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Codewarrior Congrejo

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Everything posted by Codewarrior Congrejo

  1. Not really. and yes it makes some odd crashes at times. I even had that sometimes when accessing the file-explorer for regular image uploads. But it still might be related with something going on on Aditi: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Upload-Mesh-on-Beta-Grid/td-p/1954743 the aditi account pages are erroring, and giving server errors. Don't know if they fixed it since yesterday. But it was completely broken at this point. So might have some influences on the aditi grid as well.
  2. Heya, basically you need to change them in the 'editmode' for the armature in blender. But be carefull, there is a lot things to take care of, or can go wrong. You can have a look here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Ways-to-fix-a-problematic-Avatar-Rig/m-p/1953809#M20285 where i am fixing a rigged mesh for someone, it goes into some of these questions on how to edit the aramture and make it fit to something that is different from the regular avatar shape / structure. Another thing you will have to take care of when changing the armatures bones positions, scales and rotations, is that they might not work with any animation anymore. And might need custom animations. or you will need to stick to the straight t-pose and just make certain bones longer but not changing their rotation / position, in order to stay 100 % conform for animations being made for the animation skeleton of SL.
  3. Apparently the whole Aditi Account website appears to be broken / corrupted at the moment. Even if you try to log in right from the mainpage : https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com you get now this: "An error has occurred. Further information is available in the server log." It might be that this is just temporarily and the access will be granted soon again. Then you can do your IP tutorial from there, Tasman. Just check on the page every once in a while.
  4. god did they change the "only working link" now too? -.-
  5. Yes, you have to make the IP tutorial for Aditi again. The link in the uploader window appears broken. I wrote a Jira entry about it. some time ago already. As workaround you can use this direct link here: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php? ...do the tutorial, and your good to go =)
  6. - Its a known behaviour to have this little shift: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?271559-Different-UVs-in-edit-and-object-mode-Cannot-bake-textures Other events that can cause it: - in case you have modifiers applied to the model (like subdivision or others) it tends to look a bit different when you switch into editmode, because in there it rather jumps to the preserved original positions of the mesh, than the ones in object mode with modifiers calculated. - another case when it happens is when you possibly have different UVs in Edit and in object mode. (subdivision /multires modifiers can also again here change the way the UV is interpreted and thus it flips a bit in the place) - It also generally does that often. In editmode the mesh is held in its original state, and independent from certain viewport related aspects, and often things that influence the UV map, textures and mesh-topology, also just take part in Object mode. - Also when there have been too many textures already baked for an object and you assigned a different version in editmode then in object mode this also can lead to this kind of 'shifting' between them. - Also feedbackloops (by messing up the materials / textures. especially when a lot different are applied to it can also cause this) You see it's not uncommon. And aslong as the final outcome (you can do a test-render to verify it is like you want it) is okay, and you don't run into any error-messages and excluded issues with UVs or textures, don't worry about it.
  7. Hi, glad you figured it already. Problem is that some of the Collada Formats are newer or different then to what SL supports. Latest SL official viewer should support Collada 1.4 But still in some cases troubles can occur. Especially when lines are written into the collada export file that SL can't read. Another stone to strugglr upon is also having 'spaces' in the material names. In some cases that gives troubles so try to avoid that. Plus since SL can not assign any different 'materials' (not textures) anyways. all you need for export is a basic material being set. And also always make sure not to have more then 8 materials applied. (equals SL object faces) 8 is the maximum. Cheers.
  8. Hey, thanks for the update on the screenshot. And yes overseen your info about snowglobe. It's not longer in developement. Means all changes and new features of SL will not be implemented into it anymore. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Snowglobe/de What you could do in case you need a mesh-compatible viewer, but still would like the older SL technology. in case you mashine can handle the old viewer codes better is to try this one: http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads Like snowglobe it's based on the old 1.xx code versions of the SL viewers. And singularity supports mesh. So with using this one you should be able to see all mesh items just fine. Cheers, Code.
  9. Glad we could help you to figure things out, and glad you are finding your way around with this project now =) And yes as you figured by yourself, AO has nothing to do with lights that are in the scene. Stick to it, and you'll get it the way you like it. IF you run into more problems just ask, there are always people around here willing to help : )
  10. Heya Minami, you forgot to include how they look 'in game' (the screenshot link just goes again to the marketplace item) Generally if you are unhappy with the result and think the quality is not as promised in their screenshots. talk to the creator and ask for refund. If you still think it's a viewer related problem. please attach an ingame screenshot. So we can have something to look at and trying to help =) (PS do not start a new thread for that just add it as reply in here) or edit your above post) Cheers, Code.
