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LL is keeping is keeping many psychotherapists employed

BellaDonna Mocha

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Regarding the upcoming DD Migration on March 21st.  I am going to cry... yes cry... I still have not recovered from the last marketplace migration... all my listings were totally messed up... after suffering ptsd I slowy got my listings in order or at least 2/3rds of them ... and now your going to do it all over again... The last migration was a disaster... most of my listings, descriptions, permissions, etc were completely messed up. Please keep the old magic box in tandem... perhaps we can just dump our magic box inventory into your new DD system as is and let our current listings accept that... if I have to re-do all my listings again... I will cry for months.

P.S. I hope hope hope that this migration to DD the marketplace listings will not be needing to be re-done. This includes the "associate Items" , the permissions, the pictures, etc. With the last migration Wam-O... nearly all my listings had no pictures or permission. Please Please Please include the "associated items" in the migration... I've just spent months and months and hours and hours almost getting those updated...

Honestly since the last migration I've completely stopped socializing or playing in SL and have devoted all of my available time to fixing the problems and issues caused by the last migration and trying to re-create my marketplace store.  After the migration my sales dropped to less than half and I have still not been able to re-gain pre-migration sales.  I was finally starting to think I could start "playing" in SL again... but now I'm afraid that it could be months or even years away again.

I feel so sad again and again with all these SL "Improvements" my life just keep getting drearier and more depressing with each new "upgrade".  Rather than being a Second Life of freedom and adventure... it's just keeps becoming more of the same.  Ongoing problems and slaps in the face. 

You probably don't really care but I just needed to let you know how I feel.  For the most part, I'm grateful for SL but it just keeps getting harder and more painful to be involved.  I honestly don't know how much longer I can hold out.

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When I would expect that once again I would have to repair all my listings on the marketplace, I would feel as desperate as you.

You may never know what is going to happen until it finally happens, but the commerce team promised that listings will stay intact. I will be a matter of dragging items from your magic box into your DD out folder. That is to say, when all goes well....

Strange and perhaps unfairly, but I do have hope, that all goes well.


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Listings will stay intact... I almost am surten it will not.

After all, they cannot keep the current site intact. Changes are happening already.

- Sorting is broken

- site becomes slower by the day

- double listings when you want to ad related

And now they insist nothing will break? 

Keep a chair free for me at that Psych.

Ps: I feel for those with large amount of listings. I still am lucky with my roughly 130 items.

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Josh Susanto wrote:

The people who need a shrink are those who really believe this deployment will solve even half as many problems as it will create. 


and as an aside, in-world search continues to malfunction as planned.  If you're looking to shop at an in-world store, best go to Market Place and get their LM there.  If you type the name of a store exactly as it is spelled in the all or general category f search, it won't come up.  It doesn't matter if that store is listed under classifieds or not.  

WTG, LL, You continue to meet all of our expectations of failure.

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hi BellaDonna -

if you're relying on your SL sales for income, I would suggest getting a part-time job asap, and always have a sideline in the background that you can ramp up for income when they tweak things that cause us to have to start all over again.

the financial loss burden on top of the time burden really takes a toll (just reminiscing fondly over the last year and a half) so having a back-up that is easy to work into action on a week's notice works wonders for your frame of mind, plus you are not under so much pressure to adapt overnight, and can take it at your own speed.

it seems as though the processes are becoming more technologically difficult, and requires hours of studying, and knowing major tech lingo to get going again.  When an online sales venue tweaks their format, usually you just wake up the next day, and your page looks different, you get used to it, and you don't have to reformat your whole business. (not the case here)

I do believe that one day in the future, your hard work and processes that you learned will have a major pay off in the virtual world, and believe it is worth hanging on, even if you have to keep it as a sideline until that day arrives.

hang in there.  it's really scary for those of us who do not understand all the tech lingo and processes, and who do not have the time to study forum posts all day long.  seems like those years of learning and hard work are going to go down the drain....but maybe not!

You are not alone.  :)

I'm not really sure if you can "play" and do business here at the same time anymore.  Not if you have stuff going on in the physical world.  Based on all we've had to adapt to over the last year....not sure how anyone can pull that off.  A "play" break works wonders though!  just hard to do both.

speaking of which....

