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Everything posted by CharlotteStargazer

  1. My current pet peeve is people who keep hammering at MM boards without bothering to see if their letter is up, so your computer screen is filled with "Hello (idiot)! We're looking for someone whose name begins with (--)! Your name begins with (--). Please try again!" I'm positive more than a few do it on purpose, but for what purpose, who knows.
  2. So I had my ultrasound this past Thursday. It was right on time, no waiting, and took about a half hour. The tech can't tell me anything, and says the radiologist will have a look in the next day or two and get back to my doc. Then yesterday morning (Wednesday) I get a call from one of our hospitals asking when I'm available to come in for a CT scan, which apparently was requisitioned by my doctor on Friday. So I have an appointment on Sunday. It makes me very nervous, the fact that the scan was requisitioned the day after my ultrasound, and such a quick appointment time, especially in the midst of a public health near-crisis.
  3. I really don't know how I'm feeling. Mainly ok, I guess, even though life is throwing so many curve balls. About a year and a half ago, my father went in for lung surgery. He's had rheumatoid arthritis for the last 35-40 years, and it's started attacking his lungs, resulting in interstitial lung disease. He has a persistent, aggravating cough that nothing could touch. He'd cough so hard and long he wasn't able to keep food down and he lost an alarming amount of weight. So the surgery itself was "successful", but the cough remained, and he still has the entrance wound that needs re-packing every day by Home Care. He's also prone to constant infections, and because RA is an auto-immune disease, he can't take most RA meds, as they're immuno suppressants. He was rushed to the hospital this morning after the Home Care nurse saw something that concerned her. So after 4 or so hours in the ER, his thoracic surgeon looks at the pics of the wound and says he's not concerned, and discharges him. Dad was alert, as pain-free as he ever is, and joking with everyone, so he's home resting. My mother is not coping well with all this, my youngest daughter has the flu, and next week i'm due for an abdominal ultrasound to see why I look like I'm carrying a full-term pregnancy. (No, not pregnant, at 50 that would absolutely be the last straw.) The stupid thing is, I'm actually hoping it's a benign tumour, as that would be ideal. But with my luck, it'll just be fat, and they'll tell me the only way to lose it is diet and exercise. I joined a gym last July, and have been pretty good about going, but it's made no difference to my weight, or my gut.
  4. I don't make resolutions, I find they're easy to forget or put on the back-burner, but by god, I'll finish my bloody novel this year! And for the smart-arses among us (in which I include myself) I'll finish writing the damn thing 😁
  5. Another book lover here. I also have several e-books, but prefer the real ones by a wide margin. I used to get in trouble at school for reading when I should have been doing other things. I'm also primarily right-handed, but I vacuum and shoot pool left-handed.
  6. Golden Boy He stands on top of our Legislative Building. Official name: Eternal Youth
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