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Codex Alpha

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Posts posted by Codex Alpha

  1. A whole lot of typing and words displayed, but it really is quite simple. This is no different than many forums that only exist because they're meant to serve the discussion and promotion of the game/software/platform.


    General Discussion areas are usually set for grab bag or garage sale or topics that people don't know where to post them, and some leeway is given in those areas. Having run forum of my own on a variety of game-related topics when hosting game servers and running resultant 'clans' and 'guilds', that was all the General was supposed to be.

    The thing here on SL was that the General Discussion wasn't really being used like that, and too many way non-SL related topics were appearing - and many of them political or social or real world issues that don't really belong here - nor is it LL's responsibility to give them a platform to their myriad numbers of users - especially if the internet is available and many other forums out there to express themselves already.

    For others, it's not why we come to Second Life forums, nor is it our goal to bring RL issues into SL, as it is meant to be something else.

    Whether or not I agree or understand to the issues people may post from time to time, it's not why I'm here, and I and others appreciate the move to keep it a bit more SL-centric. It also keeps a lot of divisive topics down, and subsequent AR's and discipline and possible bans for people who feel passionate one way or another and 'go too far' - which is an expected result from hot-button topics. So best to keep it to other places like Gab vs Twitter, etc - people can argue and debate and  point fingers and make aspersions against one another all they want there.

    Here's too more on-topic and unifying discussions regarding SL and related virtual world discussions in the future, I for one welcome the new changes.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Oh and one from the forums who I did block inworld.  I like to see what offensive thing they have said here so I can "tattletale to the authorities" when needed.   😂🤣

    People can't get offended, get frustrated or angry or tattletale if they can't see or read or hear anything you say. It's the best policy  moving forward :D

    • Confused 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Stephanie Lovely said:

    How many entries are on your block list in world? After 16 years, mine stands at 194 entries. I have to say, I am pretty fast to block people. I don't put up with creepiness, or trolling, and I don't engage with anyone who annoys me in that way, I just immediately block. What about you, do you make much use of the block feature in world?

    it used to be zero. Until 2022 when individuals on SL kept vocalizing that that is their preferred method to treat anyone they disagreed with.. so I initiated the "When In Rome" protocol and gave them exactly what they wanted - with them first on the list.

    Also extending it cross-platform to anyone who acts offended to anything I say, or has a tantrum or any other issue that would cause them to want to tattletale to the authorities. So not I block them so they never have to feel that ever again.

    Sad, but true.
    That is the way.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    Too many people have thousands of dollars invested in Second Life they would be reluctant to start over.

    This is not really the best argument for anyone to make even if they did spend thousands of dollars.

    I know many gamers that spend hundreds and thousands over time just on cosmetic items, experience boosts, etc in their favourite FPS Shooter games, that they only played for 1-2 years. With micro transactions in every game nowadays, people are spending that normally.

    It's just that many SL creators are in the upper and older age bracket, with much time invested into SL, and are understandably concerned especially if they rely on it in full or part of income.

    However, everything progresses, and I too will get older and face the same issues - but I don't expect a company or anyone to be held back on my account...

    A move to a more modern system was admirable, and needed. One can only expand on an old SL so much until a complete rewrite is needed.

    For me, now spoiled by newer platforms like Sansar and others - along with the prevalence of accessible game engines like Unreal, Unity and Godot, it is becoming harder and harder to warrant continued investment of time and money into an old SL.

    If anything Sansar failed (in part) because they tried to attract the older crowd from SL and ignored the younger generations (graduating from Roblox and other younger audience platforms) into Sansar as the next step - almost seemingly not wanting them at all in their attitudes.

    Like any business, if you're not growing, you are stagnating.. and if you're stagnating you are dying.

    And with LL's observably glacial pace at doing anything who knows what the future brings for it - while all of us age out of the equation instead of packing up our tents and making camp on a new platform.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

    What if LL made a completely new client and server with a small continent, new avatars, a new prim building system, new engine and physics, but kept the exact same SL style where the residents make everything. Then they named it a completely new name like 'whatever life'. If you logged into it you'd feel right at home in the virtual world but it would be all shiny and new.  This would not be like Sansar which was made very differently from SL. It would be  hard reset and a starting point but SL would still exist as well. Do you think this would make people think about joining because it is simply not SL with all it's baggage? Maybe new creators would come in knowing they don't have to compete with the established ones. LL would also be able to regain it's control over the base avatars and not be dependent on resident made avatars. This wouldn't destroy SL. It would be like taking a seed from a plant and making a whole new plant. 

    You're asking the people who rejected Sansar en masse if they  would move to a newer platform instead of staying on SL.

