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Deploys for the week of 2012-01-16

Oskar Linden

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LL had a vacation today, but we will be back early in the morning with a Tuesday release. Wednesday will get the code that was delayed last week.
Second Life Server (main channel)
This has just one bug fix.
  • SVC-7540 Offline email notifications received but never delivered on login.


Second Life RC BlueSteel
This is the main-server project that has had a few hiccups the last few times that we've tried to release it. 

  • Features
  • New LSL function integer llSetRegionPos(vector position)
    The object with the script will move the root prim position to the given location. The position is any position within the region. If the position is below ground, it will be set to the ground level at that X,Y spot. The function has no delay or throttle.
    • Returns 1 if the object is successfully placed within 0.1 m of position.
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if position is more than 10m off region or above 4096m.
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if the object is dynamic (has physics enabled).
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if the object can not move to position due to object entry rules, prim limits, bans, etc.
  • "frame_number" option added to llGetEnv()
    Returns an integer that represents the current 'frame' of the simulator. Generally only useful for specific debugging cases.
  • Bug Fixes
    • SVC-7466 A notecard holds more data than a script can read
    • SVC-7520 Keyframe motion doesn't move towards the correct position when specified time is not an exact multiple of 1/45 seconds
    • SVC-7485 llSetKeyframedMotion cannot stop animation if none is running ... sounds less important than it is ...
    • SVC-7493 Weird mesh land impact issue
    • Fixed several simulator crash bugs and potential memory leaks.
    • Fixed a notecard crashing bug.


Second Life RC LeTigre

This is the same code that is on BlueSteel.



Second Life RC Magnum
The code in this channel has a script crashing bug and was rolled forward to match the code in the other RC channels.


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. ( https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
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MB Robonaught wrote:

kinda scary isn't it?

However I'd like to let you know the reply page is down for IE explorer users and I had to use firefox

Lithium is on drugs again.  There are known issues afflicting the Forums right now:


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Well, I haven't seen any issues so far on LeTigre...but taking my issues in hammering at these forums until I get in, most folks probably give up and go away mumbling.

There is a problem for IE Explorer users in getting into any of the Secondlife forums to  post...and it has been going on for quite a while now...it is taking Linden Labs' contractor far too long to sort it out.  Could someone at the Lab please kick them up the butt?  It is restricting those of us who actually wish to give the Lab coherent info!

PS I notice the JIRA works OK.


PS: I do finally get in on IE but it takes me several tries and usually a few twists and tricks to actually post!

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Well, by Cincia's definition I am evil, and to be honest I don't care.  I've tried various browsers, Firefox is OK Chrome is downright dangerous and Safari s****.

I happen to like IE9, and it has no more warts than the others, it just happens to be made by the Evil Empire, so it has different ones:smileywink:.


As I said if I try hard enough, I get in (tautology), but we shouldn't have to try so hard and I'm damned if I'll be told which browser I should use!:smileymad:

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Oskar Linden wrote:

Oskar Linden wrote:

How many of you still use Internet Explorer? :matte-motes-agape:


I now realize how silly that question is if IE users cannot post comments. X-D Sorry. :robotlol:


That was almost as dangerous a question as how many of us use the Official Viewer.  :D

Well, almost.  I gather LL has those figures.  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Yes I must admit that IE9 does seem to have a lot of compatability issues...but Chrome fought with my antivirus so badly it nearly wrecked my PC!  I had to uninstall it in the end.

In all my other applications IE9 seems to work fine..it's just logging into the community pages at secondlife.com that seems to be problematic.:smileyfrustrated:


As to being "pure and angelic"...Hmm I'd need to work at that!:smileyvery-happy:

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I have a data collection bot that most of the time just sits and does nothing. Since yesterday's roll the amount of data being xferred to and from SL from him has almost quadrupled. Again, that is with him just sitting alone, high in the sky, doing nothing.

Anything on your end that could explain that, Oskar?


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Triple Peccable wrote:

I have a data collection bot that most of the time just sits and does nothing. Since yesterday's roll the amount of data being xferred to and from SL from him has almost quadrupled. Again, that is with him just sitting alone, high in the sky, doing nothing.

Anything on your end that could explain that, Oskar?


that's hard to say Triple. What region? Send me a copy of the script in world.

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As Jim Lovell once almost said: "We may have a problem"


If an avatar types anything in local chat while sat on a poseball, the av then "floats" above the poseball still in the animation or pose.  The av must stand and resit in order to restore the pose.

If the av is force-sat then a relog similarly restores the pose.

Region is Woods of Heaven  on LeTigre.


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MB Robonaught wrote:

Noticed a problem of sorts on the magnum sim I have. Some residents are not able to get text chat from some objects or avi's yet pick it up fine from others. Various viewers were used and it acts like a mute problem being auto set.

If you guys can narrow it down a little further. See if you can get it to replicate on the sandboxes. Make sure it wpn't replicate on main channel. Then we can figure out where the issue is.



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