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Stephanie Misfit

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Posts posted by Stephanie Misfit

  1. 17 hours ago, Exavor Diesel said:

    I'm on the lookout for a mansion to replace my ageing DaD build. (pic below) It's for a 4096m plot, plot has 2182 prim limit so doesn't necessarily need to be low impact. Ideally something

    • Created within last 5 years
    • Leaves enough room for landscaping
    • High quality build

    Does anyone recommend any? The one I have currently is shown below. Love the design but it's somewhat dated and textures are blurry closeup. 


    Ashton Manor

    Link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ashton-Manor/16091815



    I really like this one


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  2. 6 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I'm not shopping right now, but if I do return to that, I won't be buying any PBR-enabled clothing unless we get stable lighting environments so the clothing looks consistently good in all locations/conditions (like everywhere else I've seen PBR being used). If that doesn't happen and we're still dealing with a mish mash of EEPs that change with every new location and alter how things appear (not in the right way), I'll continue saving money, I suppose.

    Every black PBR outfit I have bought looks blue in most Windlights. If I change the environment to make the outfit look black, everyone else will probably see it as blue anyway.

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  3. On 9/20/2024 at 3:42 AM, derek244 said:

    Shirt that is wrongly buttoned up? Your fishing. Ive never see one.

    Oh, that one is very popular among designers. I have seen plenty of perfectly nice shirts for sale, that are buttoned up wrong. Half untucked is another popular thing.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Midnoot said:

    " Don't offer demos" is the literal worst advice i've ever heard anyone give a creator , EVER. If your product doesn't have a demo, you don't deserve to get paid. And yeah, I know the "thievery" method. But ffs, " just trust me, bro, it hasn't been photoshopped for 3 hours, pic taken on ultra graphics, requires a specific skin to get the same illusion effects, or anything like that".. Shape market is trash lol.

    Shape demos can be stolen, it is a legitimate concern. And most people selling shapes are selling an entire look, based on the style card. Trying a demo of the shape won't let you see the finished look, a demo shape is not a good representation of the total product. I am happy to buy shapes without demos, as long as the sellers do a good job providing clear photos / videos of their product. As someone who actually buys shapes, I disagree that the shape market is trash, there are some really good sellers. There are some that I wish I could put on ignore on the marketplace because of their use of AI or whatever, but there are many who do it well.

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  5. 14 hours ago, cloudchaser91 said:

    I have been pondering for awhile on what to particularly do on SL to help create a decent revenue and not have to upload lindens every month. I have been thinking about doing avatar shapes. I know there are a bunch of lovely places to get shapes, and I know that people have their preferences. I was wondering, if given the chance to suggest body/head combos. What would you like to see? For now it will be female shapes exclusively. However Male Shapes will come in the future. 

    Other things, will be in my shop; 

    Any Input would be greatly appreciated. 
    I will also be taking custom shape requests until I can get everything sorted. 

    Echo Shadowfire.

    I buy shapes, I like experimenting with new looks, it is fun. Not everyone buys them but there is definitely a market, and there are some sellers who do quite well. I'll explain what I look for when buying shapes. Clear high quality photos, taken from multiple angles (nothing worse than buying a shape and it looks great from the front but not the side). A short gyazo video is something that some shape makers do to show off their shapes, this is always appreciated. Avoid overly artsy photos, they can be deceptive, and don't whatever you do take photos at weird angles. You want your photo to look like the shape, you aren't selling a nice photo, you are selling the shape.

    Highly detailed style cards that explain where to buy everything that the avatar is wearing, include landmarks and note if the item is an event release. Take the time to make a proper brow base, some shape makers do not do this, which is surprising, and the result can be the brow base glitching through hair. And if you can, explain the BOM layering order for what is worn.

    And please, for the love of god, do not keyword spam in your marketplace listings. If the shape is for Lelutka Briannon, don't include irrelevant keywords like Catwa, Avalon and Ceylon. It's annoying and stops people from being able to search your shop. I have noticed a lot of shape makers keyword spam, that's why I am bringing it up.

    Examples of stores who do shapes well include Lunacci and Midori's Store. There are many others but I just can't think of them off the top of my head right now.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, stevonn said:

    A question for everyone 

    A girlfriend of mine has recently discovered something disturbing to me and most of us I'm sure .She was out at a club and met a guy they chatted for a while until things deteriorated and he started getting very weird.She made her excuses and left for home.What followed was the disturbing part feeling relieved to be away from him the next moment there he was,he had followed her home.He had never been there before, did not have map rights and she wasn't wearing his collar.l cannot think how he could do this l thought it was impossible...thoughts please

    Get her to check the locations in her profile picks. Maybe she has given the world a teleport to her home via her profile.

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  7. 9 hours ago, Kyrie Deka said:

    Oh I remember now, too: I got blocked once for standing more than 15 minutes in a shop (during which I purchased more-than ten outfits, demoed each one as I went along, wasn't thinking much about it...)

    Made me laugh so hard at the time, too, because I really would rather spend in someone's shop that wants sales.  Looking back now and recalling it, what a loss for them over the years awwwwww.  No worries for me though, as within minutes I was on to spend at the next shop.

    You think store owners would be happy for the traffic. Some sellers seem to be excessively paranoid. They are in the wrong business.

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  8. Bought an expensive item on the marketplace, it was not in the delivery box, just some textures. I sent IMs, notecards and emails, and redelivered the item without success. This is an active merchant on the marketplace and in world events, so it was not a case of a merchant being gone from SL, it was just outright shoddy customer service.

    I have had harassment in stores from other customers, too. The big hair stores seem to be the worst for this. I had one guy hassling me to have a baby with him, of all things.


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  9. 52 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    So this tranparent sphere is probably something i deliberately put on my land years ago and forgot about it, or i don't know honestly. I can't select it to delete it. Anyone have any idea how to deal with it or what it is?




    Can you use area search, searching just for objects you own, and find it that way? If you searched standing right as you are in the photo, it would show up in the list as an object very close to you. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Clem Marques said:

    Hey everyone. Sales in the Marketplace are pretty decent on their own. Having an inworld store means that one has more costs, paying monthly land fees or rent for the parcel. I am currently considering getting a small one for my shop, but not 100% sure if I should do it. So I'd love to hear from those who have or have had inworld stores to help me with my decision:

    • Did it increase your sales to have an inworld store?
    • Do more sales happen inworld or in the Marketplace?
    • What are some benefits of having an inworld store?

    Just curious :) Thanks in advance.

    My sales are split about 50 / 50 marketplace and in world store. I sell furniture, it helps to have an in-world presence so people can test it. 

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  11. When it first came out, I swore I would never use it. I did then try it a couple of times, once with a friend and another at a venue that used voice. It was poor quality, and I did not enjoy listening to a heap of people all talking over the top of each other. I use Discord if I want to voice with friends.

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