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Pie Serendipity

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Everything posted by Pie Serendipity

  1. A3123 wrote: I know the Welsh may find it difficult to comprehend, but Pie is only half the name. Sound it out, you'll see... or rather hear. As I pointed out in my original post, it's the familiar names - NOT the family names - which end with "eeeeee". Your own, and other handicapped names, omit the family name "Resident" of course. I, myself, naturally have a more mature appellation. Nor do I have the inclination to call myself after a North Devon by-pass, an upgraded B road with two serious black spots..
  2. Pie rhymes with "my". Usually. I suppose some ESLers might think it rhymed with "me" and pronounce it "pee".
  3. A3123 wrote: Pie Serendipity wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: pfft ... more kiddie games Perfect then for Mari, Loki, Kenny, Billy . . . And any other stunted adult, the last syllable of whose familiar name sounds like "eeeeee". Immeeee? I don't think the child avatars of SL will like this game, no sex, yet... Is it a coincidence that your own name also sounds like it ends in "eeeeee"?
  4. ESL is an initialism for "English as a Second Language". An ESLer is someone whose first language is not English, but who attempts to communicate in English. With a greater or - generally - lesser degree of success. It should be differentiated from "semi-literate". Which is the label applied to those who struggle to communicate accurately in English despite it being their mother tongue.
  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: pfft ... more kiddie games Perfect then for Mari, Loki, Kenny, Billy . . . And any other stunted adult, the last syllable of whose familiar name sounds like "eeeeee".
  6. Storm Clarence wrote: Pie Serendipity wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: ... they came and picked retrieved him up early due to severe weather in Labrador. In keeping with the spirit of this thread I will add "Dog" to my list. Labrador Retrievers: when a monitoring crew is now man's best friend. Do you know, when I read that post, I imagine you saying it with a husky voice. The only thing worse than a talking dog is a spelling bee. Raining cats and dogs is bad, but it's got nothing on hailing taxis.
  7. Orca Flotta wrote: If you are going to go out of your way to correct someone's misspelling, make sure you check your own **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> No, I don't since 1) I didn't went out of my way and 2) the there, their, they're confusiuon which is so mainsteam these days can't be defined as misspelling. It's more a logic failure in grasping and understanding of language structures. Also I'm excused for any and all mispellings, grammar and orthographic mistakes since I'm just an ESLer. Also I'm the most clumsy typist ever and although I try to correctify my mistakes I often make them worse since I always slip at the same key constellations. For example the last sentence took me 3 minutes of typing, proofreading and retyping and retyping again. So, in a matter I did exactly what you asked me to do; I checked my own misspellings. :smileysurprised: It seems hardly worthwhile posting - all that effort and so little useful end result. Why do you bother?
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: ... they came and picked retrieved him up early due to severe weather in Labrador. In keeping with the spirit of this thread I will add "Dog" to my list. Labrador Retrievers: when a monitoring crew is now man's best friend. Do you know, when I read that post, I imagine you saying it with a husky voice.
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: "According to the show's website, each location was scouted and pre-planned extensively by Stroud and his team who consulted with survival specialists and natives of each area. I haven't seen this show. But this description reminds me of some of the really good Stag Parties I've been on.
  10. Yeah, and Top Gear is totally unscripted. I know because I've watched them film it. Then film it again, and again, until they get the spontaneous ad libs right.
  11. Didn't you see "Dead Set", Sy? With Charlie Brooker as a Zombie and Davina McCall as herself, although they used a dummy most of the time. Narrated by Marcoos Bentley, of course. Imogen Thomas even did a cameo - but she kept her clothes on, dammit.
  12. KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote: ...language evolves? Language is subject to the linguistic version of Gresham's Law.
  13. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: i know many gay people that are happy.. But are they gay?
  14. I can think of many more, but will throw in just a few for now: gay (those that I know are anything but) discriminating (it used to be an indication of thoughtfulness; now it is an offence against rational choice) inclusive (to the exclusion of those who are discriminating) mean (refusing to wear rose tinted spectacles or to be gagged from saying what you see) harass (disagree with) psychopath (anyone who disagrees with you and expresses himself more convincingly) stalker (anyone who posts nearly as many responses to nonsensical posts as there are nonsensical posts) grammar nazi (someone who can spell) tasteless (didn't think my LOLcat was funny)
  15. Do you work for a spammer? LL occasionally, but not often, blocks them. Although don't worry, it won't be for long.
  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: I think Suspiria was referring to the signature you can add to your posts using 'My Settings' at the top of this window. Mine, for instance, starts "Occam's razor ...", some other people use theirs as advertising space. Most (informed) people turn off sigs. You get more content per screen And less boring self-promotion.
  17. I occasionally imagine that LL has concluded that these forums are a waste of time and have closed them down. But it never works.
  18. X3aV wrote: Try again, fourth word in: opinion. An opinion is worth nothing. An opinion with a supporting argument is a position. THAT would be worth discussing. You have an opinion but no position.
  19. Rose Patel wrote: "PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set" You need to consult Roy Rogers His horse was actually called Trigger.
  20. Should there not actually be TWO subforums? The real question is whether LL would provide any support for them.
  21. Yohan Roux wrote: Dont blog in the DT then, is the sun more you, try the DT and you might learn what those that dont have a pitpull think. PS the DT does have the top bloggers in, dont know how long you would last, they dont ban, they just let the wolves tear you apart. Right, I'm channelling Pep here and I think he would want to know whether the post quoted above was the result of you being an ESLer, semi-literate (for educational or genetic reasons) or simply so splenetic that your fingers jerked wildly out of control on the keyboard, refusing to obey instructions from your brain. Pray do appraise us of the correct explanation. Pie says, "For those of you who don't know, the "DT" is (probably) the Daily Telegraph, the political stance of which is slightly to the right of Genghis Khan - although they do give the daily cricket scores in complete detail - and presumably Yohan believes, as does my father, that everything it prints must be true, without reference to any corroborating (or conflicting) material".
  22. Yohan Roux wrote: I agree with both of you, in the UK Ron Paul is an inspiration, we are becoming more vocal now and calling for someone like him here. I entirely disagree; he isn't an inspiration here and it is absolutely unequivocal that we are not becoming more vocal and calling for someone like him here. Pie says "I wonder if Yohan is talking about the same 'UK' as I live in, where American politicians are perceived as the sort of real life puppets that made Spitting Image so amusing."
  23. Yohan Roux wrote: Lucinda is not banned, just suspended for a week, her comments were not that bad but she got involved in a spar that ended up in a race dispute, so maybe the lindens were right, she wont do it again, revenge has always been a dish of snow, it melts when a warm heart touches it. She is regretting her actions already? She'll have to man up if she wants to return without allowing those hyperemotional indiscretions to get the better of her. I would have said a cold heart would be considerably more beneficial in the circumstances. A warm heart has never worked on me. Pie says, "If you have to fake something, fake sincerity!"
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