  11. I'll copy paste this to here too, to have them combined under this thread since this is another fix for a forum members' rig of a dress: (original thread here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Problems-with-Vertex-groups-on-Blender-2-6/m-p/1953805#M20284) I received your file and was checking out it's problems and fixed these things to a certain extend. (the final work and tweaks you will have to do on your own =)) Let me show you the issues I have found: - Rotation / Location / and Scale issues: - All objects like armature, avatar and the dress mesh had different scales and rotations and locations. - you can first have these while working, but you need to 'apply' those (CTRL+A > location / rotation / scale) at the end, or your mesh will drill and flip in all directions when being worn in the game. - And the armature and parented objects should have also while working in best case the same rotations to avoid computational errors with certain methods when being applied. - Since I finished everything so far I applied and corrected all these wrong locations, scales and rotations for them and brought them all to ROT 0,0,0, SCALE 1,1,1, LOC 0,0,0. - In addition I made sure all objects origins where snapped to perfect center. And thus for everything the same position. - The weights on the dress' mesh: - the weights had been only assigned at arms and chest and have been (as you recognized by yourself already very messy) - After fixing the above problems (rot,loc,scale etc) - I don't know 'how' you put those weights on. Means: if by painting - then the brush settings might have been wrong. (too small brushtip, and / or too much /or not enough strength ). If they have been copied from the avatar it would also be no wonder if they appear wrong because the topology of the dress is very different from the avatar. (we will come to that a few points later *) - I did a Test-Stroke to see if the mesh is now okay and responding orderly to adding weights: - with the above shown brush-weight settings I could clearly draw / add a straight weight line (red) - just to assure it's taking the weights now correctly. - The dress' Topology and weighting-methods: - * As mentioned above the topology of your mesh is very different from the avatar's. So copying weights from this leads to very disadvantageous results. And is no option at all. Unless you are up for a lot fixing and know where to put what. - But in those cases I start with fresh weights, the following way: - Deleted all vertex groups, unparented the dress, and freshly parented it with automatic weights: - this gives you way cleaner results in such a case to start with and then do your tweaks from there, by painting add or subtract weights from certain parts to refine the results. - Did some rough manual tweaks to it already. - Quick test to see if everything responds correctly to posing now: - Everything works fine now for a start. - You will have to do the final refinements though : ) can't do it all for you. - I have pointed you out above a few of the things that need retouching. - Additionally found issues: The UVs and Troubles in the mesh: - When I looked at the UVs I found some major issues as well: - both armparts had different texture space (one side smaller then the other) which will result in stretched texturing and other problems. - The armparts had even more issues (right side): overlapping faces, holes, and a lot stretching. Which would prevent textures from even being applied correctly in those spots. - Seeing all this it was clear to me that there must be inconclusive seams and possibly doubled edges and vertices in those spots. Which appeared a correct assumption when I looked at the mesh on those areas: - The seam was not going through (left) - faces and edges have been overlapping (top- middle) - there have been numerous spots with doubled edges and vertices (middle - bottom) - Some parts of some of the edgeloops had up to 3 duplicates. - and the seamline here was inconclusive (right) - this did not only make a correct UV unwrapping impossible. - It also was yet another issue which lead to your troubles when doing the weightpainting: Because when you would paint on one of the overlying vertices those would be contracted towards the bone, but the former hidden ones you could not reach while painting would all sudden stick out. (regarding your screenshots of the armparts when you tried to paint weights on it) And the half visible half hidden vertices of course got all sorts of different weights this way. - So I removed consequently all of these faces and loops and redid them; - And additionally I redid the whole UV for you as well: - fixed the seams after fixing the topology and faces, and then unwrapped the whole model again. - now with equal shoulderparts, better texture space, and undistorted armparts. - To give you even better texture space I decided to rotate one of the dress parts on 180 degree so I could scale them both more up. - After all this I redid the weighting on the arms. To assign weights to the newly created vertices. - Another thing: - Also the faces across the upper legs had been proportionally much bigger then the rest of the skirts topology. And thus uneven. - For better weighting / posing behavior, and also better texturing (avoid extreme stretching etc) I decided to add one additional loop in there to even things out. - Another thing you will have to do: - as written above you will nee inwards facing polygons. To cover those ingame invisible / transparent backsides of the faces. - Due to SL's backface-culling those are unrendered and transparent and you will need a few inward faces / loops to cover these. - The earlier you do it, the better. Because: you have to weight those too, and need to include them into your UVs as well. - The corrected model in your file: ( I have used Blender 2.65a - so you might need to switch to that version if working with the edited file gives you problems) - Hope that helped you to get an overview over your mistakes and how to fix those in future. And helped you getting started on doing the final steps on it =) - Don't forget you will need 3 more LOD versions of the model later on (and of course the physics model). And the better you prepare it now, the easier you will have it to tweak and retouch the 3 other LODs. Cheers, Code.
