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Everything posted by Xiija

  1. Is there a list of these anywhere? ty. so far I have... LlSetSoundRadius LlSetLinkCamera LlSitTarget LlGetCenterOfMass LlSetCameraEyeOffset LlSetCameraAtOffset LlSetSoundQueueing LlParticleSystem LlSetLinkText LlSetText LlSetKeyframedMotion
  2. @EnCore Mayne dunno if this is valid, but sometimes when I copy & paste scripts, they get corrupted. I've had to paste into notepad, then back into SL to fix it.
  3. @Kaeby Littlepaws If you have a script & need help, you can ask here. mebbe try the other forum instead? https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/
  4. @KT Kingsley or for a non binary toggle ... if( x=x^num )
  5. @Love Zhaoying works with strings too string sThingName ; string method = "123"; SetThing(sThingName = GetThingName(), GetThingValue(sThingName) + (1 * (method == "123" )) );
  6. @Love Zhaoying you could even get rid of the function call? string sThingName ; integer method = TRUE; SetThing(sThingName = GetThingName(), GetThingValue(sThingName) + (1 * (method > 0 )) );
  7. @Rolig Loon we just turn our vehicles phantom , mebbe rez a "floor" under your elevator before it changes? hmm...
  8. just a heads up, I went with an inworld http-out on a timer, and so far no issues ....
  9. 'nother alternative integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); if( link > 1 && link < 10 ) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( link, [ PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 0.0]); llGiveInventory(user, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0) ); }
  10. just to add... I put another prim inworld to test making calls to that same prim, and it has no problems... i'll just use a timer & http out and see if that will work jira for the issue is here ... HTTP IN Jira
  11. I changed the prim/script out and so far, so good ::crosses fingers:: TY ! E.T.A. sadly it still has this issue
  12. @Aglaia Haven't tried another sim yet, The script only gets a new URL when it is reset, and the correct url is registered/recorded off-world. arg, cant edit/delete the above text , dunno why. ======================================= @Monty Linden the prim is in the BURN2 sim, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burning Man- Deep Hole/243/13/39 the script is the same, I just keep resetting it. ( just tested now ) Do i need to delete / remake the prim/script? the repl i am using is public , ... https://replit.com/@TikiHed/SL-STATS#index.js
  13. @Aglaia Haven't tried another sim yet, The script only gets a new URL when it is reset, and the correct url is registered/recorded off-world.
  14. @Jenna Huntsman task/7f1c03ab-3401-7262-ed4a-6ddc33e32184 ... seems to be the inworld prim's uuid I wasn't sure if it was SL or my Node.js code on repl.it hmmm @Aglaia this url gives the bad response... https://simhost-0062f895e135bf44a.agni.secondlife.io:12043/cap/58b71952-ccb0-81e7-706d-d8af7070d841/?stats=stats whenever i go in-world & reset the script, it gets a new secure URL, and the repl HTTP call works again for a while ... @Lucia Nightfire no idea how to file a bug report ... not even sure it IS a bug
  15. I am sending a request every 30 seconds from repl.it , and it works for a while, then i get this msg... this is also a status: 404 ..... any ideas?
  16. for a script you wrote, or can mod, you could just store it in a variable? integer centering_time = 10; llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, centering_time );
  17. @Lucia Nightfire trutru, but the O.P. will need them, and they can set those to the "Owners" role, or to a role only they have ?
  18. the experience checkbox might not show if the script is just in your inventory, but when building, you should see something like ... You will also need to set up experience scripter perms in your land group?...
  19. @Mia Puddles For the rez part, just use llRezObject or llRezAtRoot, kinda like ... touch_start(integer total_number) { string myObj = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_OBJECT,0 ); vector myPos = llGetPos(); vector rezPos = myPos + <0.0, 0.0, 2.0>; // or region coordinates vector rezVel = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>; rotation rezRot = llGetRot(); // or... ZERO_ROTATION; .. or .. llEuler2Rot(<0.0, 0.0, 0.0> * DEG_TO_RAD ); integer param = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)llGetKey() ); llRezAtRoot(myObj, rezPos, rezVel, rezRot, param); }
  20. If you are flying off on corners, mebbe programmatically adjust your speed on turning ..
  21. I think some combat systems use llCastRay() to fire a weapon & report a hit. since it's to be grid wide, you'd prolly want to avoid rezzing anything, just use regionsay to tell all HUDs who has been hit mebbe ?
  22. @finiks66 sorry so late, but it may help others, so.. You can pass things thru the rez functions. In the above code, the "param" variable can pass a channel to the rezzed object. :: ignore accidental quote :: integer itemChan = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x" + (string)llGetKey() ); llRezAtRoot(myObj, rezPos, rezVel, rezRot, itemChan); and in the rezzed object... on_rez(integer param) { // integer passedChan = param; } etc etc ..
  23. @DarkEmperor13 mebbe use a keyword instead of a channel? that way you could use one channel ( owner based) for all coms. something kinda like ... ownerChan = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)llGetOwner() ); so if you send a message with a command and a target... then each prim could just parse it to see which of them will respond? listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { list my_listX = llParseString2List( message,["|" ],[""] ); string chk0 = llList2String( my_listX ,0); string chk1 = llList2String( my_listX ,1); llOwnerSay("\nCommand: " + chk0 + "\nValue: " + chk1); }
  24. What is a catch-all-account i think the LSL email catchall is mebbe something like ... mail-in-2.agni.secondlife.io email seems ok for me now... both send & receive worked
  25. confirmed weirdness ... i could send an email from SL, but it never seemed to notify me when it sent one, no emails in to SL, but the catchAll lsl email address seems to work.
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