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Malayaa Morningstar

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Everything posted by Malayaa Morningstar

  1. It depends on what kind of Linden Home you have. For a Traditional or a Victorian, you go out to the mailbox in the street, click on it, and it brings up a menu with numbered options, you can choose from 4 models of houses. If you have a houseboat, there is a round life preserver instead of a mailbox. A camper, there is a vertical brown stick like thing somewhere close by. By special lands, it means you are limited to the type of house parcel you have, like the examples Marianne gave, a Traditional home parcel will not have the option to put a Victorian home on it. I'm logging in to SL soon, feel free to IM me if you need any help with this, it is a real joy to be able to pick the home-camper-boat that suits you best
  2. Sorry to hear about the release problems the last couple days, I haven't been clicking, busy getting my tent at the Belli-Shore Festival for RFL ready, opening day is tomorrow! hope the house situation gets cleared up soon
  3. I'm going to clear off and release this Sawtooth traditional with a great view (after you derender about 20 trees and some hedges!), later today or tomorrow. It is very private, trees to one side, top of a hill, has it's own little private road, only one house nearby. A great view, yet secluded. Feel free to check it out, I have moved out lol, the doors are open and there is no security orb. If anyone is interested, IM me and we can coordinate a release time http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sawtooth/188/86/57
  4. Released one in the middle of Pudding a couple mins ago, is still in Maintenance...
  5. Hi, the updated Hive Cozy Kitchen added a freestanding island, a dishwasher, and back sides to the cabinets. For example, below is the "backside" of the white small cabinet L. You might want to request a redelivery to ensure your kitchen has all the latest updates...the first Cozy Kitchen I bought from them, did have transparent backs, then they sent me an update which is awesome!!
  6. Good morning, will be releasing an inner Victorian in Mountebank at 7:20, it has a lot of pink flowers in front. The house behind it in the unreleased region has an amazing curved front brick wall, very interesting! p.s. scrolling up, I see it was Elora L's abandon
  7. At the Bellisseria demo houses, Marianne Little's houseboat had a TP system set up to a skybox above, just a little circle on the floor that you click on and go. It is on the Marketplace, called Auto-Configuring Teleporter, and it is a free item. You would just rez one circle downstairs and one upstairs then voila no more stairs I have a lot of trouble with stairs too, walk into walls a LOT.
  8. I thought I saw something going on in a new area about half an hour ago, but all the parcels are still Protected Land boo. Releasing a Little Sandbury Victorian in 2 minutes 3:58
  9. I tried for the Dahm Strait boat this morning and missed, the new owner named it Linden Home so I flailed around refreshing for a while there lmao, then got caught up in RL water leak issues so missed the Swithin festivities! I am good for homes though, and got the coastal dream house covered, so am just going to click idly now and then while waiting for the log homes
  10. Releasing a very interesting Victorian at Mountebank, if you derender a few hedges you can watch the trains plunge into Shonash Ravine from your back porch! And catch a glimpse of the river below. I took my train over the edge last night and drowned in the river sorry to say...however my alt ghost lives on! Also the way the parcels are laid out, there are no houses close by and a lot of greenery and rocks around. A great spot for a train nut or a Back to the Future fan. I will release it at 6:50 am http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mountebank/204/87/46
  11. Releasing a Pudding Vic second row back partial view of water with rederendering of trees
  12. A corner lot in Buttermore is going back in the pool at 255 pm
  13. As long as there's no lamb BBQ, I got one of those cute Jinx avis for one alt and a sheep for the other Then I decided to partner the two. Sorry I didn't invite you all to the partnering ceremony, it was very private...
  14. first click since Carrollton release, landed a Victorian next to a little pond and willow in Featherstone Chapel http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Featherston Chapel/192/24/33 Will release at high noon SLT since there are a lot of Vics whizzing around right now
  15. I stumbled into a chat last night and there is a 50% off everything sale at DRD that just started, it runs for several days I think, at their in world store. I went there to look at their kitchen, and it was so laggy everything was half rezzed...I plan to go back!
  16. someone named their coastal Carrolton Linden Home, dont be fooled hahahaa
  17. I logged on this morning and Vic sitting on Land Page, third row back in Carrolton, surrounded by other houses sides and front, nice view of the bay from the back yard if you derender trees (it is on a hill overlooking 2 rows of houses) will be releasing at 7 am http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carrollton Bay/20/167/45
  18. I just picked up another Caithness, will be releasing soon
  19. View from the Winchester back deck at Ebbe Tide very pretty!
  20. A Pudding at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pudding/20/168/0 Up on a hill, partial view of water with some derendering. Will release at 1:15 pm
  21. Was hoping the new region hubbub had died down and clicked on a Victorian at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caithness/236/108/0 releasing at 1230 pm sharp
  22. there is a nice frog reflecting pool in Caithness, but I have not scoped out very many of the other new regions to see if they have special features
  23. Traditional on Land Page..and is anyone else, with the Pudding Region, hearing that bit in their head "If you don't eat y er meat, you can't have any pudding"!
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