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Love Zhaoying

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Posts posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    There are still a couple of really upstanding groups in SL for representing the Waffen SS.

    Is oxymoron?  Maybe I dunno what "upstanding" means in this context?

    My normal usage is for example, "He is a fine, upstanding young man."

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Can you take a picture of what you're wearing?  Just a quick screen grab of the folder showing "worn."

    I was going to suggest that but I only run the Second Life viewer, not sure what the Firestorm view looks like of the "Worn" items (not folder view, but "wearing")..

    Maybe showing them the screen in Firestorm would help?

  3. Hi all,

    I saw a post where it was suggested that the Forums are not appropriately named (the reasons given are irrelevant for this thread).

    Actually, the name of the overall Forums website is "Second Life Community", with the top-level URL being "community.secondlife.com/".

    So anyway, I had a fun idea that we could discuss potential "alternative names" for the Second Life Community Forums!

    And, to top if off..we could even submit the most popular idea as a JIRA. 

    Linden Lab wouldn't have to RENAME the Forums, but at least (just an idea) have an alternate URL that would reflect the "better name". Just a thought..

    I'll get us started.

    How about, "Shillings and Patches"?  Here's the rationale:

    - You can play Second Life for "Shillings" (pennies) a day.  (Ironically, some of us are Second Life "supporters".  So "shilling" can have an alternative meaning!)

    - This is also a place to discuss "Changes" (including "Patches") to Second Life Servers, Viewers, Social aspects, etc. (Ironically, there's @Patch Linden!)


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  4. Clarification on my Original Post (first post in this thread):

    For my current projects, I do NOT use the "list" type except wherever absolutely necessary.  I use JSON, and convert to List if I absolutely must because of llFunctions() that require a list, or needing to process a JSON_ARRAY as a list for efficiency purposes..

    So, just letting you know that how lists work is not actually helpful in my decisions about the original topic question!

    I'm more than fine with any and all discussion though! I welcome all discussion! 🙂 




  5. 34 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Looks like another blog post with no want for discussion (which is what a forum is for) but merely a way to incite the 'shills'.  😂🤣

     I was thinking about the word "shill" the other day..and OMG, shill..shilling..shillings!

    Only real "shills" get paid.  Because "shillings".

    Missed that on my earlier thoughts on "shills"!

    Peeve: Brain is teh dum

    * Would have typed "Brian" but some may not gedit.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Published ?

    That should be interesting, if they have an "external" LSL Interpreter!

    Mine will only be "LSL-to-Interpreted Language" or "Language-to-LSL" written IN LSL for use in-world (script written IN LSL for interpreting programs written IN LSL or BASIC or whatever).  

    Currently still working on LSL-to-LSL (for LSL "Extension") and BASIC-to-LSL Schemas.


  7. 24 minutes ago, Bleuhazenfurfle said:

    I'd love to see your references for that.  I've written an LSL emulator (or three *cough*) — which is why I know this stuff at the depth I do.

    Mere observation, sorry!

    I'm only working on my second emulator now. Hopefully won't need a 3rd!

    To clarify: the "lists cannot contain lists" error does not sound like something akin ("like") late binding?  Ok!  You're right, really, it's not "binding" just checking at runtime the type that is being inserted into the list.  From that perspective, most type checking is done at "compile time", not at runtime in LSL.  So that's what I mean 🙂 

    Like you said, definitions and terminology are quite out of scope for these discussion!


  8. 31 minutes ago, Bleuhazenfurfle said:

    Lists make things a little tricker… 

    Lists are one of the only actual cases of "late binding" (even if it's technically not really that) in LSL, because only at runtime does LSL check the condition "Lists cannot contain Lists".

    So even trying to avoid "definitions" for other languages, I think it is fair to say that the "Lists cannot contain Lists" error is akin to "late binding": Checking a type at Runtime.


  9. 11 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    but I vaguely remember the Now thread starting and I just thought, "Oh heck, not another vacuous selfie thread".

    I got the opinion some threads were started just because the OP wanted to control a picture thread.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    I took a look at the beginning of the Now thread and it disgusts me the level of bitchiness on these forums at times. 

    I know, when I see some threads, the bitchiness level is so low, I'm like, "are you even trying?!" Purely disgusting, like they can't even kvetch, let alone biotch.

    Wait, you DID mean the bitchiness level was too low, right?



    • Haha 3
  11. 3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    For any dog barking, it doesn't take much effort.. If the owners don't act, the dog will just do it all the time..

    "Talking" breeds like Huskies work a little different. If they want to talk, sing, scream, howl, or etc. they will. 

    I didn't know Huskies "scream" until watching some Facebook videos.

    I'm lucky my Huskies rarely do anything but talk a little when they want something, howl at things, bark when playing, etc. Very little barking. Somehow they were raised to be quiet before I got them. Or they just don't have anything to say.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    "How Does Your SL Look Today?" is supposed to show more than just our avatars though.

    I asserted the same thing about that thread to someone who asked, and the OP said "they can post whatever they want".

    This resulted in ridicule and insults from the person who asked. With THAT kind of shenanigans, I'd say PLEASE combine the threads!


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  13. 12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I've run into more poorly trained small dogs than larger ones.  I think people tend to coddle tiny dogs thinking it's cute to treat them like babies?  They need the exact same training as large dog and to some extent, more.  People (children especially) are more likely to approach a smaller dog thinking it's soooo cute and end up with a nasty bite.  Of the top 10 breeds that bite most often, 5 of them are tiny dogs.  Of course, larger dogs biting can cause more damage but those pesky little ones are just as likely to take a taste.

    They call them "ankle biters" for a reason!

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