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Malayaa Morningstar

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  1. This homestead has just been sold and is no longer available
  2. Hi I am leaving a beautiful Ranch parcel in Oak Knob (106, 183, 22) that backs to a pond and a waterfall Leaving at 9 am slt (I am currently there packing up the boxes ha ha) There is currently only 1 Ranch available so odds are good to roll this one at 9 if you are in the market for a Ranch! https://gyazo.com/46aa2bc96cccf3fc0a672435125e018c
  3. Nika this is gorgeous! This Northern Californian approves...have been to Monterey many times and can see this subdivision fitting in there perfectly. Glad you have a lemon orchard, I grew up next to an apricot orchard about 90 minutes north of Monterey !
  4. Wow some of the brand new six Mediterranean regions (maybe all?) are already Linden Home and rollable! The moles & Lindens really turned those around in a hurry
  5. Thanks, this is enormously helpful as I bought an entrance path that I thought would look good but the transition from the Mole entrance to my path looked terrible, will try the portal/gate approach which on your home looks terrific!
  6. Second Life Marketplace - LH Lauderdale Modern Awning add on* Aries & Taurus * (I bought these for the stilts and they are pretty easy to mod and resize if I remember right)
  7. Really like seeing the furnished models! These houses have interesting new features, the stonework and arched windows and tiled decks and the little balconies, and the new fireplaces are terrific. Great idea to have the fireplaces be hidden or invisible for people who want to use their own. Have not been in SL much recently due to some RL things but when these release definitely want to up an alt and have some decorating fun. And with the new Bellisseria sandbox, maybe there will be some add ons right out of the gate!
  8. I am putting this amazing ranch home back at 6 am slt http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moose Lick/34/227/40 long driveway, up on a hill, wheat fields on 2 sides. I have 2 ranch spots, it will be hard to give this up, will just shut my eyes and abandon lol https://gatherandnestsl.com/2023/08/boho-hippie-ranch-living/
  9. I rolled a ranch in ThunderThud last night and there were new flowers! At least new to me. Black Eyed Susans and Ranch Roses! Very pretty...
  10. Sharks with fricken lasers!! (I can't remember what movie that is from lol)
  11. There are 2 hovering over a couple empty Linden Homes on Firefly Ridge....am kind of worried about what happened to the home owners
  12. This is a very pretty and private parcel on Baxter (red arrow), only one close neighbor. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baxter/61/242/33 Views of the new "Vic Island" and the Neville peninsula. Will abandon at 2 pm SLT Firestorm-Releasex64 - Malayaa Morningstar and 9 more pages - Personal - Microsoft Edge (gyazo.com)
  13. What I like about Bellisseria: The themes, you can tell the moles and Lindens put a lot of thought into the design and landscaping, I especially like that the sounds are different for each theme and that sometimes there are surprises, like fireflies! I love to decorate, and having the surrounding area outside the house be gorgeous makes it easier to be inspired Hopping is a lot of fun! Sometimes a house looks perfect, ticks all the boxes, whatever, then when you get into it, it just doesn't feel "right". I like being able to pull up stakes and try again. The community and all the fun activities The mystery of What is Coming in the future and how SOON lol I feel like I am getting a lot of value and entertainment for my dollars/lindens, I don' travel much (or since COVID at all), and if it is miserably cold and rainy in RL I can go to a sandy beach house! Instead of spending a lot of $ and effort trying to decorate the RL house for the holidays (and maybe falling off a ladder while trying to hang lights), I can do a house in Belli up with all my favorite Xmas trees and decors and put my Zooby cat into a silly red and green outfit and it feels very festive
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