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Anna Nova

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Posts posted by Anna Nova

  1. I posted this on Discord:

    I don't understand people who can't wait.  When Lara X hits, you'll know - and then you can import billions of Lindens to update your wardrobe...  Fun! 
    P.S. Can you call it something other than X please.  X has connotations something billionaires do to perfectly good Social MeMeMeja platforms. (and not MetaLara either!)


  2. At the height of the pandemic my partner of 6 years told me in-world that she was off to hospital having failed a Covid test.  Never heard another thing from her.  I assume she died.  As we lived on different continents in RL, we never did exchange RL identities, so there is no way to check.

    Long before that I had a good friend who just disappeared one day, never to return.  Mutual friends had the same experience.

    I still keep both names in my Friends.

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  3. I used to fly, but gave it up after SL moved to AWS and the cross-sim performance died.  It's nothing to do with your set-up.  Almost all airports are just over a sim-boundary, to get the runway in, so the runway doesn't come into view until the new sim starts to load.  Overflying first helps a bit, but not enough.  Sometimes you can't see the next sim when WALKING over a boundary!

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  4. I got a shock yesterday when I logged in and ALL my groups were gone.  Never seen that before.  However, I logged out, turned off the VPN, and relogged - all good (Pheeew!).  Since put the VPN back on (no, you expletive deleted Brutish misgoverment, you can't watch what I do on-line), and the groups are still there.  No idea what the VPN was doing to me.

  5. I get  "view IMs or quit" a lot, usually soon after log-in as I traipse round my usual spots, and always thought it was because I was in Rural UK.  It, 'subjectively', seems better if I log-in via VPN with a California exit node (I use ProtonVPN), but I emphasise the 'subjectively'.

    I did try @Henri Beauchamp's viewer, but there are terrible things it does to my inventory, and have abandoned it, I'm afraid.  It was faster at many things, but it's not clear to me if it was better at this.

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  6. Why do people from the USA have to invent new TLAs for everything.  Is it because the country itself is a TLA?  Or just a attempt to hijack English again?

    WTF is a MFA?

    Post Script: I am NOT using Google-anything for anything.  I am not using anything made by the anti-trust corporation Microsoft either.

    PPS (sic): I have now read the referenced articles from the Ignorance Base, and understand.  Treat this as a rant!

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