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Pie Serendipity

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Everything posted by Pie Serendipity

  1. Actually "bi" means "two" which is completely inaccurate as Obama, along with just about everybody else in the world, doesn't have merely two, but has a genetic inheritance that includes a multiplicity of "races" - assuming you could find a satisfactory definition of "race" which wasn't a euphemism for "skin-colour". Oh, and the original question - and most of the rest of this thread is entirely irrelevant to SL. And why do I get the feeling the OP might be Lania's alt; you know, the SL Enquirer who has posted elsewhere in the forums dragging the bottom for attitudes to racism, inter alia.
  2. You might want to consider joining the Group "Black Richards for White Chicks". (Actually, I don't think that's the exact name, but it's similar - and I'm pretty sure it rhymes.)
  3. SL is not a game. Until you interact with someone who treats it as a game. Then it becomes a game. It's like real life in that respect.
  4. Jandid Harcourt wrote: I dont come to the forums often. Don't feel you have to rush back here again.
  5. Czari Zenovka wrote: I also used to have a line in my profile that said, "Must be able to communicate in full sentences." This is quite amusing, as it is not a full sentence. I must admit to giggling a lot at the ESLers in this thread pontificating about good English - and not realising how badly they are writing.
  6. I can not believe that you, of all people, are promoting the "music" of Gypsy Quixote, Celestiall.
  7. Since apparently nothing at all happened it would be redundant to make any sort of critical comment disparaging the incompetence of the personnel involved in initiating a self-humiliating error in the first place, nor the hypocritical attitude of those charged with attempting a whitewash cover-up, would there?
  8. Conifer Dada wrote: I turned up at a club I'd never been to before and within a minute or two I got an IM from a resident who said she would report me for 'copying'. Conifer Dada wrote: Then she disappeared and SL froze up and logged me out. Why on earth do you think that these two events are necessarily connected? Nobody has ever accused me of copying, and SL crashes continually.
  9. Why are you asking this here? 90% of those using these forums think that the letters "ch" appear in the middle of the word "mature". It's rather like those newspaper adverts announcing literacy classes. Of the other 10%, most prefer to allow their reptile brain to direct their typing, rationality and logic taking second place to unfounded belief and chemical stimulation, the latter being represented both by legal and illegal drugs and natural highs generated by blind passion. I have heard a rumour that LL is considering the introduction of an IQ test as part of the signup process; as with the armed forces and civil protection services, if you fail it, you are allowed to join.
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: This wedding is in the future and while today the idea might make you shudder, perhaps you decided to wear one of the current Welsh Kiltsthat are now being made. It would make sense that you would want to claim your family colors before the child is born. I looked at your link and there didn't seem to be any maternity kilts . . .
  11. JPG0809 wrote: it's like texting BUT, if your message is too long, it may or may not cut off and send a half-assed message. It sounds perfect for using to post here then! Or even better, to the feeds . . .
  12. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: I thought all anyone needed was the, "LOOK! I HAVE A FASHION GADGET" app paper ihat. FIFY!
  13. Pep is Welsh, not Scottish (nor even Irish) and does not wear kilts. Principally because they don't make sporrans large enough to accommodate his manhood. He has, however, been known to don two ball gowns.
  14. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Do "human rights" extend to pixel people? I think that's debatable. "Human rights" do not exist, even for humans. Occasionally the strong grant temporary concessions to the weak - when it suits them to do so. But don't rely on them lasting under pressure.
  15. Women and wimps use nail guns. Real men use rail guns
  16. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Pocket Metaverse for the iThings... http://www.pocketmetaverse.com/ I'm not sure of the current release levels and whether or not your avatar rezzed correctly and/or supports the latest SSA features. She asked for a good app.
  17. Love letters? In English that would be ILY. When you are talking about love, French letters are a different thing. JTM.
  18. That's an appallingly misleading typo, Storm. Well, "u" is next to "i" on most keyboards, so it's understandable, I suppose.
  19. Aethelwine wrote: It is commonly understood and obvious I have generally found that, when such a comment is made, it is as a consequence of no rational evidence having been presented to support the ridiculous opinion being expressed.
  20. Aethelwine wrote: People can and should therefore be held accountable for saying things with intent to harm and hurt. Yawn...give me a call when they have discovered the remote telepathic mechanism for determining "intent" by another across the worldwideweb. Particularly since your argument defeats itself; if I, or anybody else, believes that it is impossible to hurt someone via the internet, then by no means can I be accused of any "intent to harm and hurt".
  21. Aethelwine wrote: Well your words tell a very different story. By George she's got it! My point is that EVERYBODY gets a different story from the same set of words. The writer is NOT responsible for the multiplicity of interpretations of the same words by a spectrum of readers from the semi-literate to the cognoscenti, and from the stable to the wildly reptile-brained hyperemotionals. And it is very apparent that your own perception, as evidenced by your posts, is jaded by an inferiority complex rolled up with a smidgeon of paranoia, covered with a gloss of denial. See, I can do the telepathic, remote layman's diagnosis of psychological deficiencies. I, of course, revel in my entirely justified narcissistic superiority complex; it would be false modesty of me to admit to anything less. And you should really check out recent research that confirms my contention that psychopaths are actually even more empathic than the norm; the word you are clutching for is sympathetic, which is not an emotion I entertain for the weak, the gullible, the ignorant and the ingenuous. Pity, maybe.
  22. Maryanne Solo wrote: I am sure you would know as much about Australian elections as you do about being a hero, hero. There's not much to know about Australian elections. Usually the moronic guy who insults the fat-assed woman wins.
  23. Aethelwine wrote: Pie, threats of verbal beatings, imagining me crying and strawman analogies over 3 posts would seem to indicate you are upset about something I said. My apologies if it helps nothing I said was directed at you I don't even recall noticing you before. Hugs I don't get upset. I learned that "sticks and stones might break my bones but words could never hurt me" before I could read (which was at the age of three; I have always been mature for my age). As well as ignoring the misuse of our wonderful language by idiots who can't frame insults without resorting to expletives, I also took on board the "sticks and stones" bit, and developed so that I became sufficiently physically imposing that I never had to suffer that side of the threat either. Win-win. In comparison with you losers.
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