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Stephanie Misfit

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Posts posted by Stephanie Misfit

  1. 1 hour ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

    There have been a few posts lately about copyright and trademarks that I was curious if anyone has/or knows of someone that successfully sued a private person in Second Life, won and actually collected damages?  I'm not talking about Filing a DMCA or companies such as Disney but a creator actually suing another resident for use of their items in any way not authorized. Not someone suing Linden Labs directly. 

    It is my opinion that there is a lot of fearmongering going on from people that post things as fact when they are not qualified in the legal field whatsoever.  

    I believe Stroker Serpentine was successful in his lawsuits against other residents. I can think of one big case quite a few years ago of a lawsuit that was settled, with the parties wishing to avoid escalating legal costs.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I know this guy who said with some partners the sex is so great in SL that he has to be careful lest he has no energy left over for his wife. It caused him to question what the physical world actually is, and whether energy exchange is more central to the event.

    My heart bleeds for him.

    But really, I will reserve my sympathies for his poor wife.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

    I used to find a ton of quality designers for male and female roleplay/clothing/costumes/accessories on the MP. Now, I can't find many at all on the MP. I even checked the Fantasy Faire vendors from earlier this year, I only recognize a few names. I am referring to designers like Cureless (found them on the MP), Arwen's Creations (found them too), and other high quality designers around 2015-2019 when they were at the top of their game. Can anyone shoot some names out, I can't seem to remember the shops. Thanks!!

    Check out some of the designers who participate in the We Love Roleplay event.


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  4. 3 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

    I'm definitely a newbie when it comes to mesh heads - have just started looking at the Lelutka Noel and find myself rather overwhelmed by the HUD, so I need to sit down and go through instructions. (I'm a RTFM-type person, not one for video tutorials.) Anyway, as you can see from this example, I haven't figured out eyes, but I have managed to craft a nose which is similar enough to Frigga's system head nose to keep me happy, once I work out the rest of the face. (Just wish I could add slightly more of a bump, but the nose tip is definitely superior to Frigga's.)


    There are other Lelutka heads with more interesting noses, they aren't free though obviously. And you can add a bump to the Noel head if you want by using deformers. RVN sells some good ones, like this https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/rvn-nose-base-deformers-v2-addons-unisex-packed/24543871

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Kind of makes me wonder if the app will only be available to premium plus members as a perk in the future.  Just seems like an odd way to choice testers instead of say...people who have been involved in SL for years and know things.  Why are they assuming PP people are actually interested in testing as opposed to just getting bragging right to yet another feature?

    Premium Plus here, and it's all about the bragging rights for me.

    • Haha 4
  6. 43 minutes ago, KingVampilicious Rhapsody said:

    I explore ALOT.

    Lately as I explore mainland, I come across General regions, with houses here/there with adult furniture inside. Even way up in the sky, in people's skyboxes.. etc.

    Now, is having Adult items allowed in such regions, behind closed doors? Or not allowed?

    What are you doing "exploring" people's private skyboxes? People who do that are why I have security orbs.

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  7. In the picture is the old Redgrave Rider boots, which are one size fitted mesh and still look good, the trouble is they don't quite fit my Reborn body's legs. Does anyone know of any boots for Reborn in similar style?




  8. Peeve - shape makers who don't view their shapes from every angle while making them, and sell shapes that look cute from the front, but bizarre when viewed from the side. Sometimes these sellers do know that their shapes are not great, because they include a video of the shape that just has the front view. I don't expect shape makers to provide demos due to the theft issue, but I appreciate those who provide a video that shows exactly what the shape looks like in world, from the front and sides.

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