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Love Zhaoying

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Posts posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. 1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:
    8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    In my ignorance, I had assumed it may not be possible to get the UUID of the original HUD at all, being "no-mod".

    Honestly, that's as good an assumption as practical. (I even had to walk-back most of #2 while you were quoting it, straws not even in the field to be grasped at.)

    Perhaps to walk-back my own assumption: to be fair, I think you can't get the UUID of "certain types of inventory items" if they are NO-COPY.  Textures and animations come to mind.

    I may have pulled the "no-mod"="no UUID" assumption out of my um, "tail-hole".

    • Like 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, Glaznah Gassner said:

    SpeedLight has an iOS version, please take a look. I appreciate a feedback.

    it is much different than the web browser version? 

    Note: I have not tried the web browser version in several months so do not know if there have been many changes or improvements since then.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I don't know why the script owner's own HUDs can't be revealed by llGetAttachedList but that's the situation, so with a no-mod item there seem only four possibilities, all nearly hopeless:

    1. Get the HUD's rezzer to confess what it's rezzed. That's only going to work if this no-mod HUD is (already) scripted to attach itself after being rezzed, which seems a lot less likely than assuming it will always be attached from user inventory.
    2. Discover the HUD exposes its attached existence in some way a script can detect. For example, it may say something on a channel the script can monitor. Or rez something a script sensor can detect. Or play an animation on the avatar that the script can observe with llGetAnimationList or change their animation state observable with llGetAgentInfo, timed such that the script can determine it's occurring due to the HUD's attachment. Or some other "tell".
    3. Get the creator to add some absolutely minimal API that reveals its existence in a way visible to a script (see #2 above)
    4. Get the creator to make the damned thing Mod-perm, which most things should be anyway, but this HUD might be an exception: if there's some roleplay reason it shouldn't be touchable, maybe the end user shouldn't be able to modify it and change the rules of whatever game it roleplays (but more likely the creator just won't do it because they're an Ever So Important creator; either way, Mod-perm seems about as unlikely as the other options).

    In my ignorance, I had assumed it may not be possible to get the UUID of the original HUD at all, being "no-mod".

  4. 24 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

    So, in the absence of any meaningful communication we must employ educated guesswork as to what will happen this week (commencing 29.05.2023). 

    The silence from LL following the rollback last Wednesday is deafening.

    I believe this explains it:

    On 5/19/2023 at 7:04 PM, Signal Linden said:

    Due to the frequency of Second Life Server updates, the presence of a regular schedule and availability of release notes, we will no longer be publishing weekly release plan threads in the Second Life Server forum. To compensate for this, we will be publishing more blog posts such as the Spring 2023 Scripting Summary and smaller posts when new functionality is introduced. This is intended to strike a better balance between communicating meaningful changes and pushing paper around while allowing SL to share release contents more broadly. This does not mean that we will never publish threads with details on notable server releases, nor that residents cannot discuss releases on their own.

    Second Life rolls out updates to Grid almost every week. We host a weekly in-world Server user group meeting to discuss changes and publish release notes to releasenotes.secondlife.com. In-world user group meetings and published release notes may seem like an acceptable level of engagement to some of our residents, but we believe we can better serve the community with more frequent blog posts that provide greater insight into the features and fixes we are releasing and are not as easily lost in internet forum ephemera.

    Apologies for the delay in getting a decision communicated, and thanks for highlighting when we are not meeting expectations. If you have ideas on how to better share release news, questions or concerns please let us know below.


  5. 12 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    Who are you speaking to? 

    Anyone who thought the post was NOT about "where are the Lindens in the Forums?". The topic had drifted to "in-world moderation" for a long time.

    12 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    Where are the posts about moderation? 

    ..yay, my point..

    12 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    You are the expert at red herrings.  

    ..Thank you..?

    Please note, my question to the OP which I quoted, regarding his actual intention for the thread, was sincere. Also, when I brought it up, by quoting that, it was also sincere. If you want to judge me from other posts and dismiss me, then..ok?

    I'm just trying to inform everyone, again, as I did when I asked the OP his intention for the thread, what the "actual topic of the thread is". In other words, I'm doing my part by being a good Forum citizen.

    12 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    And btw a Mole is not a Linden, despite your opinion.

    I don't disagree. And yet, a moderator is a moderator.

    Thank you for participating in the Forums! I learn a lot from everyone.


  6. On 5/26/2023 at 7:42 AM, Alwin Alcott said:
    On 5/26/2023 at 5:04 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

    Do you specifically mean "where are Lindens" on the Forums? Some people are replying as if you meant "where are Lindens" in general.

    yep forums .. inworld i think have seen them once or twice in the 17 yrs that i'm here, wouldn't miss them there soon in that frequency :)

    ^^ This right here is where the Original Poster confirmed what was meant by his Original Post in this thread.

