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Raevyn Addams

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Everything posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. I actually don't mind any of that, odd as that sounds. As they say; one man's trash is another's treasure. Right near the ocean? Check! Away from house boats? Check! It ticks my boxes at least. I'll try and catch one along the sand there but as beach homes are popular it's a long shot. Never mind, all can do is wait and see and hope for the best!
  2. Spent the last 2 straight days and nights working on walls and cupboard inserts for the Shenandoah camper. Not fussed about the tiles but *ugh* at this point I just want it done. I've managed to fill the criteria though; bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/dining and storage space. Now comes the fun part... packaging. Almost done...
  3. @AveryWitt, these are my settings: And on topic: I've been refreshing for about 4 hours (have ARP running in the background while I build) and I've only seen one Traditional and one Camper in all that time.
  4. I can honestly say that for me at least that isn't the case but it may be due to using different plug-ins or settings perhaps. In Google's Auto Refresh Plus there's no option I can see to delay sound only the frequency and duration. There may be a setting there somewhere that I've overlooked? To that end it seems that for whatever reason experiences differ when using e plug-ins. For example when my page refreshes, manually or automatically, the alarm sounds straight away. There is no delay from that end; the delay is me trying to click and check buttons and boxes in order to claim. If I don't have the name pre-loaded then Bellisseria shows at the top of the style drop-down menu, and if I do have the name pre-loaded then I usually (but not always?) have to select Bellisseria from the drop down menu. I think @LittleMe Jewell explained the reason for that a page or so back I've just been too lazy to correct it. There's also been the nice surprise on occasion that the while I'm afk the auto refresh plug-in will find a home, meaning I don't even hear the alarm at all. When I come back to the computer I click the next button and check ToS box and the house is there waiting for me; it doesn't happen every time but perhaps 2 out of 5 houses spotted when I'm afk, maybe even 1 out of 5. So it's not an everyday occurrence but the point is it doesn't seem to matter if i hear the alarm or react straight away some times as I can still claim a house. It's worth noting that I usually catch more abandons than newly released homes, and I've never ever caught a new house using auto refresh while I was afk. I really have no idea how this works at all. But since I can only refer to my personal experience with it for me there is no delay on hearing the alarm sound; it happens as soon as the page loads and Bellisseria is in the style drop-down menu.
  5. That's the part I'm struggling with. The request was for a bathroom, kitchen and bedroom with storage space in one of the campers that has rounded corners. Might be the airstream one I don't know? I've managed the bulk but those corners... omg. Usually snapping to grid is simple enough but having a hell of a time trying to align half-circles with cut paths to snap to the same edge as regular square prims. It's doing my head in. I think next time before I agree I might actually have to live in the place myself and get a feel for it first before figuratively bighting off more than I can chew. The campers I've seen are gorgeous. I'm just struggling to get things "just right" in any measure that I could consider letting someone else have. The next style of homes may be out before I finally get the hang of it. 😔 Do all the camper styles have slightly curved walls or are there any models with more straight-lines than others? Just curious.
  6. Yes, was today's release. Providing they only have one release, who knows. The LDPW works in mysterious ways... 😇
  7. I have no idea. I had Auto Refresh on while I build and heard the alert, immediately switched screens and caught it. My search word is still Bellisseria if that helps? 🤔
  8. I tried to give warning, NIka, sorry. But it's very late and my eyes are hanging out of my head. The sun will be up soon. But since I'm really hoping for a beach parcel (without those lag-inducing house boats) it made no sense to keep it a second longer, not when I knew someone else would enjoy it right now. Maybe next time (if or even when there is a next time)?
  9. Water. Releasing as soon as I send this post! And gone to someone named RubyS. Hope she enjoys! 👍
  10. Releasing Traditional in Deer Pass in 7 mins. That will be 11:40 am SLT or 4:40 am AEST. Get ready.
  11. Maybe the universe was trying to tell you something! 😉
  12. I think they may want to downgrade the alt's plan from premium back to basic to save money. If the alt downgrades plan they won't be entitled to the premium home.
  13. Likewise. It's a shame we can't see the LM of the home available before we check the Terms and Conditions box, but I also understand why that's not an ideal option.