    I welcome anything new. I'd be there, but the same people would NOT be.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    There is the technical side of course and not wanting to damage existing content. Then there's the often messy laissze faire social side.

    LL had to try to stop depictions of sex with child avatars for legal reasons, but even with that being against the TOS, it still has to be reported and proven to be acted upon.

    If LL wanted to clean up SL's image by making other depictions against the TOS, would they be able to enforce that? I don't think they let all that go on because they really don't care or because they want the money of those who engage in those particular kinks or questionable roleplay. I think they let it go because trying to stop it would be a task that even Hercules wouldn't be able to tackle,


    Could Linden Lab even clean up Second Life if they wanted to?

    No, and either than dealing with illegal activity, why would they want to?

    Take a look around. The most successful online platforms, VR or otherwise, are those who offer the most freedom with the least limits possible, and other platforms who over-moderate, over-rule and micro-manage are very low number of users or completely empty.


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  7. Meta's sole purpose is to drive the population of the world to it's virtual universe and closed environment by any means possible.

    Discerning creators and participants may enjoy it as an escape, but as a way of life may not be so fun.

    "You will own nothing and be happy" is closely linked to such goals, a trojan horse of sorts, a dance with the devil - mind your toes because you might get burned.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    I help mod the SecondLife subreddit.

    We do keep the place more strictly about SL simply because the rest of reddit is right there, we will even remove posts about ex lindens or competing worlds. Metaverse and blockchain stuff is just blacklisted.

    That doesn't really work so well here as a self contained community, clamping down here just encourages people to move on to other places, and it will be the most committed and minorities that go first, it always is. It wont have the desired effect of making this into an "SL is awesome echo chamber", if anything .. the tone will get significantly more salty. Killing time and giving LL space is most of the discussion here, take that away and we're not social anymore, we're here with a purpose .. and that purpose might as well be "why is this all junk and why do you hate your customers?".

    This isn't some new death spiral, we've all been here before, probably many times with many companies who start struggling and trying to micro manage the community as though that's the problem.


    The one thing we do also mod very strictly (as in, shoot first and ask questions later) is trolls who explicitly use personal insults, attack minorities and LGBTQ folk, homophobia, transphobia, racism, PMing posters to attack them, shouting about freeze peach, JAQing off, sealioning, aggressive and constant negging of female posters, and so on and so on. This is very much not the case here because of some fox news notion of "both sides".

    Reddit posts are threaded and do not get bumped (unlike this forum) , so there is pressure to be relevant and be quick about it. Things can get nasty and overheat quickly, angry haters silence meaningful participation.

    Much in the same way discussion of LGBTQ issues in SL is silenced here, no one wants to start those threads only to have 2 people and an alt come in and nicely imply they shouldn't exist at all. Funny, the new rules explicitly prohibit arguing against those positions, and because the posters here don't explicitly say what they actually mean (and we all know) veiled hate speech is now permitted.


    We've been extremely pro LL to this point and routinely remove rants, not wanting the sub to descend into the enormous lake of festering anti LL bile that exists. LL are one of the only companies I know that manages to not only make their customers hate them, but hate them for life - people will seriously show up having not used SL for a decade just to unload about how much they hate SL and LL for not being dead yet - This includes most of the industry media.

    I'm not saying we or I am going to change that stance, but if thinly veiled hate speech starts to show up and be allowed to stand, I'm not going to be too willing to defend LL and will be seriously reconsidering my participation on these forums, which will undoubtedly have a knock on effect to my participation and contributions to the platform.

    If not you, it would be me or someone else. Can't please everyone, but at least the topics will return to Second Life only.

    All you have lost is a platform to spread non-Second-Life ideas. You've had a good run. You did your thing. You got a platform to say what you wanted for a long time.

    Now it's back to making Second Life Second Life again, sans the Real Life issues.

    You'll be alright.

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Aethelwine said:

    Language seems to create confusion sometimes.

    When people talk about Trespassing for example, my immediate thoughts are about the mass trespass in the 1930s (I think) local to me that led to the opening up of public spaces. Trespass since then has been a right (limited but still a right and a valued one). Others probably have very different associations. For others it is about their space being invaded. The same word, same derivation of meaning but very different reactions


    That's because in general, in a civilized society, trespass is reserved for any entry uninvited, and in the context of a hostile or 'armed trespass', is what is usually addressed.

    Yes, entering anyone's land is technically trespass, but since we all live in a relatively open society, there is an expectation of ingress and egress from properties to people's doors, their mailboxes, to say 'Hello", without shots being automatically fired, and we also have 'reasonable force' laws that prohibit people from shooting other people dead because they dared to set foot on their driveway, or for those (like in SL) feel it is their right to 'shoot any planes flying overhead their home'.

