maitreya, on the other hand, there are no end of resources to show you how to get the look you want, but I already know, from years of trying.  LaraX Petite, for instance is just like Lara Petite, which is just like Lara, and I have been doing that for years.  Lelutka Noel feels the same as Nova(still my go-to head).  It's hard to shift people to a new line.

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, MissSweetViolet said:


    So yeah, tldr; body design, support both clothing and customer wise and price [I didn't even glace over to Legacy, GenX or Reborn after seeing the price] are the things that motivate me to keep/drop a body.

    Price has a huge impact on new body take-up, I think.  These are not goods that require the input of raw materials (the marginal production cost is almost zero), as it is true for most things in RL, and the 'price set' has to indicate 'value' to the buyer.  I had no problem shelling out L$500 for a Lucybody, as a test run,  but buying a new L$5000 body and just hoping it generates a clothing market is a big stretch for many people's SL budget.

    I know what I am getting with Maitreya, and so do the clothing designers, so it's a safe bet.  Anyone else's body it is a risk, unless they do what Legacy did, and buy the designers in - I don't doubt that it has paid back, but it was a brave approach.

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