(thank you forum ladies for my little play break vacation - it worked wonders :)  appreciate that forum effort)


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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:


It seems as though the processes are becoming more technologically difficult, and requires hours of studying, and knowing major tech lingo to get going again.  When an online sales venue tweaks their format, usually you just wake up the next day, and your page looks different, you get used to it, and you don't have to reformat your whole business. (not the case here)

I do believe that one day in the future, your hard work and processes that you learned will have a major pay off in the virtual world, and believe it is worth hanging on, even if you have to keep it as a sideline until that day arrives.

hang in there.  it's really scary for those of us who do not understand all the tech lingo and processes, and who do not have the time to study forum posts all day long.  seems like those years of learning and hard work are going to go down the drain....but maybe not!

You are not alone. 

I'm not really sure if you can "play" and do business here at the same time anymore.  Not if you have stuff going on in the physical world.  Based on all we've had to adapt to over the last year....not sure how anyone can pull that off.  A "play" break works wonders though!  just hard to do both.

speaking of which....

(thank you forum ladies for my little play break vacation - it worked wonders
  appreciate that forum effort)


The ability to understand the rapid changes is growing increasingly difficult for me. For merchants, and this can be changes to Market Place, our viewers, Mesh, and LL's policy changes, is a fulltime endevour. Indeed, one must spend a great deal of time trying to stay abreast. I used to be very fast learning changes, but now, it seems there's always some nugget of information left out that ties it all together, and yet everyone else seems to understand. I think even if you do undestand tech talk, the changes in SL are going over a lot of heads (mine). 90% Maybe more, have no clue to the changes. 

Few of the people I know in SL have ever logged onto their dashboard, or never read a forum.

The hardest part for me personally is trying to find information as to what changes are happening, and how to prepare. Much of what we learn is vague, and cause for speculation.


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Faye, same difficulties just trying to create a new avatar.  Had to research just to get out of the cloud phase, and the instructions came from other customers, mostly.  And not one definite answer, just a list of things to try.  Most are not going to attempt that.

Many years ago, you could tell a physical world friend to just log into the main page, grab an avatar, and meet you on the beach in five minutes - you tp them from the welcome center, 5 minutes of instruction, and they are good-to-go.  I dread trying to get someone in here, now. 

We asked how to prepare many months ago, and it was not clear.  Most information came from customers, and it was conflicting.  So you really did not miss anything.  We were told basically (if I recall correctly) that if we wanted advance preparation, then we had to become a beta tester.


I'm not a beta tester, I'm someone who had a rockin' business in place, before they kept punchin' buttons here and there.  As are others.

If I had the luxury of beta testing time to donate, I would go do it for a company that has marketing in place, and offers some perks.

I don't think there is anything you can do to prepare, except to prepare for down time.  I suppose timing is ok, unless you busted out a bunch of easter stuff.  And people probably learned their lesson on that, on Valentine's day.

Some will say they are making it work, but I suspect that they have the whole day to play around with it.  Using your own business time to help a company roll out a new feature, or pacify the crowds during a feature glitch... ain't exactly "optimum" use of business time.  Neither is working a 14 hour day in a venue that is basically a beta test.

I don't think that we should have to become computer programmers to sell stuff.  None of the other sites require that.  Someone here called me lazy a few times, because I won't study the jiras and wikis and learn lingo.  Why would you do that, when you could plug into something else that is ready to go?  and offers perks in addition?  That's not my problem or your problem - that's the site's problem. 

There is an arrogance about that,  assuming your customer is going to jump through hoops, and adapt to anything.  Seems to be working, though.  Fascinating business model to watch.  :)






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Re-allocated some time that would have been spent doing icky things like beta testing and Jira's and applied it to learning guitar in RL.

Besides, I never could get a Jira to carry a tune.

Of course that led to finding an idea for a guitar related product, which seems to be a winner thus far.

I can list that nifty product and move onto other things, without being engineered to believe that contributing free labor besides commission makes me "community".

Spring appears to be coming early this year which means more yard work time, besides tending those other baskets.

Conversation with my neighbor today .....

Me: What a nice day, this first life thing isn't so bad.

Them: Huh?

Me: You don't want to know.

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If Apple were to manage something like this DD deployment we'd barely notice the system change. If we did notice anything happened... we'd still be delighted. Please Linden Lab take a page from how companies like Apple do things & don't dump needless work on all of us resulting from an awkward implementation.

It's not about keeping psychotherapists employed really :catlol: Since there is many options for any designer, we enjoy freedom from restriction. So it becomes all about keeping the designer engaged.

It's possible to do things always in a smoothly operating fashion, letting designers just do their work & respect their time. Partners which do provide such gain the majority of our design cycles as contributions to their platforms.

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