    For those who want true 'private property' and with clear and distinct lines that it is, they usually have checkpoints, locked gates, fenced areas that clearly communicate "We do not want you approaching the house".

    Unfortunately in SL , as you can see people are going to act any way they want, they're not really participating in an open and relatively free society as in RL, so they're happy to set 0 second orbs, ban lines, or otherwise block other people's non-malicious enjoyment or exploration of "public lands" (not designed for 100% privacy - they have to and should pay for that).

    But trying to convince some of these people to engage in an open society, they're not interested in. Yes, it's their right, and they can do what they want with the "tools that LL have provided us" and the rest of us have to put up with it.  If it becomes disruptive enough for some of us, we simply stop doing those activities in SL, our enjoyment and experience of SL gets soiled, and we simply answer by not paying our annual premium.

    the only way to affect change is to vote with your wallet.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

    I’m going to share a screenshot of what appears to be boogaloo boy related content for sale during a weekend event in SL.  
    I question if it should be allowed on the grid.

    If unfamiliar with their movement, I won’t fill in the blanks for you.  Their platform on racism & desire to ignite a second American Civil is easy enough to google for yourself.  

    A comparison between the SL advertisement & actual boogaloo boys in their Hawaiian shirts & tactile vest:



    Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear (used by police offers, undercover drug agents, plain-clothes agents, etc) are now 'clothing of hate'.


    Ok, Second Life. LMAO.

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  11. 14 hours ago, CrazyLaraCroft said:

    Hello Second Life Community and Linden Lab's Staff i have a question about modernize The Second Life World to a more modern engines and if itcould be possiable one day in the future or something along those lines 

    It was called Sansar but was rejected by SL users.

    I and 5 other people in my network did not reject Sansar.

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  12. There are other options and much simpler.

    1) Contraception

    2) Abstinence

    3) Having children only in a committed and stable relationship (and doing all the responsible pre-marriage work before you do)

    Most abortions are made for convenience, and the exceptions can be dealt with appeals or other measures and judges can allow certain situations that would cause high distress to the female in question.

    If anything, overturning Roe Vs Wade is simply making abortion less convenient for many, and those exceptions on the ends of the Bell Curve, who don't make up the majority and have special needs - will be accommodated one way or another.

    A lot of time in our world spent on arguing for the 'right' to destroy another living being, and not alot about taking responsibility for one's actions and use of our bodies.


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  13. 3 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

    My understanding is that, when a resident has taken RL money out of SL via Tilia, LL annually reports the amount paid out to the concerned taxing authorities, although I presume that there is a threshold that must be reached for that to happen.

    Is net or gross income reported? For example, if a U.S. resident pays in $3000 during a year and removes $1000, does LL report income of $1000 to the IRS?

    Any monies I 'cash out' to RL platforms I consider 'income' and declare it as such at tax time.

    If you do this you shouldn't have any problem come tax time.

    Keep in mind if you spent money on anything to obtain that income, you may be able to write that off against the income earned.

  14. On 6/10/2022 at 11:15 PM, Kurz Neox said:

    I recently became interested in bringing my art into Second Life and getting it noticed (hopefully). I'm interested in displaying it places or at shows/galleries and also selling copies of my art for others in SL to place in their homes. 

    What would be the best way for me to get started and grow?

    It wouldn't hurt to show your art no matter where you are. After all if people can't see it, then no sales can happen. It would be irrelevant how successful you can be on Second Life, or if you posted on Zazzle or RedBubble. Consider it just another venue, and if you can afford it, why not?

    Starting a gallery AND shop mix would be a good start, and advertise it how you would anything else I guess.

    That being said, it most likely won't be a money maker on its own, but if it leads to real world work or commissions, or even used as PART of your entire art portfolio, then go for it.

    I would say though, that if you can somehow 3D your art ( like an extra value version made for virtual worlds), including 3d elements, and even animations, or making the art come alive (basically using what SL offers you) - it can seriously add to the value and enjoyment of the piece, and protect you from people who - even if they want the piece - won't just simply screen shot it game and you get nothing.

    Also think of ways where your art can be integrated into something else or even on products people wouldn't expect it.

    Do it!

  15. 11 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    No offense. But the chance of being able to develop rigged mesh clothes for SL without the need for AvaStar is slim. In 2012 I was writing tutorials for how to make fitted mesh with ONLY Blender. These were 5,000+ word tutorials. Add in AvaStar and the tutorials drop to 500 to 800 words.

