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Everything posted by Catrie

  1. Day 3: Geek. Basically, me irl, when I'm home. reading and listening to music ( when I'm not playing dress up in SL. lol)
  2. doing a costume challenge with friends. Here's Day 1. Credits here.
  3. Py, Kore and I decided to do a #HalloweenCostumeChallenge. We came up with a list of costumes and we're doing one a day up to Halloween. Fairy is our first day.
  4. More like I went to the Salem event, tried for 15 minutes to let me buy the thing as a gift, could never get the box to pop up, finally just sent him the money and said " Here, buy that coat." Only THEN did the stupid box pop up...twice. Video games doesn't cause violence, lag does. Especially when it interferes with me giving gifts. grrrr...
  5. Feeling halfway better, so I got my shop on this morning. lol
  6. been sick all day and could barely be bothered to take a pic. You know I'm sick when I don't feel like shopping or playing dress up. ?
  7. Those are sooo pretty. Where did she get them?
  8. Honestly, I didn't...this time. Can you really blame me? ?
  9. The Repairman. ( took this while he was AFK. It's kinda what I do. lol) giggles as she runs off and hides from Orwar.
  10. lol maybe for pajama night, at the club I host at. ?
  11. late night shoot... I should probably go to bed. ?
  12. I've been in a very Kawaii sort of mood lately. lol
  13. My first official blog position!! sooo excited. with Cinnamon Cocaine/Suicidal Thot
  14. oooohhh... so THAT'S what I heard!!! I thought it was part of my dream of finding a sale in SL and having unlimited funds. lol
  15. FLF has some cute things. and oh yeah, I finally hit 400 followers on Flickr. go me. lol
  16. chatting at the Hangout. You meet so many nice and interesting people on the forums.
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