    So, the actual topic is, "where are Lindens in the Forum?", not "where is Moderation in-world?".

    Just to remind y'all.


    • Thanks 1
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    • Confused 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

    I think Scylla's point was that she thinks LL ignore Abuse Reports about particular WW2 combat RP groups, which I think is on topic, but I agree that the discussion needs to stick with SL and not go off onto wider issues.

    ^^ There's one right there!! 

    Some may disagree with me, but for Moderation purposes, a Mole is equivalent to a Linden.

    Keep in mind, I believe @Alwin Alcott's original post in this thread was about "where are the Lindens" HERE / in the Forum, meaning..Moderators.

    Thanks, @Quartz Mole!


    • Confused 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Actually, I'm pretty much done with this argument. It verges on offensive that I have to explain why representing the murderous racist, homophobic louts who were eager participants in one of history's greatest and most appalling atrocities is really not a very good thing that clearly violates LL's own written policies.

    Take it to Reddit, and have fun there. I'm not going to argue further about this.

    Well, they were freethinkers, y'know?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Not sure of your point Innula.

    It's "ok" if they're RP groups . . . as opposed to, you know, actual Waffen SS?

    So, by that token, RPing Auschwitz is ok because, well, it's just RP -- and it's awfully difficult to RP Nazi Germany without also representing the death camps.

    You really want to make this argument?

    What's all this say about the new Indiana Jones movie?

    What does it all mean?

    What does anything mean?

    I could so punch a Nazi right now.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Bleuhazenfurfle said:

    I made a few missteps early on, like not implementing proper backtracking in the parser

    I'm avoiding that by using a Tokenizer prior to Parsing. The Tokenizer only needs to "backtrack" to check for Combo Tokens (++, /*, etc.).  The Parser is iterative / recurses data using a data stack in LSD, so it's "back-tracking" is limited to when a child checks it's parent's data, or when control iterates back to a parent Schema from a Child Schema.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Someone erected a statue of Lenin a while ago at my group parcel. I removed it without hesitation. If I knew of anyone who venerated Stalin in my groups, I'd boot them in a moment.

    I'm reminded lately (with the SS group, etc.) of seeing boys my age in Elementary school, somewhere in grade 3-6 who I'd see drawing pictures of cars, tanks, and swastikas. I figured back then,  "must be a 'boy' thing I'm just not interested in." But now I wonder if those kids turned out ok or just "weren't right".

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I don't think this is about representations of "evil" in SL. It's about specifically representing a group and an ideology that was directly responsible for the murder of millions of people. And there ARE holocaust survivors still living today to bear witness to it.

    I just don't get why the group exists still.  You'd think when you posted about it, a few other Forumites reported it. I assume "Hate Group" is the rational reason, seeing as they represent "hating Jewish people" (and other groups affected by the Holocaust, like us Pink Triangle folks).

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I was being ironic.

    ETA: To be clearer, one of the groups praises the SS's qualities of "loyalty and honor," and calls them "Elite and proud."

    Someone clearly DOES think they were "upstanding."

    I was slow so in case you missed it: ETA: I did have another thought on them. The "501st" - Star Warms Stormtrooper "official" RP roleplayers.  George Lucas pretty clearly based a lot of the "Empire" uniforms, etc. on the WW2 Germans. So, maybe these guys think they are "good guy Nazi's" like the 501st probably think they are "good guy" Stormtroopers?

  14. 6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I was being ironic.

    ETA: To be clearer, one of the groups praises the SS's qualities of "loyalty and honor," and calls them "Elite and proud."

    Someone clearly DOES think they were "upstanding."

    Thanks, I tend to take you seriously! (See: All history of interactions!)

    ETA: I did have another thought on them. The "501st" - Star Warms Stormtrooper "official" RP roleplayers.  George Lucas pretty clearly based a lot of the "Empire" uniforms, etc. on the WW2 Germans.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    There are still a couple of really upstanding groups in SL for representing the Waffen SS.

    Is oxymoron?  Maybe I dunno what "upstanding" means in this context?

    My normal usage is for example, "He is a fine, upstanding young man."

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Can you take a picture of what you're wearing?  Just a quick screen grab of the folder showing "worn."

    I was going to suggest that but I only run the Second Life viewer, not sure what the Firestorm view looks like of the "Worn" items (not folder view, but "wearing")..

    Maybe showing them the screen in Firestorm would help?

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