  12. ok here we go, I received your file and was checking out it's problems and fixed these things to a certain extend. (the final work and tweaks you will have to do on your own =)) Let me show you the issues I have found: - Rotation / Location / and Scale issues: - All objects like armature, avatar and the dress mesh had different scales and rotations and locations. - you can first have these while working, but you need to 'apply' those (CTRL+A > location / rotation / scale) at the end, or your mesh will drill and flip in all directions when being worn in the game. - And the armature and parented objects should have also while working in best case the same rotations to avoid computational errors with certain methods when being applied. - Since I finished everything so far I applied and corrected all these wrong locations, scales and rotations for them and brought them all to ROT 0,0,0, SCALE 1,1,1, LOC 0,0,0. - In addition I made sure all objects origins where snapped to perfect center. And thus for everything the same position. - The weights on the dress' mesh: - the weights had been only assigned at arms and chest and have been (as you recognized by yourself already very messy) - After fixing the above problems (rot,loc,scale etc) - I don't know 'how' you put those weights on. Means: if by painting - then the brush settings might have been wrong. (too small brushtip, and / or too much /or not enough strength ). If they have been copied from the avatar it would also be no wonder if they appear wrong because the topology of the dress is very different from the avatar. (we will come to that a few points later *) - I did a Test-Stroke to see if the mesh is now okay and responding orderly to adding weights: - with the above shown brush-weight settings I could clearly draw / add a straight weight line (red) - just to assure it's taking the weights now correctly. - The dress' Topology and weighting-methods: - * As mentioned above the topology of your mesh is very different from the avatar's. So copying weights from this leads to very disadvantageous results. And is no option at all. Unless you are up for a lot fixing and know where to put what. - But in those cases I start with fresh weights, the following way: - Deleted all vertex groups, unparented the dress, and freshly parented it with automatic weights: - this gives you way cleaner results in such a case to start with and then do your tweaks from there, by painting add or subtract weights from certain parts to refine the results. - Did some rough manual tweaks to it already. - Quick test to see if everything responds correctly to posing now: - Everything works fine now for a start. - You will have to do the final refinements though : ) can't do it all for you. - I have pointed you out above a few of the things that need retouching. - Additionally found issues: The UVs and Troubles in the mesh: - When I looked at the UVs I found some major issues as well: - both armparts had different texture space (one side smaller then the other) which will result in stretched texturing and other problems. - The armparts had even more issues (right side): overlapping faces, holes, and a lot stretching. Which would prevent textures from even being applied correctly in those spots. - Seeing all this it was clear to me that there must be inconclusive seams and possibly doubled edges and vertices in those spots. Which appeared a correct assumption when I looked at the mesh on those areas: - The seam was not going through (left) - faces and edges have been overlapping (top- middle) - there have been numerous spots with doubled edges and vertices (middle - bottom) - Some parts of some of the edgeloops had up to 3 duplicates. - and the seamline here was inconclusive (right) - this did not only make a correct UV unwrapping impossible. - It also was yet another issue which lead to your troubles when doing the weightpainting: Because when you would paint on one of the overlying vertices those would be contracted towards the bone, but the former hidden ones you could not reach while painting would all sudden stick out. (regarding your screenshots of the armparts when you tried to paint weights on it) And the half visible half hidden vertices of course got all sorts of different weights this way. - So I removed consequently all of these faces and loops and redid them; - And additionally I redid the whole UV for you as well: - fixed the seams after fixing the topology and faces, and then unwrapped the whole model again. - now with equal shoulderparts, better texture space, and undistorted armparts. - To give you even better texture space I decided to rotate one of the dress parts on 180 degree so I could scale them both more up. - After all this I redid the weighting on the arms. To assign weights to the newly created vertices. - Another thing: - Also the faces across the upper legs had been proportionally much bigger then the rest of the skirts topology. And thus uneven. - For better weighting / posing behavior, and also better texturing (avoid extreme stretching etc) I decided to add one additional loop in there to even things out. - Another thing you will have to do: - as written above you will nee inwards facing polygons. To cover those ingame invisible / transparent backsides of the faces. - Due to SL's backface-culling those are unrendered and transparent and you will need a few inward faces / loops to cover these. - The earlier you do it, the better. Because: you have to weight those too, and need to include them into your UVs as well. - The corrected model in your file: ( I have used Blender 2.65a - so you might need to switch to that version if working with the edited file gives you problems) - Hope that helped you to get an overview over your mistakes and how to fix those in future. And helped you getting started on doing the final steps on it =) - Don't forget you will need 3 more LOD versions of the model later on (and of course the physics model). And the better you prepare it now, the easier you will have it to tweak and retouch the 3 other LODs. PS: I have copied this reply to the "ways to fix a problematic rig" thread, to have them combined there for other users searching for help (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Ways-to-fix-a-problematic-Avatar-Rig/m-p/1953809#M20285) You can check that one out too. The other rig fix there had some problems yours had too. and might make you understand some things and changes I did better (especially the applying of rotation, location. scale, and changes on the topology etc) Cheers, Code.
