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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. That is some serious commitment. I mean… how many bank accounts/billing ways can you feasibly have?
  2. I’m looking for a specific device that I have seen in world, but I don’t know what it’s called. It’s some kind of prim rezzer that only rezzer prims when there is an avatar in range… it seems like the idea is that the prims are depressed unless someone is around. I feel like I heard there was something similar in the old Campbell Coast skyboxes - I’m looking to do something similar with a build I’m working on. Anyone know what I’m talking about? And if you, can you hook me up with a link to the item pretty please?
  3. No positions decided on yet, but come to the meeting and let’s figure it out! I’ve never don’t this before, so Im there to work together to make it amazing.
  4. Hey! Yay!!!! What is your time frame? Maybe we should do a second meeting to in a different time frame for more people?
  5. Hey everyone! I have always wanted to explore how to perform in a virtual medium like SecondLife, so when I learned that Secondlife’s ‘city by the bay’ didn’t have a performing arts troup, I KNEW I had to jump on it. I’ve experimented with various iterations of this over the years and I’m excited to move forward working with other people to put on virtual shows. It’s my intention to work with others to use my building skills and to learn from other Secondlife performing artists/choreographers how to properly stage a production in Secondlife. It’s my hope to get a group together where we can meet reguarly to discuss plays, do read throughs, and put on live shows for other residents on the grid. Anyone else out there interested in doing something like this? Let’s meet and discuss how to form a friendly and positive community to work together to make performing arts magic! Please join me for an informal interest meeting 1/22/2022 at 12 slt so we can brainstorm how to formulate this performing arts group together from the ground up. USE THIS LINK TO VISIT THE LOCATION
  6. Hey everyone! I normally post these 'pod cast' interviews in the Mainland forum, but I thought I'd stick this link in the 'business' part of the forums this time for anyone interested. My current PODsCast series is with Secondlife Business owners where we get together and talk about their businesses, how they run them, and where I give the business owner an oppertunity to give pointers to other SecondLife residents interested in doing business on the grid. Just before the new year I posted the first half of this interview with Froukje Hoorenbeek, owner of Dutchie, and today the second half of that interview is finally up on my Youtube channel. You can use either link to watch either video - hope you enjoy them! I found her to be brilliant and super informative! First Video: Second Video:
  7. Flash sale on the last parcel $1,500 L for the 1024 sqm parcel! SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Knarley/54/15/33
  8. Really? You can’t donate land and/or build to SL?
  9. It’s huge. I’ve been running this experiment with Abandoned Land for almost 6 months and it’s churn. While we know ‘abandoned land’ means no one wants it, I brought it up because if no one wants it then it doesn’t really have value. It’s not worth ‘gobbling up’. When I claim abandoned land, I try and make it desirable by giving the land something that someone might want or showing something about it that people might think is interesting or unique. I’m not doing anything any other premium account member can’t do - I find it, write a ticket, and then they sell it to me for $1L a sqm. I assume that when I write that ticket and claim the parcel, it’s abandoned because no one wants it (or knows about it TO want it). Water, roads, and infrastructure add value to the land - just like IRL. People see the parcel when they fly/drive/float/etc by or look at the map, and claim or buy it for themselves if there is something that draws them to that spot - like a view or something to do. Look at Belli! People love the homes, but they really love the landscaping. They love the communities and public spaces and roads and rivers etc. Without the ability to add this to mainland in the parts of the grid that are literally just region after abandoned region in the center of these continents without infrastructure, I just don’t see desire is going that high. (I’m testing that, too though! I’ll let you know what I discover! )
  10. I’m gonna write up a big response to this later tonight, but I think Qie has a point - the land products play a big factor in what people want. For example, there is a huge amount of abandoned land in SL mainland. Maybe 50% of it’s abandoned or so? If it was ‘valuable enough to be purchased up by land barons’ then this wouldn’t be the case. Only certain types of land ‘products’ on the mainland are desirable: like double prim or roadside or water etc. In the case of the mainland, this only becomes an issue when the rest of the abandoned land not near roads or water becomes desirable - and I don’t see that happening without more region infrastructure (roads, lakes, etc).
  11. *sobs* No! Don’t say that!! 😭 Don’t give up!
  12. Quick question : can you submit screenshots and video in an AR ticket to Linden Labs when writing in for an issue? I’ve been collecting video and images for a few months of a group of people bullying me and I just want to know what I can send in. Today was finally the last straw.
  13. I considered them, I just didn’t include them. I assume there are tons of extra costs - server fees, employees, employee insurance, etc. We have no way of knowing what those costs are for the Lab. It was just -quick- math to illustrate the point that the Linden Homes are indeed a bargain for the Resident as well as THE money maker for Linden Labs.
  14. Yeah, it gets really depressing (for me, as a Mainlander) when you start comparing those numbers for Mainland and Private regions too. Linden Homes -is- the most profitable as far as I can tell.
  15. I was actually working this math out in my head earlier. I think a good way to look at it is 'per region'. If they only make $1.32 a month off each resident, you have to think about how many residents are on each region. For Linden Homes, quick math says: 65,536 sqm (size of a region) / 1,024 sqm (enough for one resident's Linden Home) = 64 residents per region This gives us a gross of $84.48 per month, or $1,013.76 a year per region. So it’s actually $1,013.76 X the number of regions in Belli - which is alot of regions. When I broke down the math for Mainland, Private Regions, and Linden Homes - Linden Homes makes almost double what the others make, but it’s not instant. It grows significantly over time - and you can see the best outcome after a full year.
  16. FYI - These two parcels are still for sale - 2,048 sqm total (TWO 1,024 sqm parcels). And if you decide you want to buy them both, let me know ahead of time and I'll take $500L off the total price!
  17. Beautiful fully landscaped parcels with mesh houses. TWO 1024 sqm parcel in Knarley - ROADSIDE. Move in and get started! Project of Operation Mainland PRICE: $2,500 L PER PARCEL Project of Operation Mainland SURL HERE
  18. Located off Corsica's Route 4, Birchwood Estates is a small mainland residential community built to a modern ''Pacific Northwest' theme. There are 7 total homes, with 6 parcels for sale. THIS IS THE ONLY 2,048 SQM PARCEL FOR SALE in this group. When all of the parcels have sold, there is an additional 1024 sqm parcel that will be up that the neighborhood sales office is currently on. Just a few details about the neighborhood: The parcels are crafted so that each parcel has road access without having to cross into another parcel to get there. This is so that each parcel maintains maximum resale value AND has access to the road. The landscaping and the positioning of each home is to maximum the natural view from each 1024 sqm parcel. The build of each parcel was designed so that each renter could have 150 prims to decorate each rental home. All of the parcels boarder abandoned land in a nearly empty region - the neighborhood is ripe for expansion should any of the new parcel owners desire it. Neighborhood Promotional Video can be seen HERE While many of the prims on the build are no transfer, I'm happy to assign them to any group you like. They will stay there (unless you return them) when you purchase the land. PRICE LIST & SURLS: Parcel 4 & 5: $5,000 L for 2,048 sqm ROADSIDE : VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE VISIT THE OFFICE HERE These properties is part of the Operation Mainland 'abandoned Land' Project. To learn more about it, go HERE
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