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Pie Serendipity

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Everything posted by Pie Serendipity

  1. I've never heard of any of those places, although one of my son's friends is going to Toronto University soon, and says it's a party place without much academic aspirations. Also, it took me zero seconds to make my first avatar with no aid whatsoever; well, LL made it actually. Oh, perhaps you should ask the Moderators to move this thread to the Education subforum. Before you get demotivated. And my answer to the sex question is yes please.
  2. wisdomadvocate wrote: "Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" is the group's motto. More like, "bait the hook, then reel them in".
  3. xsunmoonstarsx wrote: Gone to the link inworld. LOL can't blv how ppl can be so jaded here, its a volunteer work like charity. Its not like lindens are involved in here. Relax, thryre just trying to help. Anyway, I like your group's cause so count me in Alt sockpuppet, much?
  4. It sounds like this scam has potential. SL is full of individuals who, for one reason or another, or another, or another . . . are not able to cope with real life, and promoting an anonymous "we will listen to you" service sounds like an excellent way to bring those desperate people to you, so you can exploit their weaknesses for your own gain. Maybe I should promote a "Hugs for rich widows" business and get rich quick too.
  5. 1whowaits wrote: Hmm I wouldnt call that a fix given that your "fixed" statement is demonstrably false. If you did a quick search on Pub Med for coconut oil and MCTs derived from it you would find over 10000 peer reviewed studies, most of which are reliable, and all of which are substantiated and repeatable. While it is true that most of these studies are not human studies due to lack of funding (thank you FDA), there is more than enough in vitro, animal and population studies in addition to several good clinical studies done on coconut oil and MCTs to show its effectiveness in treating or at least preventing a large number of diseases. There is more than enough research on it to make me comfortable in recommending it to someone with a disease that it has shown promise in treating like Alzheimer's or Epilepsy. Just as important as its effectiveness is its safety profile, as it hasnt caused a single death. Compare that to 106,000 deaths per year due to prescription drugs. Then do a comparison of effectiveness between coconut oil or MCTs from it and a popular drug like Aricept for Alzheimer's and you find MCTs much more effective than Aricept. So you can see why I am choosing recommending coconut oil to people with diseases that may benefit from it instead of telling them to take a drug that not only wont help them but may harm them. Ultimately I'm not telling anyone to believe in miracles; I'm just giving them dietary advice based on known facts that they can read with their own eyes if they dont believe me. Is that really such a bad thing? If coconut oil was an effective treatment the FDA - and its equivalents in other countries - would be more than happy to recommend it. They don't. Your "facts" are like Irish facts, which are similar to the truth, but more interesting. Zero against 106,000 deaths a year? By the same token you'd better start promoting the use of unicycles, because they have also caused no deaths, in comparison with motorised vehicles. This is quackery obfuscated by marketing claptrap. Perhaps I should mention that I have a friend whose not inconsiderable bank balance was reduced to naught by similar specious promises made by millionaire quack-frauds who promoted coffee enemas as a cure for skin cancer - on the basis of a couple of unexplained observations of spontaneous remission by owners of Starbucks cards.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Pie Serendipity wrote: 1whowaits wrote: I am glad you mentioned some of the more well known uses of coconut oil. Indeed unreliable, unsubstantiated and unrepeatable research has suggested it may or - more likely - may not be an effective treatment for all the purposes you mentioned and many more too. FIFY! Oh, and the word "prescribed" does not have to be used solely in a formal fashion; you could be prescribed a regime of abstaining from promoting quack remedies, and that would not have any legal ramifications. Wouldn't the word then be "proscribed?" In a wholly different context, yes.
  7. 1whowaits wrote: I am glad you mentioned some of the more well known uses of coconut oil. Indeed unreliable, unsubstantiated and unrepeatable research has suggested it may or - more likely - may not be an effective treatment for all the purposes you mentioned and many more too. FIFY! Oh, and the word "prescribed" does not have to be used solely in a formal fashion; you could be prescribed a regime of abstaining from promoting quack remedies, and that would not have any legal ramifications.
  8. TDD123 wrote: SL isn't THAT old. "It" will never be yours , because you still aren't able to grasp the loss you never had. TDD123 ( who knows social appreciation cannot be obtained as long as an effort to 'get it' never has been made.) Erm . . . if you ever had it, you've certainly lost it now.
  9. bsjak23 wrote: So I need advice what should I do? Come back in a couple of years. Don't call us, we'll call you.
  10. Madeline Blackbart wrote: I think there's really no need for me to continue here If I only thought you meant that sincerely . . .
  11. So now coconut oil is being prescribed by the natural therapy enthusiasts for autistic spectrum disorders. Along with its use fighting degenerative heart disease and fungal infections, as mouthwash, and for uv protection by lilac-rinsed biddies in Florida. Another miracle cure for the quacks to promote and the FDA to smack down . . .
  12. You got it Ceka, like Storm did. TDD123 almost got it. Orca probably got it - in the end.
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: now it's 13 and up in general from what i read..if i understood it right.. Nope - there is no mention of under-13s being any different in SL from any other under-18s in the section I quoted. In fact, LL acknowledges that they intend to interact with under-13s, and try to cover themselves against action which might ensue as a result of organisation to whom they sell their mailing lists sending offers on BDSM equipment to 8 year olds. Their lawyers are messing up BIG TIME trying to draft a single ToS that would cover all LL's properties when there are HUGE differences between them. You can drive a coach and horses between the inconsistencies and LL had better watch out that some civil liberties activists don't set them up as targets.