  13. You forgot to mention what method you used to texture it. Procedural textures ? an Image you imported ? that would have been important. There are several ways to make a line go over the object: Method1 : (watch the settings in the image) or method 2: (Same procedural blend texture as above) Note : the 'generated' setting is for creating seamless patterns and similar. This is why i am not using it for these. Problem with these Methods: - they are rather to create repeating pattern or general structure, but the procedural texture does of course not 'know' where a certain loop is that you want to follow. - As you see it's of course based on localized / coordinates system (world, view etc) and creates a plain straight line and does not follow the edgeloop.(eventho it might look like it here because its very close to one of the rather straight loops) - Also procedural pattern (like the facbric pattern) are meant to fill in a repetetive manner the whole object. - A single line should be in that case an overlaying (adding/ mix) different procedural texture with different settings supporting that line outcome, or even a different material assigned to a certain loop or face area (see next method) Another Method: If your mesh has a clean looped topology and no poles etc breaking the loops you can just make 2 materials with the same procedural texture (i just took plain colors here to demonstrate it quick) and assign one of the 2 procedural textures with the same pattern but different colorization to a certain loop in order to color this one differently: In general procedural texturing is nice for all over pattern. But for speciffic ornaments i still prefer to add such things in an image editor. But: when looking at your skirts screenshots i am getting the feeling that there ismore 'wrong' in terms of UVs, Displaytypes for texture and possibly even the mesh topology itself. looks like a lot too stretched faces and really wild. And the Pattern in the UV texture is not following the UV shape/flow at all. That's also why the info what method you used for the texture would be helpful. Can you try to add a screenshot with the skirt and the UV image like the ones i made with "wires" and the textures /materials visible, and tell if that is a procedural texture or a plain image?
  14. No problem ^.^ I have sent you my mail address a few hours ago as private message here in the forum. so just check your inbox here and you'll have it. Send me your file. and don't forget to write me in the mail which Blender version you are using. I'm sure that way we'll figure soon what the troubles are. =) Cheers, Code.
  15. it can be a few things being wrong here. From the weighting view i can tell that weights are changing from weight 1 to around 0.5 / 0.25 in an almost vertical manner from one vertex to the next. So could be your brush strength is too intense and when you apply weight its either too and thus that single vertice jumps already very far off, due to the incluence which makes it often hard to reach other vertices inbetween. It can also be hard to edit if the mesh is too dense. Or if it has only a few polygons and you paint on single vertices with different weights they easily jump all into different positions based on their weights. What you could do when its too messed up, is unparent it from the armature, delete all vertex groups. And simply parent it newly with automatic weights. And then tweak those with a very low weightbrush strength to carefully remove wrong influences or add more when needed.And add possibly missing groups at the end with 'empty weights' again. You can also send me the file and i'll have a fast look if there is anything wrong with it. (I'll send you my mail address in a private message)
  16. Heya Chimera, it also depends on how strong the creases are. Plus depends on the all over AO settings. And if raytrayced or approxim. Also additional objects in the scene can be helping / or as well be hindering, since AO is - as Rahkis also explained getting light/dark-information from the proximity to surrounding faces. When the folds are very sottle and soft, you will have to play with the AO strength, passes and the AO type. Sometimes it also helps to make a duplicate of your model and use it to go a bit 'overboard' with creases and folds, by either scultpting them or editing the mesh itself to have stronger shapes to bake out and then use that for the texture on your original model. But yeah some screenshots of the skirt's model and the bakes you did so far would be helpfull for figuring what could be wrong in your case : )
  17. But now there is 26 groups,is that bad? It's 26 bonegroups. When you count the ones i posted you, you can see it. So that's abolsutely correct : ) Also,how do I reset the armature to the default pose? Unless you didn't move the bones in editmode, just go into Posemode, select one Bone, then press A to select all. And do these 3 Keystrokes: - ALT+R (resets all rotations) - ALT+G (resets all movements) - ALT+S (resets all scalings) You can also call under the Pose Libary (Properties Panel > Armature) the default pose by selecting all bones in posemode (A) and then pressing the lil magnifier button in the libary when the default pose is selected. Cheers.
