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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Maybe best way to entertain friends with benefits without anyone know it is you is to create an alt for that purpose. That leaves your main account totally innocent and chaste.
  2. Kajagoogoo always sounded like an unpleasant zipper accident to me
  3. @Garnet Psaltery Reminds me of Fallout sound track I thought this was part of the playlist but apparently not still cool tune
  4. rasterscan on page 2 said it, I think others may have said similar. I upgraded my internet connection partly for SL, but I think upgrades I have done for my PC would have happened regardless of SL, although certainly nice for it.
  5. It was just a throwaway comment I thought funny at the time. 😀 I have tried out dance moves I have learnt in SL, but I haven't started dressing like I do in world. Although if I could knit I might make the knitted shark outfit I get out for Halloween when I try to look scarey.
  6. Ahoy me old mate, the talk like a pirate day been on Tuesday, 19 September, so ye 'ave a year to wait fer the next'un
  7. I got positive reactions from people in world when I dressed like a pirate, so I got myself a pirate outfit in real life to wear. I recommend it it brightens people up
  8. If it wasn't for SL I doubt I would have bothered to update to a faster internet connection.
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