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Everything posted by AstraHunt

  1. I noticed this happens a lot to me during teleport crashes or when crossing sim lines.
  2. I'm Astra, astrahunt in world. I posted a more extensive introduction in the "Who are you? We want to know" thread. I find myself lately being alone more than usual and its made sl a lonely place. I have tried reaching out to people even going to places where I might chance bump into some good conversation and end up making new friends. Unfortunately, most of the people that I seem to be attracting are either people looking for a relationship or a random hook up. I'm not looking for either one but friends, people to talk with, and adventure buddies are more than welcome. I am a daddy's girl, quite shy but chatty, open and welcoming. I like to laugh and make others laugh as well. I'm into exploring, shopping, riding all sorts of vehicles on air, water, as well as land but I love being close to water most of all. I'm interested in attending events, going dancing, or just hanging out, goofing off and being silly. I prefer to surround myself with positive energy and good vibes but I understand if someone is having an off day too. I sometimes take photographs and keep thinking that one day I'd finally get my own blog going, someday. I find sl to still be a fascinating place even after all this time and despite of it having become a lonely place at the moment. Message me inworld if you think we'd click or if you are interested to have someone to converse with.
  3. I'm a daddy's girl, I didn't know I was one or that I'd enjoy being in this kind of relationship until I met my daddy and we clicked instantly on the first day that we met. I tend to be on the shy end of the spectrum but if you say hi, I do respond and open up to people unless I'm busy or I failed to see it. I'm quite chatty once the conversation has picked momentum. I love to laugh and make people laugh. I prefer to surround myself with good vibes and positive energy, but I understand when someone is having an off day too. I currently "live" on a 3 sim tropical beach resort where I sometimes help the sim owner with estate stuff. I like to explore interesting places, take photographs, go wandering along mainland streets and waterways just to see what is out there. I love sailing on my little catamaran and play songs from the Moana movie on repeat while doing so, especially the song "we know the way". *smiles sheepishly* .. I have other boats as well but the cat is my favorite. I go horseback riding, fly a helicopter, and drive a little carrot car sometimes too. I like to shop, attend interesting events, live performances, or just go dancing and talking. I've played several Madpea mystery games and enjoyed some of their themed hunts. I like decorating as well and there was a time when our parcel at home kept changing every few months because of this. Aside from having a human avatar, I sometimes transform into a tiny little bird and a mermaid when the mood hits me. I'm open to making friends that I can either hang out with, explore, have adventures with, or just someone to chat with and share interests and random talks. Even though I'm not a newbie anymore, I still see Second Life with awe and wonder. I love the possibilities, the endless creativity, ingenuity and the sense of community that it brings.
  4. I was recently at an event shopping for clothes when my eyes zeroed in on this tiny model of a tiki hut. I usually like walking through a house before I buy it but with this one I knew, I just had to have it. I demolished everything in our newly renovated parcel and set it up to accommodate this one small hut. The end result is this. Water, water, water everywhere! lol. It's not my first watery home, but this time there's even more water to play in. I love it! It's still a work in progress but here's what I've done so far.
  5. I finally got in, there are others online too judging by the group chatter but I'm guessing it might not be working for everyone yet. Just glad they're doing something about it, thank you LL
  6. Yep, still can't log in so i Nope, it isn't just you. I still can't log in either.
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