  14. In the months that have passed since the initial homes were released I've not had any luck doing that, no. 😞
  15. I've literally spent all night building internal walls for a friend's camper but I'm about ready to pull my hair out. It's currently almost 3:00 am and nowhere near done and he keeps coming up with ideas I feel are far beyond my capabilities. But I'm trying! As for the second part of the quote maybe it's just fatigue but not sure I understand. Know nothing about how what's done; building or placing built walls on the Marketplace? I'm not an expert, far south of talented, and still struggling with the basics of Blender so I build out of prims in world in SL and convert that to mesh; that's as far as my building skills go. Others will probably explain things in detail but you can always help yourself by doing a little research online, watching some youtube videos on the basics of building, or taking a few classes in world at places like Builders Brewery that hold free building classes (and other classes too!) throughout the week. Beyond that like anything just practice, watch, learn, ask questions, but take the initiative to start learning instead of relying on others. It's how I learned. If that's not what you were referring to please forgive me. It's late and I'm brain fried. Now I'll step back so those who actually know their stuff can answer. Good luck!
  16. See this post (if you haven't already), it may help regarding refreshing:
  17. 😲 That is crazy cool! The LDPW are a truly talented bunch. I didn't even consider this as a possibility!
  18. I have the same issue. If I pre-load the name (fill in name > Next > back to Dashboard > refresh) then a good percentage of the time I'll get the alarm with Auto Refresh or not see it at all if I manually refresh but have to select Bellisseria from the drop down menu. If I don't pre-load the name then Bellisseria usually shows up first without having to select it. Since I already have a selection of names I've used I select those when I click in the name box but either way there's still a slight delay before selecting the Next button. Can't speak for others' experiences. And I just logged in this morning to find out one of my friends just caught a camper on the water's edge! I'm kind of envious but I also love my house. #SLProblems 🤣 EDIT: Straight after posting that my alt sees this: AND a Traditional straight after that (but I didn't stop to catch a screenshot for the house). Stopping to take pics explains why I missed them both but this serves more as visual confirmation than anything else. EDIT EDIT: TL:DR; After one round of manual refreshing I saw one trailer and two houses. This is within the space of a few minutes (manually refreshing, not using Auto Refresh, not in world, nothing spectacular, just hitting refresh) just now 9:45 a.m. AEST (no idea what time that is SLT). EDIT EDIT EDIT: Just spotted another TWO Traditionals just now but didn't catch them either. So there goes my theory of not seeing many houses. Also shows that abandons seem to happen more frequently at this hour compared to my previous house-spotted post (unless this is a one-off occurrence). Also I didn't post three separate posts but re-edited my original post so as to not run up my post count. And now I'm logging out for a while to return to fixing up my RL house. Good luck home hunters!
  19. Not sure if it's possible as something's clearly happening that shouldn't be. I had a link-set returned for parcel encroachment a long while back but it was only the offending part that was returned and it did appear in my lost and found. Sounds stupid but have you tried relogging? Yes I know that's probably no more helpful than the tech support line of "turning it off and on again" but it was the first thing that came to mind. May also be a graphic glitch too; the last few days things haven't been showing up for me either so I have to relog or TP to an empty region (Waxford or the like) and TP back again. It takes a while but things sometimes slowly reappear on their own. Not always. Not even sure if clearing cache would help; the experts will probably have more solutions than I. But to answer your initial question no I haven't experienced what you are talking about as my offending objects appeared in the lost and found folder, sorry. I hope it gets fixed soon. 😔
  20. So. Addictive. 🤤 And handy for post-midnight snacks!
  21. Just saw a camper 1:22 am / 8:22 am SLT. And yes, gone. I haven't seen as many houses, no, but I guess that's subjective. What's irregular for me may be frequent for someone else. Definitely seen more campers and house boats in the last 24-48 hour period, the latter is to be expected of course.
  22. You're right. Originally I was posting such times but then others commented that doing so was boring (or made the thread boring or something to that effect) so admittedly I got lazy and started doing what I saw others do. When in Rome as they say. My logic was that people would see when I posted and correlate the times but that's taking the easy route. I literally got lazy. Typing this just saw camper: 12:43 am AEST / 7:43 am SLT. But you're right. I'll lift my game again and try to post more than just the bare minimum. Hopefully it helps someone somehow.
  23. Nope. I post because the name of the thread is: "when did you last see a Bellsserian Home available?" I see a home and I post it. While the home in question might already be gone, there's a chance that it could also be abandoned by whomever caught it, so it might essentially serve as a heads-up to those still looking. On top of that posting when I see homes reminds others who are still looking for homes or haven't seen one available for a while and are questioning whether there are still homes out there, so I think it serves its purpose. I find it strange that hijacking or derailing threads seems to be more acceptable and a more favoured means of running one's post count up, but little is said to that end unless it offends someone's sensibilities. So as much as others may not agree I'll be the odd one out I suppose actually trying to stay on topic. Those who don't like can skip past or of course mute me and I won't mind either way. Freedom of speech extends both ways after all. *shrugs*
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