  14. Dresden Ceriano wrote: But there are frightfully disturbed people in SL and not all of them are as obvious as the person flamming this thread at the moment. Some are very subtle and cunning, which is much more dangerous. My hope is that you can recognize such a person before they can do any irreparable damage and that you and your partner are as sincere as you want me to believe. ...Dres I think we should refer Pep to this service, don't you. Perhaps he could pop along and give us some feedback.
  15. Orca Flotta wrote: Britpop? Who the hell are you talking about? Well, you started with Snow Patrol, and they are Irish/Scottish, so very much britpop if you ask me. :smileyhappy: Since you are a foreigner you won't understand that while the Scottish have to suffer the ignominy of being classified as "Brits", the Irish get very upset about it. It's a bit like the way the Sudetenland Czechs react when being called Germans. Orca Flotta wrote: But we'll cut you some slack for the incongruity of the mashup you have offered. What I have offered was the first musically good link in this thread. :smileytongue: Your track record in this thread isn't great, is it? You don't understand the "rules" of the way it is supposed to work, you miscategorise Snow Patrol, and now you express a minority opinion that makes you look like a music Nazi. Carry on.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: You know, unless with the re-write of the TOS is got buried deeper somewhere than I am finding at the moment, I think LL has missed something: 3.2 Age Requirements for Use of Areas of the Service. Under 18 Users. If you are less than eighteen (18) years of age (or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, if greater), then you may access the General area of the Service in accordance with our Maturity Guidelines. Wow, they sneaked that in, didn't they! It means that there is NO lower age limit on SL members, as long as they stick to General areas.
  17. Madeline, have you recognised the dramatic irony of your posting this semi-literate screed in the "Education" subforum?
  18. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: ) trolls - when being gratuitously mean and nasty - are just mean and nasty people but can, as recent news attests, really hurt people.] Did you see that in the most recent high profile widely publicised case of supposed internet "bullying" in the UK, which allegedly led to the suicide of the "victim", it was the "victim" herself who instigated and posted 98% of the trolling posts? I guess she, like most attempted suicides, just wanted attention.
  19. Treasure Ballinger wrote: I have this forum on subscription, to be sure I keep up with it, to attend educational presentaions and events given by others, and to invite them to Virtual Ability events; to stay in the loop, of who's doing what, in the SL Education world, so to speak. I was very happy to see that LL had added this forum. Been kind of a slow start here. So today, I go to the email address that I use for SL, and I see all these notifications, that a discussion was going on in this forum. Wonderful! Finally! Came running over here to see what wonderful thing was going on, only to find.........this? Really? C'mon people, why tear up this guy's thread like this, after his honest attempt to let SLers know about an event? I hope he moves on, and finds a new way to advertise his events, because this one is surely lost in the sniping shuffle. Just a really cold shot. Why? There is already a forum for advertising events. He should have used that. This forum is for discussing educational issues. I consider the worthlessness of translated literature an educational issue.
  20. Madeline, with every post you make you are confirming your humiliating lack of self-awareness of your own capabilities. Your semi-literacy means that it would not be possible to conduct an "intellectual" discussion with you. You are also, indirectly, confirming the point of my first post in this thread, which represented the potential initiation of an intellectual argument, although now I realise that anybody with enough intelligence to understand my position would recognise that my position is irrefutable. Let me reiterate that I don't use a spell-checker because I don't need to do so. Spell-checkers are for those who recognise their weaknesses, who acknowledge that to have their arguments taken seriously they should present them in a literate manner, and who have sufficient concern for their readers - whether the agree with them or not - that they take the time and make an effort to ensure that their posts do not insult the reader unintentionally. I recommend the free utility After The Deadline, which is not only compatible with most sensible browsers, but is also compatible with the SL Forums, and has a comprehensive range of spell-schecking and grammatical tools available for a multiplicity of languages in addition to English. It is what I use when I write in languages other than English. May I also point out that it was not me that brought "religion" into this thread, nor have I introduced any other worthless fantastical concepts.
  21. TDD123 wrote: I doubt it's 'good' company you're after in the first place, but as an ESLer I'll be the first to admit you're both plagiarising unbearable boring racist frauds without the ability to come up with something original yourselves. :robotindifferent: I'll tell Kenneth Branagh you said that!
  22. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: One of my alt accounts is a BOT. She was suspended for 4 days for "Abuse of Support Staff". "Additionally, if you persist in using an abusive tone, you may be subject to inworld disciplinary action." This BOT has never submitted a trouble ticket, has not spoken to ANYONE for over a year. She is unable to respond to chat or IMs. She does create IMs but they only go to me (the holding account). How can this happen? Perhaps it was driving one of your vehicles and ran over a Moderator who was out jogging along a Linden Road.
  23. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: it was probably another alt in a famous series, created specifically to spoof this thread Why go to all that bother. Wait a bit and some semi-literate self-unaware pretentious poster would have come along anyway, threatening to call the authorities if they didn't get the job because of discrimination against really stupid people.
  24. Perrie Juran wrote: Pie Serendipity wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Pie Serendipity wrote: Presumably this invitation is for Japanese speakers only. Because literature loses 90%+ of its meaning and relevance to another culture when translated. Take Freud, for example. Two questions: Wouldn't the problem with cultural differences still exist even if the same language is spoken? Would learning and then reading in the original language overcome this difficulty? I have two words for you. Sapir Whorf. It's not true. What or which is not true? Or does it all depend? Some of it. And, yes.
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