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Stephanie Misfit

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Posts posted by Stephanie Misfit

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    Those rules should be tighter. Remove the sales condition. For marketplace clutter sake, the least to expect from a merchant is comming back on a regular base.
    Now it''s more like, we did get your 3 cts salestax , you'r allowed to try another year for our next 3 cts

    Yes, tightening the rules up would go some way to stopping the issue of absentee sellers who don't provide support for their products. I have been caught out by this before as a customer on the marketplace.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Acadia Blackwood said:

    Hi, back after a nearly year long break from griefers. Yay I think?

    Anyway, Im hoping that someone might have a suggestion where I might find a head shape like this or as close to it as possible. I own several Lelutka heads (Ceylon, Kaya, Nova, Raven) and would buy another head if I need to get a basic shape or skin really close to this look.

    The closest match I have found that looks something like the shape is at Wren's (for Ryn, called Rysa, image attached).

    Any ideas or suggestions would be really helpful.

    Also, is 7 Deadly Skins gone now?




    Check out this shape, for Avalon



    graceful_curves - advert - natashaMP.jpg

  3. When I started in SL, I rented from Ravenglass and had an amazing house by the water. It really made me want to own my own land. I have not owned anything quite like that original rental though, I really wanted land in that particular region but it was rarely available and very pricey.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Ivy Mysterious said:

    Some of my SL hot takes because why not?


    • How body mesh was introduced was a HUGE mistake.
    • Kid Avatar's need their own separate platform, they don't need to be on the same platform that is hypersexualized.
    • SL Content creation should have stayed a hobby or at most, a second income.
    • You're just asking for a lawsuit if you're putting RL brand logos on your virtual products.
    • SL was better back before everything became money and popularity-based.
    • Flexi should've stayed dead.
    • The Community side of SL died years ago.
    • People take too much comfort in this platform's anonymity and treat people horribly because of it.

    What are some of your Hot takes/ Unpopular opinions?

    OK, I am going to go there. Some furries creep me out. You know, the really sexualised furry avatars with ugly animal-style heads but human-type bodies that are dressed in revealing clothing. Don't want to turn this into a thread about the merits or otherwise of furries, but you asked for hot takes. Cute feral avatars, those I quite like.

  5. 27 minutes ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:

    Might be the same thing that originally knocked Belleza out them - having a dev kit that is hard to get is one thing when everyone wants your product, but another thing when there is even semi-decent competition.

    Legacy and reBorn are both doing well enough that it's easy to say there are 3 "viable bodies" to pick from now if you want an easy time finding outfits. If I was a clothing maker and even 1 of these three brands made it easy for me to get a dev kit, I'd barely give the other two the time of day. That said I have no idea how easy it is to get a kit for any of them.

    Reborn dev kit is easy to get and approvals are fast too. They have the right idea.

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  6. 8 hours ago, Orwar said:

       The easiest way to set up a 'good looking' avatar without jumping in at the deep end is to browse shapes (make sure they include style cards). With the shape and the style card you'll have a shopping list telling you what body, head, and skin is used - that's your base avi done, dressing up and changing hair, tattoos, etc. on top of that is fairly simple.

       This way, you just have to look at the adverts for the shapes and decide whether or not it's 'good looking', which is entirely subjective. 

    I agree with this, it's the best way for a beginner in particular. I really like this shape store, Awaken, for my male alts and can attest to the fact that you will end up looking like the pictures if you follow the style card https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/219917

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  7. Not SL voice, no. It's not very reliable, I find. If I want to talk to friends I will use Discord or another software to do so. I never want to talk or listen to complete strangers in SL, so I am not missing out on anything other than being annoyed by not using voice in SL.

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  8. I had a very negative experience meeting an online friend in real life (not SL, this was years ago). I am very cautious about meeting people now unless it is in a group setting. And it is important to remember too that people can be on their best behaviour at first, with their true colours only showing with time and proximity. I had chatted with my online friend for years before meeting her, and it was only on my second visit to her country that she showed what she was really like (violent and abusive), and it was scary.

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