    It isn't that AvaStar or MayaStar are REQUIRED... you can make stuff without them. But you need to really understand 3D character modeling. And if you are a pro modeler in other worlds you'll have to deal with all the weird kinks the Lab built in to make the basic classic avatar easier to work with when clothes were system, prim, or sculpty. With the addition of mesh the avatar had to change but was kept compatible with the classic pre-mesh system. We never had an industry standard type of avatar designed for the mesh the Lab added. The original classic avatar changed shape using morphing. Bento added in more twists. A modeler learns all the gotchas or gets AvaStar/MayaStar and skips that tedious learning.

    The Lab has made the best of a legacy system giving us the most flexible options moving forward.

    Since the Lab is loath to break backward compatibility, things are not likely to change. But, it will be interesting to see if these new bodies have taken the Slink path and started to break from tradition. EvoX started. Slink has taken it up several notches. Yet, both fit within the Lab's system but use the flexible options available to depart from tradition. What has the Lab done?

    I have avatar creation experience and some rigging for (basic) avatars and relating to Bansar. SL is a bit more involved, my energies would be better spent elsewhere when it comes to avatars in SL I guess. A bit late to that game anyway.

    • Haha 1
  16. How would a Mobile viewer work with meshes with 100,000 vertices, no lods, multiple 8 x images per linked mesh (that I have observed in my study of others work) - and how would mobile work properly if SL generally lags and chokes on an average computer?

  17. We need documentation and updated tutorials to encourage more people to upload custom avatars with any new rig.

    And sorry if this offends anyone, without a Avastar prerequisite.

    This will open up SL and options to more creators who won't necessarily have a paywall in the way or limited to one workflow that is constantly promoted.

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Not so easy. First you have to figure out what a woman is. Then figure out how to identify one. Then there is the dilemma of what is the RL person behind the avatar and how do they identify...

    We are past the day when you can grab someone by the ankle,  turn them upside down and ID the sex.

    Yeah. Check please. 😕

  19. 1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

    That's quite possible. If the other cars on the freeway seem to be headed the other direction, maybe they know something you don't.  ;) 

    I guess.. Don't say "Hi" to women in Second Life. Got it.

    59 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Here's another likely scenario. 

    Bore man with feelings of inferiority goes onto an online forum where he can troll women to see how easy it is to upset them.

    That's not very nice.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Liaa Nova said:

    If I get a 'Hi' IM from a random guy, it's never yet been anything but him wanting to take things further. Why not state what you want rather than put it on the other person to carry the conversation? Hi gets no response, Hi, I love your profile/dress or Hi, I'm new here and was wondering how x works does

    That's very sad. I guess I'm the exception after all.

  21. 6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Here is how bad people operate:

    Step 1. Convince people are you "not bad".

    Step 2. Move in and do something bad.

    Hasn't anyone ever taught you "Don't talk to strangers", "Everyone wants something", "Nobody is ever friendly / nice without an agenda", etc.?  People really believe these things and teach them to friends, family, the younger generation, etc.

    That seems like a socially anxious response and assumption, and based in fear or some assumption of ill-intent as a base belief

  22. 19 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Whether one considers SL a game or considers it more of a platform might have a bearing on the acceptance of a random 'hi'.

    Nope, and probably has more to do with the social anxiety and mental state of the person receiving a simple 'hi' than any measure of ill intent of the person.

    19 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    For me, SL is a platform and so scrolling through the member list to start an interaction with a stranger feels as weird as picking a random number from a RL phone book and cold-calling them to say 'hi'.
    I can understand, though, that if one views SL as a game it would seem appropriate to scroll though the SL member list and message someone randomly.

    I don't think the method of initiating contact with someone else is suspect, nor can any intent be assumed from a simple 'hi' as the start of that interaction.

    It's not weird, even if they did search through a phone book, or in the context of SL, to search through users that may have similar interests or a profile that catches their eye and want to be social and initiate contact. That's how you make friends...

    19 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Sometimes a resident will act as if my experience is part of whatever game they're playing in SL, for example when someone messaged me out of the blue to inform me that my store was a safe zone for those escaping vampire bites. I just played along, smiling because I generally like playfulness, and so said "that's good to know, thanks for letting me know". Doing so caused no harm to my pursuits as long as they weren't annoying anyone in my store, though I can imagine some people might not appreciate being a cut-out in somebody else's play without their permission.

    You'll be alright. They can't harm you.

    13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Unfortunately I feel a pang of guilt when I don't respond to the random 'hi' IM forwarded to my email.  But if I'm not in the mood to respond, I don't. I'm not under any obligation to do so.

    Noone said you had to.

    13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I don't think I've ever had a good experience from the random 'hi'. I've had a much better experience when someone gives a clearer reason for wanting contact -- something more than just 'hi'.

    You would be the exception and not the rule.



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