  18. .. they are working on it ; ) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/New-Open-Source-Project-to-Improve-Graphics-Rendering/ba-p/1637559 PS: i'm glad you found your little mistake =) PS2: qoute ...I want a better system to create in, dammit!!! ... well the UDK pack is free for personal usage and so is Ogre and Source and Unity. That should give you enough at hand to make your better system ^.-
  19. Hey spinell, it doesn't even look too extreme high poly so far. Even though it has a few areas that are more dense (like in the curves) and thus might have stronger influences / different behavior then the other parts. (unless they aren't showing up on the screenie - because the Wireframe-View 'ate' half of the edges again, it tends to do that ^^) I still can't see why you can't weightpaint it based on - as you said - it's vertices. Other than that its of course allways fiddly when you have many layers of mesh and have to paint amongst them. For that case i'd suggest using these little buttons here in weightpaint mode. They allow you to 'select' first (with RMT+Rightclick and holding shift if you want to select more) either faces or vertices to paint on, and thus prevent nearby other faces / vertices being accidentally painted as well: You could also start by parenting the hair with automatic weights. And then just finetune and tweak the rest (With help of those little buttons). In that case you don't have to paint and assign every single weight by hand at first. And you can also still adjust the all over weights on the vertices in Editmode directly to do the refining. The fact that the top of the hair sinks into the skull can either be too intense weights on that spot and less around it. Or even an accidentally assigned influence towards a further away bone (shoulders, neck etc) causing it to be contracted downwards when being in movement. However / To consider: This hair due to it's 'flat' model structure is rather disadvantageous for SL purposes. And surely made more for game engines where you can add specular and normal maps etc to create the 'optical volume' of the hair. It looks much like a prop for The Sims or similar structured games / engines. And when you inspect the generic models for SL hair, as well as their Sculpty equivalents they all are more based on cylindrical hair strings which contract at the tips. This makes up for the missing capability of specular, normal, and other maps, as well for the way the rigging influences them. Its flat structure is also not so much optimal for the rigging situation in SL and as you can see it doesn#t look nice when those flat strings are being bend, and knicked. But if you still want to use it. You should be absolutely able to rig and weight this. See tips above. If not try to describe a bit more what exactly is troubling you with the vertices. Little tip for that be very soft with the weights in the lower areas (not much weight / heat) to prevent from too crazy and strong movements on the topology and keep it really tight and strong weighted at the head. And be precise with he horizontal separation for the influences. (head, neck , chest)
  20. Heya, chances are the Script you are using is changing the settings for the objects physic shape. I'd rather think it's a matter of solving the scriptual problem then your mesh being wrong. Since this is plain the object setting inworld. And i never ran into a problem of an object, changing all of a sudden its physic settings, wich would have been based on the mesh. In that case you might want to repeat the question here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting
  21. I can't quite decide if it looks more like a low poly model. And maybe just has a few polygons and vertices to be influenced. The lower hairstrands look like being rather just some faces. And i'm also not 100% sure what you mean with 'because of the vertices' So i am joining the request for a wireframe screenshot ; ) PS: be aware that not every model is fitting for every game engine or purpose. Especially when its made o be a very low poly, or a too high poly it may simple fail to be made usable or only with extensive changes, which leads to the conclusion: in most cases its easier to make own models, specifically designed for the requirements and limits of a certain engine. And downloadable models can also be either made as 'static prop' not having any topology which is supportive for rigging, or they could have been made for an engine where a special hair skeleton would be possible to add / or already included.
  22. that works too =) I obviously love extended ways by controling everything manually. PS: I actually had recently some troubles when no vertice was assigned to to one of the groups. But may have been the Betagrid having a hiccup again. Could never figure why it would denie to upload in those cases and in others it worked with basically the same situation.
  23. lol you were faster : ) was just about to upload him a screenie too.
  24. no , Home and last location thats 'Location' (and where you should type in PathTest1 or any of the other location names of available regions) Yeah some viewers have gridview already open on default. And when the dropdownlist for grids is there - that's where you choose Betagrid or Aditi from. PS: what viewer are you using? not all viewers are supported to access the betagrid.
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