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How to be a good resident

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Inform yourself. Before buying/accepting/entering/sharing/installing anything, see what it means. Lack of knowledge is not an excuse, specially here, where you can get all infos you need. Read comments, rules and instructions. Follow them!

Ask. Don't be shy to ask for help or someone to explain you something. If you're shy, ask Google lol.

Don't hurry. Specially with important steps. SL won't dissapear over night, and if it does, then all speed in this world won't help you! Let strangers be strange for a while, before you let them enter your personal space. Be suspicious if someone is in a hurry to do something with you.

Be honest. With yourself (which is the hardest lol) and with others. Even the most harmless lie like the number of pets you have will make you need to remember that info and always be aware of it! Truth is what makes our SL easier, drama free and, the most important thing, truth always wins. This is not a middle age, time we live in and technology we have makes everything traceable, always be aware of this fact. 

Notice if there's a difference between what someone is saying and doing. If there is, find out why, and again, ask.

Don't forget to say thank you/how are you/ hows your day so far? Give tips if there's a tip jar. Its not about the amount given, its just another way of saying thanks. If you can do something, do it, don't wait others to start. 

Don't ever fool yourself thinking that you're the only/most important one in someone's life. Everything is repleacable, even you! Even more, everything you do or experience is probably done by someone else, so if you have a problem remember that if you look around, you'll find at least one person that had same problem. You can never be the only one, we're not THAT much unique lol.

Before you cheat, be willing to be cheated. Before you ignore, think about yourself being ignored. Respect:)

People around you are like mirrors, if you stand in front of them showing nothing else but "your arms crossed on chest" then there's nothing more you'll get back from them.

Thanks for reading and feel free to add your own tips;)

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These are wonderful tips, Tamara.  I would add:

Give back.  Once you have a bit of knowledge about SL, know places to go that others might enjoy or know where to find things others may seek,  share it.  Extend a helping hand to someone who is new.  You might even make a new friend in the process.

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Steer clear of that 'Immy' creep... (<.<)


Check ... :robotindifferent:


Tamara Artis wrote:


People around you are like mirrors, if you stand in front of them showing nothing else but "your arms crossed on chest" then there's nothing more you'll get back from them.

Fine ... :robotindifferent:



Tamara Artis wrote:




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Well said, very well said. I wish I had had this advice when I first rezzed in SL.


I would add:

To some,SL is just another game to play and don't care about anyone but themselves.  To others, SL is just another aspect of life and all that entails.  While the philosophies may be different, remember, there are  human beings behind the keyboard, who have just as many feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas, real life families, events, work, hard times, etc as you do.  Set an example and treat your fellow SL Residents how  you would like to be treated.

SL has a very diverse poplulation representing the entire RL world.  As such, you WILL encounter people from all walks of life, religions,nations, countries, ethnicity, morals, philosophical approaches, world views, languages, customs, traditions, sexual views, political ideas, etc. While you may not agree with everything personally and privately about others, you should keep an open mind and be tolerant of diversity as others should be tolerant with you.

To avoid drama, do not take the words of one person or even a group of persons as gospel regarding events, places, people, etc.  search out the truth for yourself and base your decisions on what you find and what your gut tells you is right.

See SL as a learning opportunity about yourself, others, and the world at large. Take advantage and soar to new heights. 


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How to be a good resident ... in the eyes of our dear host company LL

- become premium NOW! Don't ask, don't expect anything. Just DO IT!

- do a lot of shopping ... on marketplace that is. Avoid inworld merchants like the plague. They are eating away LL's profit

- don't move ... EVER! You're just fine where you are, preferably in the Linden home they give you so gratiously for free. Every TP just puts strain on our precious outdated, underpowered servers and infrastructure

- buy a lot of land. Buy every mainland parcel you can get your greedy hands on. Add a bunch of homesteads to your portfolio. Help LL to make more money

- try not to get ripped of by shady business people. Because if you are ripped off LL won't help you

- yell HOOOO! all the time to show how much fun you have and how happy you are


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Tamara Artis wrote:

Inform yourself. Before buying/accepting/entering/sharing/installing anything, see what it means. Lack of knowledge is not an excuse, specially here, where you can get all infos you need. Read comments, rules and instructions. Follow them!

Ask. Don't be shy to ask for help or someone to explain you something. If you're shy, ask Google lol.

Don't hurry. Specially with important steps. SL won't dissapear over night, and if it does, then all speed in this world won't help you! 
Let strangers be strange for a while, before you let them enter your personal space. Be suspicious if someone is in a hurry to do something with you.

Be honest. With yourself (which is the hardest lol) and with others. Even the most harmless lie like the number of pets you have will make you need to remember that info and always be aware of it! Truth is what makes our SL easier, drama free and, the most important thing, truth always wins. This is not a middle age, time we live in and technology we have makes everything traceable, always be aware of this fact. 

Notice if there's a difference between what someone is saying and doing. If there is, find out why, and again, ask.

Don't forget to say thank you/how are you/ hows your day so far? Give tips if there's a tip jar. Its not about the amount given, its just another way of saying thanks. If you can do something, do it, don't wait others to start. 

Don't ever fool yourself thinking that you're the only/most important one in someone's life. Everything is repleacable, even you! Even more, everything you do or experience is probably done by someone else, so if you have a problem remember that if you look around, you'll find at least one person that had same problem. You can never be the only one, we're not THAT much unique lol.

Before you cheat, be willing to be cheated. Before you ignore, think about yourself being ignored. Respect:)

People around you are like mirrors, if you stand in front of them showing nothing else but "your arms crossed on chest" then there's nothing more you'll get back from them.

Thanks for reading and feel free to add your own tips;)

I am glad you highlighted the necessity of educating oneself. In ALL lives. There is simply no question that educating oneself pays off in a much richer experience. And yes, SL offers multiple ways to get help -- many people are more than willing to educate and inform.

But ultimately, education and skill development is not something someone else can do for you. The sooner you learn to do something for yourself, the more empowered and independent you are.  For example, eople often want me to come out and do something like unlink a prim for them, some simple thing -- instead I made a webpage with instructions on how to edit / unlink / copy a prim.  Once someone learns to do something as simple as that, it opens so many other doors. Until then, one is pretty helpless. It's up to each of us to decide if we want to stay that way.


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